


400 Fulani across Nigeria convert to Christianity, 7 ordained as Pastors, Reverends

More than 400 persons of Fulani ethnicity across the country have converted to Christianity.

Rev. Copper Sebok in charge of COCIN Church Panyam, Plateau State, made the disclosure on Sunday at the end of a 3-day conference organised for all Fulani converts of all denominations nationwide.

He urged the converts to preach the gospel of peace to their kindred in order to reduce the prevailing crises in the country.

Sebok said: “The conference is also a re-union service for all Fulani converts regardless of their denominations and to share experiences and encourage one another in the propagation of the gospel of peace.

“It is a concept of COCIN 43 years ago, and to debunk the notion that Fulani’s are nomadic and can’t be reached with the gospel of Christ.’’

In his sermon, the cleric said man must have compassion on the unsaved to draw them to Christ for eternal salvation.

He decried the level of crises in Nigeria which usually resulted to loss of lives and property, adding that Nigerians must embrace peace for the progress and development of the nation.

Rev. Hassan Mohammed, who spoke on behalf of the converts, expressed gratitude to God for giving them a new lease of life as Christians.

He disclosed that the conference was an eye opener for them to go and proclaim the gospel not only to their kindred but to all nations.

“We have a total of seven Fulani people ordained Reverends beside other Pastors and Evangelists and we are doing our best to enlighten our brothers and sisters about Christianity”.

He thanked the organizers of the conference and appealed to both Christians and Muslim to continue to pray for the peace of the country.
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  1. Religion of confusion.

    *Why Islam and not other religions?*

    1-islam gives logical and simple idea for God - he is A perfect God - he is not a man nor a son of man nor an Idol or a trinity nor limited nor created - he is totally unique and to him belongs all the good qualities

    2-Islam accepts all messengers of God -- about 124 0000 and in Islam, we love all the prophet of God and we can’t deny any of them - while in other religions such as Judaism for example - they reject Jesus and Mohammed -- and in Christianity they reject Muhammad ... but in Islam, we accept all .

    3-in Islam, there is no mediator between you and God -- you can pray to God directly - there is no need for someone in between...

    4- Islam is the Only religion that is Not named after a person or a tribe or a group, its name means submission to the One True God, if anyone anywhere at any time lived the life of submission to the true God alone , then he is a Muslim.

    5- In Islam (worship) is not about mere rituals. it's a comprehensive term that includes any deed that pleases God. All good deeds are types of worship, smiling, being sincere at work, saying a nice word, and even treating one's spouse gently, all this is greatly rewarded by God. And in the opposite any deed that doesn't please God is a sin; talking bad about people is a sin, cheating, lying, hurting innocent people, harming the environment.

    6-in Islam God is always forgiving - if you always repent (before death ) he will just accept you no matter how great sins you did >he forgive us out of his own grace - there is no price to be paid in order for him to forgive > so it's not like Christianity which says that God can't forgive except by blood of Jesus ..

    7-Islam is a way of life – it organises each aspect in your life.. it has solutions and divine guidelines to problems in your life .

    8--the sources of Islam also was collected and saved is also amazing -- it never happen to any book in history --- it's through the uncut chain of known narrators which date to prophet time ... besides the millions who memorised it from cover to cover since that time up till today - besides being documented in front of the prophet by known companions!

    9-Islam prohibits blind following without knowledge and it invite us to use our brains to know truth, it is based on evidence and logic. The rational mind is the basis for religious accountability and responsibility.

    10-the moral system of Islam is v high and perfect and thus the countries that apply Islamic laws in a proper way -- they have less moral crimes.

    11-You won't lose Jesus if you accept Islam, but you will just correct your belief in him , In Islam, Jesus stands a good position in Islam as one of the messengers of God together with other messengers.. they were all special and they were all humans like us-- none of them must be worshiped -- we only worship God who sent them . we believe that Jesus was a noble Messenger of God but not divine,,,, we love Jesus and obey his true teachings and pray like him , fast like him , and a person won't lose Jesus if he accepts Islam -- but you will just correct his belief about him

    12- Paradise in Islam is a real physical life for both Body and soul, you will go there , eating drinking marrying and meeting with prophets and having wonderful eternally unlike in other religions which they think its only spiritual life .

  2. There is only one God but different names...for those that wins soul keep it up.

  3. Rubbish, Islam teaches nothing but violence, see you,is that what they thought you? That they make merriments in heaven like drinking and womanizing no wonder Islam believe if u kill for Allah,and die 7virgins awaits you in heaven...hmmmm you guys follow religion blindly..
    JESUS lives a righteous life and did many signs and wonder's and was a true son of God sent from heaven, came and died for you and me to live.

    The earlier you accept him as your personal lord and savior the better for u

  4. So, why is there crisis in virtually every region where you have Islam in the world? It is either you have a brutal authoritarian regime or you have terrorising people in every Islamic society. You say you don't regard any messanger but what about Mohammed? Muslims can kill anyone that expresses any negative opinion about Mohammed and you say you preach peace and regards to intermediary. Na wa oh.

  5. With the admittance of 400 Fulani’s, the final phase of the destruction of the church has begun. Christians and the Church be warned.

    1. Instead of praising God that 400 killers have been saved, you are prophesying doom. It is your type that flogged Jesus while he carried his cross.

    2. By God's grace, the Church is marching on and the gates of hell can't prevail against it IJN. Those are the words of Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord. So, be at rest for He is in control and don't be fearful. Be blessed IJN. As usual, RADEO 05022017 @ 4:45am.

  6. 11:53pm iconcor to your opinion. They want to phase out christains in that state. They want to be closer and know your secrets. pls be warned.

    1. Now y'all are just being paranoid. So if a Muslim approaches you and asks you to teach him about Jesus, you will drive him away saying he wants to spy on Christians. Wow.... Is there no balm in Gilead??? May God help us.

  7. good, very good to hear and thank God the media was man enough to say it, its always the other way round.

  8. God bless all the missionaries that walked the talk and made this happen. Your crowns are reserved in heaven. If you are a Muslim reading this message please search John 3:16 on Google and read it with understanding. God bless you. And of course there is only one God, but he does not require us to kill for him because he can always do that himself. Rather he requires us to save men for him because he gave men freewill to choose who they will follow and he does not want to tamper with it so that is why we preach in order that men know the truth which shall set the free.


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