


TB Joshua's' terrifying prophecy that shook Ghana

By Ihechukwu Njoku,

On Sunday 10th April 2016, Nigerian 'Prophet' T.B. Joshua warned the nation of Ghana of an impending foreign terrorist attack, prompting a furious storm of reactions nationwide.

"Pray for these two nations - Nigeria and Ghana," the cleric said near the end of his service at The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN), broadcast live on the popular Christian television network Emmanuel TV.

"I am seeing an attack. It will be in a foreign way that the attack will come, not a local way. Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday, pray for these two nations for protection against [a] foreign attack that will happen in any gathering."

Joshua described it as "a battle between the Holy Spirit and evil spirits", calling for the country to be alert throughout the entire month.

Within hours of Joshua's prediction, a clip hurriedly uploaded to YouTube by a viewer began spreading on social media.

Football star Asamoah Gyan was among the first to share the clip with his Twitter followers, as did star actor John Dumelo to his over three million fans on Facebook.

By Monday, tension was so rife in the country that the Ghanaian police force were forced to address the public and call for calm.

Ghana police letter
"The Ghana Police Service wishes to urge the general public to remain calm in the wake of the terrorist attack prophecy by the founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nations, Prophet T.B. Joshua," read the letter circulated nationwide.

"We lose nothing by taking T.B. Joshua's prophecy seriously," summed up Supt. Cephas Arthur, the Director of Police Public Relations in Ghana.

Pastors and politicians alike were quick to comment on the prophecy, as Ghanaian news channels replayed the clip and newspapers posted the warning on its front pages.

Joshua was commended and condemned with almost equal ferocity, some suggesting he should be 'arrested' for stirring up public panic with such 'doomsday predictions' and others calling for President John Mahama to invite him to lead a national prayer session.

Evidently anticipating the reactions that would emerge, Joshua had addressed his proficiency to give 'negative' predictions earlier in the same service. "You would expect me to say every good thing but 99% of words from God to you are warnings," the cleric revealed, explaining that his reason for making such a revelation public was to intensify prayers.

"I believe that two believers are better than one. If I say this [prophecy] to you, you should join me in prayer but instead – you attack me, turn the words upside down and incite people against T.B. Joshua," he added.

The cleric was perhaps alluding to the President of Malawi, Peter Mutharika, who publicly accused Joshua of being a 'fake prophet' after misinterpreting one of his predictions earlier this year to mean his death was imminent.

In other predictions, Joshua reiterated a message he gave earlier this year about worldwide food-shortage, adding that the economic challenges would only worsen, leading to further 'insecurity'.

"Since I was born, I have never seen the situation like this all over the world," he bluntly stated. "If every country came out to tell their citizens the truth, it's better so that they can be prepared. You have to cut your coat according to your size. What you have now - manage it. What you are expecting - don't put much hope on it."

Joshua warned Nigeria that the era of reliance on oil was near an end. "The world will discover mineral resources better than oil and more valuable," he stated, echoing a call he has made frequently over the years to invest heavily in agriculture.

The reaction to Joshua's prediction within Ghana highlights the rife fears of terrorism among citizens, especially after attacks in neighbouring countries Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso in 2016.

It also adds credence to Joshua's reputation as one of Africa's most influential voices, his few words in a church service in a different country provoking frenzy throughout an entire nation.

Joshua's visit to Tanzania last year evoked a similar nationwide furor, his close relationship with the new President John Magufuli making newspaper headlines across the country.
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  1. FOOls will ignore this or scream foul. Some ignorant Africans can still remember ISIS bombings in Morocco and Mali. To be warned and prepared is more sensible than stupid comments...

  2. 1 John 4:1
    Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. The above scripture by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit is very crucial nowadays with the commonness of global crisis.If you study the Bible, you'll see that these crises mark the end of time. Essentially, these prophecies in the WORD of God do not preclude global crises, rather they beam caution light for humankind to change their wicked ways and seek God for salvation;on the other hand they also encourage those who are walking with God to hold the fort. In the light of this,it is necessary to give some keys to identify false prophecies and prophets.
    #First and foremost ask yourself why would someone see a vision and enjoin people to pray yet after the 'prayers' the evil is not averted? Does it glorify God or the so called PROPHET? Why does a prophecy come in the first place if it does not proffer solution to the problem?
    #Psalm 29:11
    The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace.
    #We have 365 days in a year and for each day,there is a FEAR NOT from God.Therefore,anything that causes FEAR is not from God.
    #FEAR is a torment and a cheap tool in the hands of the devil to steer people to Him for solution of the same problems he creates.
    # it is worthy to note that the devil afflicts people and when any of his servants appeases him on the behalf of the afflicted,he relieves the victim temporarily or give them another affliction.OBSERVE THIS PATTERN! So for those that think that all miracles are from God,please, think twice!
    Matthew 7:22-3
    #Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?'
    Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'
    # It is crucially important to do a background check of the character and integrity of the prophet with unbiased intention before you receive him because many have lost their property, loved ones even lives to fictitious prophets notably in poverty stricken regions(lack of knowledge is the mother of poverty). They use schemes and hypnosis to cage their followers. HOW CAN YOU GET HELP FROM GOD?#Anyone who seeks God unhypocritically will be found of him.Jesus is the only Way. His true servants point you to Him. They don't seek attention.
    #It is impossible to find God or live a peaceful life if we do not agree with his terms.This is one of the reasons people patronise the so called prophets:They seek solution from God but they do not want his ways.
    # Native doctors and chalatans are rebranding to appeal to people even the very elects of God are not immune to DECEPTIONS. MIND WHAT YOU HEAR! KNOW MEN BEFORE YOU THINK YOU KNOW THEM. PEACE.CHRIS IKECHI.

    1. Ok Sir, well spoken. Who on earth to you then are the specific true prophets,or do you mean true prophets are long gone, and why should we believe you? because you sir as well should give solution. what does it mean by "a true prophet is known when his word come true"? prophesies come to enlighten us, whether with favorable or unfavorable insights.
      And just in case you have discerned by the Holy Spirit that prophet T.B Joshua is not a true prophet, say it out rightly so that nobody comes to steal the show to seem true against the other.
      Thank you


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