


Why Lai Mohammed must be fired - Femi Aribisala

Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf was the Minister of Information in the dying days of Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq. Nicknamed “Comical Ali” by British tabloids, al-Sahaf made a fool of himself during the Iraqi war by constantly fabricating victories of the Iraqi army, even as territory after territory fell to the American-led allied forces.

Lai Mohammed
What was so ridiculous about him was that his lies were so blatant, only fools could believe them. Even when American tanks rolled into Baghdad, Comical Ali declared: “There is no presence of the American columns in the city of Baghdad at all. We besieged them and we killed most of them. Today, the tide has turned. We are destroying them. The Americans are going to surrender or be burned in their tanks.”

Comical Lai
Lai Mohammed, Nigeria’s Minister of Information and Culture, is Nigeria’s home-grown “Comical Ali.” It would not be unfair to fashion him as “the Minister of FABU.” Barely two months of assuming office, Mohammed has established himself as an instrument of cheap propaganda and disinformation. On internet blogs today, he is now generally referred to by his traducers as “Liar Mohammed.” Without a doubt, he has earned this sobriquet by his penchant to be extremely economical with the truth.

Lai Mohammed’s tall tales have now reached epidemic proportions. It is a contradiction in terms that a government that claims to be anti-corruption, and a president that boasts to be a man of integrity, should have a “Comical Ali” as its face and spokesman. It is doubtful that Mohammed can stop being himself. However, if President Buhari is interested in redeeming his now battered image, he needs to admit he made a big error of judgment in appointing Mohammed as a minister.

Lai Mohammed must be fired immediately. Barring which, the only honourable thing left for the Honourable Minister to do is to resign. A Minister of Information should not be allowed to become a Minister of Misinformation.

Fictitious Victory
On 23 December, 2015, Mohammed told a meeting of editorial heads of media houses in Lagos that the Nigerian military has met President Buhari’s deadline to defeat Boko Haram before 31 December, 2015.

Said Mohammed: “Today, I can report that the war against Boko Haram is largely won. Today, I can report to you that the entire 70 plus kilometres stretch from Maiduguri to Bama and all the way to Banki which leads to Cameroun and the Central African Republic are in the hands of our gallant troops. They have so degraded the capacity of Boko Haram that the terrorists can no longer hold on to any territory just as they can no longer carry out any spectacular attack.”

Rather than call his minister to order, President Buhari backed him up in the bid to white-wash the gaffe of predicting Boko Haram would be defeated before the end of the year. He told the BBC: “Boko Haram has reverted to using improvised explosive devices. They have now been reduced to that. But articulated conventional attacks on centres of communication and populations.. they are no longer capable of doing that effectively. So I think technically we have won the war because people are going back into their neighbourhoods. Boko Haram as an organised fighting force, I assure you, that we have dealt with them.”

The president conveniently forgot he had said at his inaugural address that: “We cannot claim to have defeated Boko Haram without rescuing the Chibok girls and all other innocent persons held hostage by insurgents.” We have heard nothing about the Chibok girls. Nevertheless, the president now says Boko Haram has been technically defeated. Are we therefore to conclude that the Chibok girls have also been technically rescued?

Boko Haram response
The victory declarations of Lai Mohammed and President Buhari turned out not only to be palpably false, but outrightly dangerous. Just two days after Mohammed’s declaration, the Boko Haram who he says “can no longer carry out any spectacular attack” attacked Kimba in Borno State. They killed 14 hapless people and razed the village to the ground. According to eye-witness reports, “not a single house was spared in the arson.”

One day later, a coordinated fighting unit of Boko Haram infantry attacked Maiduguri. They came in a military convoy, precisely the manner the president boasted is now impossible. They then dug in for a pitched battle against the Nigerian army. Thereafter, two female suicide-bombers detonated explosives in the Jiddari area of Maiduguri, with casualty figures yet to be determined.

There is no doubt these attacks were direct responses to APC’s vain propaganda. Boko Haram decided to give the lie to the bombastic statements that it has been defeated either technically or in actuality. To drive home the point beyond reasonable doubt, the insurgents chose to attack Maiduguri, the very command and control epicentre of Nigeria’s military operations in the North-east.

Clearly, the defeat of Boko Haram only exists as figments in the imaginations of APC propagandists. Having won the election by manipulating the press, they now seek to govern by employing a cacophony of jobless youth whose charge is to post “SAI Buhari” comments on as many internet blogs as possible. They also have the mandate to attack anyone who refuses to buy the many-splendored FABUS of the APC government.
APC’s bogus propaganda is partly responsible for the deaths and destruction in Kimba, Aladuwari and Maiduguri, the full extent of which are yet to be determined. The false victory procession of APC chieftains provoked the Boko Haram to contradict them at the cost of Nigerian lives. It is way too early to call for the impeachment of Mr. President. But it is high time to call for the retirement of Lai Mohammed. We must not allow this local “Comical Ali” to continue to use Nigerian lives to score cheap political points.

While the APC was busy celebrating the fictitious death of Boko Haram, the New York-based Institute for Economics and Peace declared in its latest Global Terrorism Index that Boko Haram “has become the most deadly terrorist group in the world.” The day before Mohammed’s bombast, UNICEF declared that Boko Haram has succeeded in keeping over one million children out of school, warning that this is likely to add fuel to the insurgency by radicalizing the youth in the North-east.

Campaign recantations
It was Lai Mohammed who told Nigerians the promises of the APC during the election were actually not from the APC. The APC denied its key presidential campaign documents: “My Covenant with Nigerians” and “One Hundred Things Buhari Will Do in 100 Days.” Buhari himself presents one of the documents in the first person, saying: “The covenant is derived from the manifesto of my party, the All Progressives Congress. It however represents my pledge to you all when I become your president.”

But once he became president, Mohammed denied them. He swore that: “Buhari never promised to do anything in 100 days, that’s the honest truth.” However, when APC Senators were forced to vote against their own campaign promise to provide N5,000 monthly to 25 million unemployed Nigerians, Mohammed declared that the government already has 1.4 trillion naira recovered from banks through the TSA ready to fulfil the promise. He said we should expect it in the 2016 budget.

These are his words: “The non-implementation of the payment policy so far is due to the fact that it was not included in the 2015 budget. The Muhammadu Buhari administration has been busy putting in place measures that will make it possible to start the implementation of this project.”

This has turned out as usual to be another tissue of lies. The 2016 budget has now been announced, and there is nothing about the N5000 stipend for the 25 million unemployed.

Presidential doublespeak
The government of President Buhari is replete with contradictions and doublespeak.
At the APC South-East rally in Owerri, Buhari declared he would make the naira equal to the dollar if voted into office. He continued: “It is sad that the value of the naira has dropped to more than 230 to one dollar. This does not speak well for the nation’s economy.” How does it speak for the economy now that the value of the naira has dropped under Buhari to 280 to the dollar?

Buhari said: “Boko Haram is a typical example of small fires causing large fires. An eccentric and unorthodox preacher with a tiny following was given posthumous fame and following by his extra-judicial murder at the hands of the police.” What then are we to say about the extra-judicial massacre of over 300 Shiite Muslims in Zaria at the hands of the Nigerian army under this Buhari administration?

Buhari said during the campaign: “You are all my people; I will treat you all as mine. I will work for those who voted for me, voted against me and those who didn’t vote at all.” Then he said after the campaign: “The constituents (that) gave me 97% cannot in all honesty be treated on some issues with constituencies that gave me 5%.”

On his election, the president said: “Our long night is over and a new dawn has come… Democracy and rule of law will be put in place.” “I pledge myself and the government to the rule of law, in which none shall be so above the law that they are not subject to its dictates, and none shall be so below it that they are not availed of its protection.” But under his administration, democracy and the rule of law has continued to be violated. The DSS ignores court verdicts with impunity, as happened in the case of Dasuki and Kanu.

Justice Muazu Pindigi was summarily replaced by Justice Ambrosa as chairman of the Rivers state governorship petitions tribunal and PDP’s victory was quickly annulled. Pindigi said: “The Supreme Court has said that for an election to be annulled, the petitioner has to prove that elections didn’t hold at the polling units where the winner was returned elected. I’m not sure that the Ambrosa’s judgment arrived through that route.”

During the election, Buhari declared the maintenance of the presidential fleet of aircrafts a colossal waste of money. He said: “For me, when we come into office, all these waste will be blocked and properly channeled into our economy.” However, since he became president, not a single plane has been sold. Billions of naira continue to be spent as the president has gone on one international junket after the other.
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  1. They should sack him and employ you abi?

  2. Mr Wailer, dont you have a job, Jonathan, who you loved so much almost ruined this country, but God saved us from him. we are seeing the evidence, please shut up and let the government work

    1. Correct my brother....

    2. I think we need some super glue here.

  3. Very soon you will realise that it's the devil that saved you. Keep doing blind support for PMB


    1. Just like they always do in Europe and America. Forget finding solutions to our problems just continue to pray and solutions will come naturally

    2. Just like they always do in Europe and America. Forget finding solutions to our problems just continue to pray and solutions will come naturally

  5. is it a must for u to speak? with grey on your head, u still claim to shameless. can we compare the BH attacks this seasons last year to what is happening now! you know how many patriotic, innocent and useful Nigerians ur cabinet wasted their lives just bcos u want to drown Nigeria money and u did. my prayer is that God in His infinite mercy or anger will reward u accordingly. the war is being won, BH can no longer come and be killing with knife or through physical confrontation, they are only using suicide bombers now. how many proud video has BH released within this short time of pmb? don't u know how they use to do when u were there! we are thankful to God that this dignified pmb came on board. now because he's exposing u, while u and co await ur jail term, u make him ur enemy. God will be enemy to anyone that goes enmity of liberation, progress and development of our country Nigeria and He judge them instantly and accurately. God bless Nigeria!

    1. Which one is worse? Killing with knives or with bombs?

    2. killing with knives.......

  6. Liar Mohamadu should be sack immediately,he is a total disgrace to this nation,a total disgrace to elderly men..This fool drinks lie like water....

  7. apc talked as if they had solution @ the tip of their fingers, castigating gej administration, now, they couldn't measure up to his standards.

  8. It will be better if somebody give MR aribisala a potent rat poison and silence him for ever for his just a celebrated nuisance for this "change government"

    1. Thank God your "change government" is in parentheses. Am yet to see the change. This government seems to be worst in act of impunity.Am even tempted to conclude that the comments herein are proofs of what Aribisala opined in this write up as that of jobless youth paid to defend the ruling APC government. The end justifies

    2. After killing him, I will start from where he stopped so get ready cos alot of killing is at hand.he will keep talking and there is nothing u or anyone can do to him. APC, CHANGE my foot.

  9. Every time I see the picture of this Aribisala "wailer" it reminds me of one Nigerian comedian called Jaguar.I think he is dead now but I think Aribisala is keeping the comedy flag flying with his utterances most times

  10. Good exemplary behaviours, moral value, honesty and integrity are hallmark of good leadership. A leader with defamed characters and double standard cannot in anyway offer anything good for the Nation. By the time fuel is sold for #250 per liter, and $1 is exchanged for #350, then people will realise what manner of "Change"they are in to. May God save us from hard time beckoning ahead. But as events are unfolding, let us continue to enjoy the various "Fabus" as being dished out by Mr. Lie from the stable of President Fabuhari.

  11. Mr monkey face we have heard you

  12. The ranting of the insane may be entertaining but there may be some elements of truth in it. Nevertheless, it is stupid for anybody to blame the current government for the economic mismanagement of GEJ

  13. Mr Aribisala I thought u are a responsible and a respectable elderly man in the society?why all this jams talked, if you don't have any thing saying why can't you seal your mouth. Why are we running politics of bitterness in this Nigeria, if you are not favor in any government of the day the next thing is to be talking jargon or saying nonsense.Mr running mouth stop make or made names through the pages of paper

  14. Lai did not claimed a total victory against Boko haram but a Major victory. Same as Buhari also did.
    Aside from the bomb blast recently, which can happen sometime and reasonably understood. There has not been any victory claimed by Boko haram recently.
    Nigerian are reasonable bcos they have eye to see and brain to reason that there is an improvement in the fight against bokoharam

    1. da, "Boko Haram is technically defeated," or "major" defeat cannot be equated with your understanding of "absolute" defeat. Americans, Britons, French, Russians all are experiencing lone wolf attacks. This is not the same as having Command and Control intact and orchestrating attacks as was the case when over 2 billion dollars was shared among the so-called PDP managers.

    2. I think you need to be updated! Everything this man said here is nothing but the truth.better tell ur Oga Minister to zip up. We want actions..enough of lies and deceit. Rubbish.

  15. Those that embezzled the money that was met for arms procurement to save Nigerians life and also those that are false-fully claiming the war is won will all received their reward in the hands of the ALMIGHTY GOD...

  16. Guys let's stop d deceit. No improvement on the battle with book harm yet even though we want it to end soonest. I buhari thinks the war is technically won... The he should lead by example by technically sending one of his sons or grand sons as a student in the technically secure maiduguri.

  17. Govt regime full of lies and deceit, integrity, CHANGE my foot.

  18. mumu josepdo u reason at all,alas!gullible people ll remain so no matter what they see hear or feel,hw on earth can someone say no improvement in fight against BH?

  19. The truth of the matter is that, there is no significant improvement in the fight against Boko Haram insurgent group by this administration. The claims made Mr. President and the Minister of Lies have no substantial basis, just insinuation.

    Boko Haram going silent does not mean the war has been won. Mind you, in a fight a party at some point retreat to restrategize and reinforce their tactics. This is the senerio been witnessed in the fight against Book Haram today. So it is erroneous and hilarious for the presidency to claim victory.

    Barely after the false claim made by the presidency, the insurgent struck and many lives were lost and those who could escape by a whisker are telling the horrible tale on their hospital beds. Whether the insurgent are not fighting a confrontational battle with the military, the fact remains that the targeted innocent masses are still hit by the bullets. Suicide bombers are more difficult to pinpoint than a confrontational group. So the government claim is wrong.

    Today the war against ISIST cannot be said to be won despite the battalion sent by war powers of the world. The ISIST is sending messages across to all the world war powers to refrain helping the in the fight. It should be noted that Boko Haram is strongly linked with the ISIST, so if the ISIST is not defeated Boko Haram will be a snare in its territorial operation in Nigeria.

    I think it is time those in government stop deceiving Nigerians and come up with the plain truth so that we all can join hands in devising the best approach and support in our own little ways in the fight against the Boko Haram. Claiming victory for a war that has not been won is is like leading the blind into a pit.


    1. With all you've written here,you failed to recognize the fact this insurgent trouble is not a conventional war. War against terrorism is the hardest the world over. Open your eyes and see the victory of this administration. Unlike in the past the BH had a field day to the extend of creating a caliphate in some part of the North-east of Nigeria. The BH had been turned into a rag-tag unit without a command post. That to me is an achievement from the last administration.

  20. Man! What's your problem? If you're still suffering from the defeat of your idol (Jonathan, then, you should know it's time to rebuild from the locust time of your loved party (PDP). Your write-up is inciting and dangerous. Buhari knows whom he needs to head certain position in his administration,it's not your affair to call for the Minister's resignation. Jonathan kept people like Fani-Kayode, Okupe,even Metuh who ran their mouth until Jonathan lost even the die-hard who believed in him. You're not helping this country at all. Opposition is not about criticizing all policies of the government in power. You especially have not seen anything good about this government. Repent and take a life.

  21. It was Ali that was name Chemical Ali because he commanded the use of chemical weapon against the people khalafji. Sahaf was a minister saying thing on the TV different from the reality. But was not called comical Ali. Point of correction. I was in that area during the war witnessing it lively. Mr Aribisa correct yrself.

  22. It was Ali not Sahaf that was nicknamed chemical Ali not Sahaf my brother ARIBISALA. Ali commanded the use of chemical against the people of khalafji in Iraq. That was why he has been called chemical Ali not Sahaf. I was in that area during the war witnessing sahaf talk saying what was different from the reality. So point of correction.


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