


How to Be a Clueless President, By Femi Aribisala

In six years of Goodluck Jonathan’s presidency, the opposition told us again and again the man was “clueless.” It made sure the tag stuck to him like glue. But now we have a new sheriff in town, with the APC claiming to be better at everything than the PDP. While that might still be subject to debate, there is overwhelming evidence that in the cluelessness department, the PDP is certainly no match for the APC.

Here is a compendium from the APC textbook of cluelessness, provided within barely one year in office. If you want to know how to be a clueless president, this is the APC blueprint.

Blame Game

Instead of giving Nigerians the change you championed, give them excuses. Blame Goodluck Jonathan for everything, including the harmattan. Whenever you make a blunder, pass the buck to the former president. If there is petrol shortage, blame it on Goodluck Jonathan. If the budget is dead on arrival, blame it on Goodluck Jonathan.

In the middle of an economic crisis, promise to provide Nigerians with free education; free meals daily for millions of Nigerian public school-children; free tertiary education; free health-care and free houses. Facing a drastic drop in Nigeria’s income, declare you will be giving grants of $1.5 billion a year to Nigeria’s poor. When you fail to deliver on any on these highfalutin promises, blame it quickly on Goodluck Jonathan.


Forget the name of you vice-presidential running-mate. Call him Yemi Osunbade instead of Yemi Osinbajo. Tell President Obama the name of your political party is the All Nigeria’s Peoples’ Congress when it is All Progressives Congress. Call your party on CNN the All Progressives Confidence.

Tell Al Jazeera INEC means Independent Nigerian Electoral Commission instead of Independent National Electoral Commission. Even though West Germany ceased to exist in 1999 and the current German president is Joachim Gauck, refer to German Chancellor, Angela Merkel as “President Michelle of West Germany.”

Destroy INEC by turning it into a National Commission for Inconclusive Elections. Go to the United Nations and give rousing speech about fighting Boko Haram, then fail to attend the crucial meeting on Boko Haram at the same U.N. session. Tell the Americans the Chibok girls were abducted from their “hotels” instead of their “hostels.”

Tell Nigerians there is nothing like petroleum subsidy. Then as president, announce the removal of the non-existent petroleum subsidy. Claim Jonathan diverted $700 million from the $1.1 billion Chinese loan for the Lagos/Kano rail project when only $400 million was earmarked for Lagos/Kano rail. Announce that foreign exchange can now be paid into domiciliary accounts without specifying if depositors will be allowed to withdraw them.

Anti-corruption rigmarole

Declare that you will kill corruption in Nigeria while being surrounded and bankrolled by corrupt politicians. Then invite those with corruption allegations hanging over their heads into your cabinet. Maintain: “Jonathan’s ministers stole 150 billion dollars.” But fail to prosecute them for stealing $150 billion. Tell Nigerians $2.5 billion was stolen by the PDP through Dasukigate, but charge people to court for stealing no more than $100 million.

Believe that trying members of the PDP for corruption on the pages of newspapers amounts to waging a serious war on corruption and is a substitute for national economic policy. Say: “We cannot build an economy where corruption is the working capital.” Then declare to no effect that recovered stolen monies will be used to revamp the national economy.

Insist Abacha never stole any money, and then probe the PDP for the mismanagement of the non-existent Abacha loot recovered from abroad. Fail to recognise that with the official exchange-rate at N198 to $1, while the parallel market rate is $305 to $1, you have created the widest parallel market margin ever recorded in Nigeria’s history of Nigeria and laid the foundation for widespread corruption in the banks.

Accuse the opposition of using public funds to finance its election campaign, but fail to disclose where you got the money to finance your own very expensive election campaign. Claim to be so cash-strapped, you had to borrow N27.5 million to pay for the presidential nomination papers of your party; then state in your assets declaration that you have N30 million in your bank account. Commend INEC for running the ostensibly free and fair election that brought you to power; then challenge in court every election conducted by the same INEC that your party lost.


Claim you inherited an empty treasury in spite of the over $30 billion left in our foreign reserves. Say you met no money in the treasury, then spend N2.2 billion on a four-day junket to the U.S. with no agenda and with nothing achieved.

Say: the federal government of Nigeria is: “the biggest Boko Haram.” Then become the head of the federal government of Nigeria. Declare grandiloquently: “I belong to everybody and I belong to nobody.” Then say: “The constituents (that) gave me 97 percent cannot in all honesty be treated on some issues with constituencies that gave me 5 percent.” Say you belong to everybody but ensure that your personal aides are virtually all Northerners.

Say: “I bear no ill will against anyone on past events. Nobody should fear anything from me. We are not after anyone.” “There will be no paying off old scores. The past is prologue.” Then send EFCC dogs after Elder Godsday Erubebe.

Say: “I pledge myself and the government to the rule of law, in which none shall be so above the law that they are not subject to its dictates, and none shall be so below it that they are not availed of its protection.” Then seek to replace the rule of law with the rule of fear. Go on national television and tell Nigerians you will not be obeying the courts in the cases of Dasuki and Kanu. Interfere in the judicial process by publicly declaring your enemies guilty without trial.

Tell Christiane Amanpour on CNN that you will defeat Boko Haram within two months if elected. Then say you did not say so. Declare that you will defeat Boko Haram by the end of December 2015, then say you only meant to defeat it “technically” after it unleashes mayhem on Maiduguri while you were busy celebrating its fictional defeat.

Say: “Boko Haram is a typical example of small fires causing large fires. An eccentric and unorthodox preacher with a tiny following was given posthumous fame and following by his extra judicial murder at the hands of the police.” Then send troops to massacre hundreds of Shiites in Zaria. Involve Nigeria in a Middle Eastern regional struggle between Saudi Arabia and Iran by joining the Saudi led anti-terrorist coalition. Open the door for wider terrorist attacks on Nigeria by killing Shi’ites in the North while the Saudis execute Shi’ite mullahs and prisoners in Saudi Arabia.

Prosecute avoidable wars on several home-fronts: against Boko Haramites in the North-East; Shi’ites in the North-West; Biafrans in the South-East; and Niger Deltans in the South-South.

Nonsensical policies

Grind the country to a halt by making yourself Sole Administrator of Nigeria for six months. Squander your vital first 100 days in office doing absolutely nothing; while receiving cheers as “Baba Go-Slow.” Present “body language” as a substitute for policy. Ensure that over N5 trillion is wiped off the Nigerian Stock Exchange within six months of your coming to office.

Promise: “I will stabilise global oil price.” Then watch as the oil price tumbles from $50 to $28 within eight months of your presidency. Also ball-watch as the naira tumbles to a record-breaking N305 to one dollar.

Declare when the country is broke: “I will provide one meal a day for children in public primary schools.” “I will make direct cash transfer of 5,000 naira to the 25 million poorest and most vulnerable citizens.” Propose through your Minister of Science Fiction to create 3.4 million jobs in Nigeria in 2016 through the production of pencils. Plan to have 365 cultural festivals 365 days a year under your Ministry of Culture.

Shout “chanji, chanji” while a large chunk of your party-members are turncoats from the same PDP that ruled the country for the last 16 years. Refer to ministers as noisemakers then establish a Cabinet of ministers. Take six months to choose a cabinet then come out with old cargoes. Tell Nigerians you delayed appointing ministers because you were looking for saints and angels, then appoint many known devils. Say: “The corrupt will not be appointed into my administration.” Then appoint those with corruption allegations hanging over their heads.

Delight in putting square pegs in round holes. Make Kayode Fayemi, who has a Ph.D. in War Studies, Minister for Solid Minerals instead of Minister of Foreign Affairs. Make Professor Anthony Anwukah, a professor of Education and a former vice-chancellor a Junior Minister to a journalist, Adamu Adamu, in the Ministry of Education. Make Solomon Dalong, a former Assistant Inspector of Prisons the Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports. Make Muhammadu Bello, who headed the National Hajj Commission for eight years, FCT Minister.


Propose a N6 trillion budget in 2016 for a nation that failed to meet revenue estimates of N4 trillion in 2015. Predicate this on borrowing N2.2 trillion, which requires N1.2 billion daily to service.

Benchmark your budget on the price of oil being $38 in 2016, making it dead on arrival with the oil price falling to $28 within a fortnight of your budget presentation. Fail to anticipate that, once sanctions against Iran are lifted, the oil price will go further down as Iranian oil is added to the international oil glut. Allocate N40 billion to look for oil in the North-East in the middle of an oil glut when Nigeria needs to diversify from oil.

Within the framework of a drastic cut in Nigeria’s income, raise the budget for Aso Rock from N6.6 billion in 2015 to N18 billion in 2016. Earmark N3.6 billion for the purchase of several BMW saloon cars! Budget N1.75 billion for feeding in Aso Rock in 2016 when Jonathan only budgeted N530 million in 2015. Allocate only N29 billion to the Ministry of Agriculture, while earmarking N39 billion for the Ministry of Information and Culture.

Present the budget to the National Assembly without first scrutinising it. Present the budget with fanfare, then send someone to steal it from the National Assembly. Present the budget, then withdraw it after reading it. Remember this: when the budget fails, blame it on Goodluck Jonathan!
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  1. I know NE will not allow this article for long to avoid injuring its masters.

  2. Well spoken..a true definition of clueless. In all this write up, I found this piece more disturbing "Make Professor Anthony Anwukah, a professor of Education and a former vice-chancellor a Junior Minister to a journalist, Adamu Adamu, in the Ministry of Education" How clueless can such decision be.

    1. HUMAN BEING even blame JESUS when he was busy fighting for them for Salvation.
      Pharisees plotted Killing Him.
      It is Normal when someone is trying to reduce people Suffering yet u'll criticize him.
      Can u compare d level of corruption of d last administration to the present one?? Be sincere to ur self..

  3. Good Talk Mr. Femi Aribasal

  4. Uncle Femi, are you sure you are not paid to rubbish this government. You are absolutely one sided biased. To me, good governance is when you didn't allow the media hawks to intimidate you from doing the right thing.

    1. Are you okay ? Have you check your senses to know if something is wrong with you bcos with your comment,you are a fool at fourty and will always remain a fool forever......The writer has opened people's eyes and you here commenting rubbish...Just point out the what the writer wrote that is lie....

    2. Please don't waste your time on him. He is one of those that were caught up with sai baba syndrom.

  5. I think they said those who have grey hair most of the time are knowledgeable and wiser? The reverse is the case of some these modern day elders. Is it because of what they want to eat? May God save us in this country. Baba your time has expired. Why not think of what people will be telling your children? Your generation push us to where we are today, abi na lie? All these outdated condemnations and explanation are no longer tenable. You better go and return your own share of the looted fund before it is too late.

    1. Point out what he wrote that is lie and shut up your mouth forever.....Nigerian economy is in a standstill and you nobody cares about it...Your eyes will soon be open when you will see yourself begging on the street for a survival.

    2. Anonymous 2.42. Who is begging for survival now. Is it we that were liberated from the claws of YOU looters of our treasury, OR you that are running from pillar to post in order not to be mentioned. Your eyes will soon clear.

  6. Jobless monkey looking for attention

    1. Are u sure..u can tell the road from the bush...cos u heading for the bush

    2. It takes a monkey to know a monkey..

    3. Buhari's government is just a disaster. They hv only touched d life of d common man negatively. From increasing office of kerosene, to collecting N50 from Bank transaction, no answer to the Nigerian dwindling economy under der watch. This govt has no shame, it's a disgrace...

  7. You are saying the truth please tell us more , it is GEJ that cause it all, this country is grounded people are confused , company are folding up, bank sacking staffs, visafone sack all staff, chevero , shell etc are laying off their staff na GEJ. To be honest the present leader need a lot of prayer and work because is like they don't know what to do next. Oga, you have said it all they should do the right thing put right people in a right position and they should not think after all my salary is going on and forget the suffering one in this country. I pray for President Buhari that God will grant him direction in Jesus name amen! And everyone that have mind in his cabinet to destroyed this country God will cause them to make mistake on time so that this country will not be trap and held by crook one amen!

  8. Baba is trying but if he does not match with cautions and carefulness, his blames may superceed that of GEJ despites what we are seen now. Its the right thing to see and reason and then talk. Hmm... If any writer or respondent is a fool here then let us not forget that not all writers or listeners are fools.

  9. interesting read; The truth is bitter but must be swallowed for healing and cure.

  10. It is only people destined to be doomed that will fail to listen to the clear voice of a Prophet. You saw it coming and shouted it loud and clear but they ignored you call. You shouted it on top of mounting but they had ears but did not hear. Now you are still pointing it out but they have eyes but they do not see. Prophet may your days be long for us to learn from you. A dog destined to die will not hear the owners whistling. O to!

  11. Both Anonymous 12.32 and Cyril should objectively criticise Femi's contents where he has erred n not speak like illiterates or BUHARIMANIACS else keep silence n leave debates 4 people with Brains.

    1. @ umpire. We know your pay master. Nigerians are no longer blind folded with all sorts of lies.

    2. Leave paymaster matter and criticise if you have anything to say. If not shut up

  12. At least they're not claiming to be better in corruption.

  13. Oga mumu,nobody take u serious again,ur petty blackmailing is no impact on govt.

    1. This is no blackmail..this is truth, pls can u define wht a blackmail is?

  14. What is the problem with all this old fools in this country?

    1. Instead of name-calling, if you think you have any reasonable points against the ones made, please state them. It's been long observed that the empty heads and follow follow illiterates would simply cause in a discuss because they have nothing else to offer.

  15. I don't think the APC ever believed they will win the election, hence they did not prepare for governance. That's what has put us in the present confusion. The APC were rather preparing for 'the blood of baboons and monkeys' to be spilled. Unfortunately for them, Jonathan was wiser and allowed them have their way and so spared our nation much sorrow. God will reward him and deliver our nation. I still believe in divine interventions.

    1. Am sure they never prepared to govern...a party of angry and frustrated people

  16. Supporters of APC can't stand contrary views and criticism which they midwifed, and so must shout down , abuse and even arrest and prosecution any perceived enemies of change, but the voice of reason is always victorious at the end. Truth is light and it pierced every darkness.

    1. It's been long observed that the empty heads and follow follow illiterates would simply curse in a discuss because they have nothing else to offer.

  17. Well spoken, we pray God to c us tru successfully

  18. buhari is really a dullard from duara n cluessless

  19. Nobody says he lying BT dis guy has seen noting guy in I will nt concord with him...does he mean day pmb has done noting guy all his life? he mks himself so fake n cheap beds he has not lauded pmb for any gid

  20. Let them not forget that GEJ also caused their wives' inability to conceive. This government is just a government of propagander. Kowai.

  21. I will make 1$ to be 1# but 1$ is at 303# today, unemployment is increasing, lost of jobs, more coy folding up, diseases could not be curtailed, light is more worse, increase in Nepa bill, no water, increase Jettisoned and reduce fuel by. 50k while Fashola said"when oil price reduces den pump price should also be reduced by 50% but reversed is doing case now, Fashola said a govt dat could not fix light in 6mtjs is failed but here we are now. I rest my points for now. He dat has ear let him here wat do spirit is saying

  22. What do you expect from a product of quota system?

  23. Aaaaaaah!!!! I cannot laugh oh!!! Where is Mr.Lie ???? Things have fallen apart yakatah!!!....just few months to first year anniversary, lots of projects to commission, lots of achievements to celebrate... Well, as events are unfolding..

  24. Enter your comment...keep on compiling.

  25. if your brains are rot, take it to panel pitter to sand paper and panel pit it for you. cos if u have ur brain sane, u need not to depend on any stupid and non patriotic write-ups by fool at 40 that remained foolish but rather you will think urself and discover the good things being doing by the gvt. Aribisala is a corruption and fighting back pending the time he will be dancing the music by self as the nature will pose to him & co. so be wise, support a gvt that means well for Nigerians and if u are one of those that have looted our Treasuries, God Almighty will ensure ur total demolition and God will bless Nigeria.

    1. Instead of name-calling, if you think you have any reasonable points against the ones made, please state them. It's been long observed that the empty heads and follow follow illiterates would simply curse in a discuss because they have nothing else to offer.

  26. This man is yet to get over the loss of janadaft. Our old men have become morons.

    1. Instead of name-calling, if you think you have any reasonable points against the ones made, please state them. It's been long observed that the empty heads and follow follow illiterates would simply curse in a discuss because they have nothing else to offer.

  27. God of mercy on your hands will commit Nigeria, to say the fact, someone told me about uncle Femi's write up long ago but I've never paid any attention but now belief the man is good all what I will say is GMB should calmly look into all these and make necessary corrections and not allow his brothers who are too sentimental to spoil his government.Come to think of it, Senator Sani has been saying it also that he will not keep quiet because GMB is his brother Nigerians lets us pray for the country things are honestly getting tougher if the people in the government refuse to act now God will surely visit them in a strong way.Gob bless Nigeria.

  28. Femi Aribisala, your name will soon be mentioned for the money you received for Prayers for GEJ.....tell the whole world, Are you NOT a pastor of a failed church in VI?????

    1. Instead of name-calling, if you think you have any reasonable points against the ones made, please state them. It's been long observed that the empty heads and follow follow illiterates would simply curse in a discuss because they have nothing else to offer.

  29. what i believe we should hv appointed Buhari as EFCC chairman not as elected president. He lacks the quality of leadership in general. only perfect in corruption section.

  30. With the way things are going now, after Buhari is through with Nigeria in 4 years time, Nigeria will be long dead, buried and forgotten.....The thing no even give Obsanjo mouth again....he don run enter Ota close door.

  31. Has this man ever criticized any Jonathan policies when he was in power? Or find nothing wrong in all policies made by The previous government. I don't want to criticize this write up except that he find nothing good in this present government but as we know, even the worst government have something good apportioned to them. Lets us not quickly forget that the first assignment this government performed in the office was to borrow state governments money to pay salaries which was a carried over from the last administration.

  32. i know you words are clueless as a writer. Nigerians we can choose to be Blind,just selfish.lets wake up.

  33. Aribisala is trying to complete his 2015 paid advert so continue.
    Very soon you will xplain how part of the armsgate paid in to your fake company's account.
    Olisa Metusela did more than you are doing. Now where is Metusela. Did you see the bango in his wrists? Yours will be bigger and it will start from your neck to your ankle. See your face looking like baboon senior brother. Obo, omo noki.

    1. What u are saying is that anybody speaking against buhari should prepare to be jailed? This is 2016 not 1984. U guys should just get to work cos even during Abacha people critized him not to talk about in a democracy. If u are not careful the country will disintegrate the way buhari is handling issues with threats on anybody against him

    2. Instead of name-calling, if you think you have any reasonable points against the ones made, please state them. It's been long observed that the empty heads and follow follow illiterates would simply curse in a discuss because they have nothing else to offer.

  34. Yea! This man is a very record keeping and research schollar. This is the only way u can correct any government dt is going astray. It is not must that u will get to Abuja b4 speaking on national issue. I believe d people dt are involved wil real this and have rethink.

  35. Right from the beginning we saw these coming but those who were brainwashed never thought it will come to this. I'm not surprised because APC weren't ready to rule and their victory took them unaware and now you can see the consequences. CPC isn't dead and I see Buhari going back to its original party and leaving his APC compatriots behind. Let's face it, can we be able to endure all these failed promises and cluelessness from the part of this government till 2019? There's trouble and we need revolution to get our Country back in place. May God bless us all.

  36. God we implore You to come to our rescue. We are faced with a currency that is fast turning into the proverbial Idi Amin's currency but worse this currency is scarce whereas that of Uganda like the Biaftan currency was plentiful. Unemployment is an un-manned speed train running at full speed undeterred. Companies are folding up. Work done cannot be paid for. Yet we are bickering on partisanship. We need prayers for God to touch the leaders and make them stir this vehicle of nation from running off the cliff that clearly is now not far off. This is no time for partisan ship. It is time for prayers. The thousands of people Okorocha sacked in Imo voted for him. They did not vote to be sacked. Thousands of workers loosing their jobs or faced with loosing it did not vote to be pushed into unemployment market. We should pray rather than continue the blame game. The entire Nigeria politicians are all responsible for the crisis. It is not the fault of one group but the present government is yet to grasp the reality of what to do. Prayer is what Buhari needs. For God to touch him to stir the ship of state away from hiting the rock solid iceberg.

  37. It is a shame that none of you (idiots)saw reason for the revelation regarding arms deal.
    It is crystal clear that all of you that speaks in favour of last administration are closely related to those who took shares in the deal hence your fighting back is expected. The truth is that you are not in the majority. Majority of Nigerians are suffering out of the mismanagement of our common treasury. Hence forth you will all continue to fail till everlasting or else confess your sins and be forgiven. Then you are welcome to the change era.
    Check it out no sane Nigerians will ever vote for leaders that don't know the difference between stealing and corruption, I mean your father.

    1. Aside one-sided fight against Dasukigate, what else has your clueless father achieved?

  38. Though we know where we are coming from but, only God knows where we are heading to.

  39. So with all these facts some of you still think Aribesala is foolish. God help us then. It is obvious we deserve the kind of leaders we have.

  40. The APC Government is like the the proverbial man whose house caught fire and instead of quenching the fire and saving the properties decides to chase a rat that jumped out of the fire. we all accept that previuos regimes made mistakes, but must the country be grounded on this account. There more corrupt countries in the world today which are mananging to moved their poors out of poverty, Indonesia is an example, they did not need the noise making and publicity and propaganda. the 2016 budget of the present government is already predicated on corruption; i mean 500 billion for school feeding when the need of infrastural development is greater. if you must know , they want to use school children as cover to steal and loot and party, yet we are fighting corruption. and the economy s collapsing over our head. Ochuko take note.


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