Islam and the threat to peace, the second coming - By Patrick Dele-Cole
Sunday, January 18, 2015
I have read the Quran over seven times, page by page. As I have been at pains to point out education is universal and every culture, religion, group contributes to its gigantic trough. Islam, the Arabs, shintos, Confucius have done their bit by contributing their wisdom into this pot. I do not claim to be an Islamic scholar and my piece was not about the doctrines of Islam.
It was about world politics which I know many Islamists are unable to differentiate from Islamic ideology. This is not about a doctrinaire commitment to one religion or the other or to the West as I have been condemned to be. The Pope has his problems and good luck to him.
There are 28 wars in the world today. 26 are or concern Islam, or Islamists – either the Islamists are persecuted or there must be another explanation for there to be so many wars in Islamic areas. In any case the question of persecution cannot arise as most of these wars are in Islamic countries where one group of Moslems are trying to wipe out another group.
Some accuse me of not understanding Islam, having a little knowledge of the religion, of not reading the commentaries as well as the doctrines as contained in the Koran. I am the first to accept that I learn every day even from the misguided personal attacks or apologists for a failure of an otherwise powerful tonic of human and heavenly endeaveour – Islam.
I have never praised the West or Christianity. The failure of Christianity and the West in several theatres of human endeavour is self evident. If the conquistadors were blood thirsty and bestial, that is not an attribute of Christianity, it was a human failure and tragedy, and strongly condemnable.
If a group of hoodlums, without any human conscience, could seize 276 girls at a school in Chibok in the name of Islam, all those who profess that religion have one of two options – dissociate Islam from that action or, by their silence, acquiesce that the religion actually supports violence against such soft targets. It is the silence of a majority of Moslems that leads to the conclusion or to the suspicion that they deep down believe these unwarranted bestial attacks of innocents are justifiable.
The commandment of God, Allah, is “thou shall not kill”. In his commandment, there are no if or buts. If a Moslem in the name of the religion beheads Sergeant Rigby, even if obviously both perverts are descended from Nigerian parentage, there is nothing but condemnation for their act.'
The reality of what faces us is clear- the majority of those killed by Moslems are their fellow Moslems in Syria, in Iraq, in Pakistan. If the Taliban in the name of some perversion of Islam, can go to a school and kill 145 Moslem Pakistani school children, the answer to their evil is an earth shattering: “No, you are evil”.
If one Moslem, in the name of this same perversion of Islam, can in Sydney, Australia, hold 17 people hostage and display a sign of Islam in his demented action, I do not need my good Islamic friends consent to point out unadulterated evil where it is so glaring. If Hitler killed six million Jews in an attempt to wipe out the Jewish race, he committed genocide and war crimes. No none would call what he did Christian: he may have been a Catholic but his religion did not encourage his atrocity. The allies who fought Hitler were also Christians but they did not go to war in the name of Christianity. It seems incredibly puerile to even discuss Hitler’s evil in the name of any religion. So the atomic bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima were Christian bombs!! Incredible!!!
The holy book of Quran has plenty to attract people of all faiths. What has gone wrong is that people, radicalized, by commentaries on the Quran, in the name of Islam, are killing themselves and children. Islamic states are refusing to allow Moslem women marry non-Muslims; sometimes the parents of such women have killed the women rather than allow such marriage. If my detractors argument is that you cannot judge Islam by the action of the “extremists”, I have no argument against that. But when extremists are allowed to rule whole countries, imposing inhuman treatment on all dissenters, then true Moslems must not only condemn such actions, they themselves must take action against their own extremists.
There have been many killings in the U.S. by obviously mad people in schools, in cinemas, etc. No one of good conscience has ever had anything to say but to condemn the actions of these mad men. If those who killed Sergeant Rigby by butchering him to death in the streets of London are condemned as despicable unhinged Moslems, I have no problem with that. But to accuse me of lack of sympathy or understanding of Islam because I bemoan actions perperpetrated in the name of Islam by radicalized Islamists is to be blinded by the proverbial beam in one’s eyes. (Remove the beam from your eyes before you can see clearly to remove the mucus in your neighbour’s eye).
Human cruelty
Radical Islamists, in their misguided mission, seized seven planes; deliberately crashed them in the Pentagon, World Trade Centre, etc. The killing of thousands of people remain an act of unmatched human cruelty exceeded only by Hitler and Rwandan genocide. In Iraq, the ISIS was asking people to quote verses in the Quran and failure to do so meant death.
Someone has whispered to me that the bombings in the US and in Europe –rail stations, underground transports – were strategic or tactical manoeuvres – in a war not dissimilar to the ones used against the British by the IRA (the Irish Republican Army) in its war of independence, or indeed by sympathizers of the allies in the underground movements attempting to tumble the German forces in France and elsewhere during the Second World War. But what demented radicalized Moslems have done far outstrips consideration of strategy or tactics. What strategy do you have to kill children and women? Is it to strengthen the resolve of the rest of Islam? The children in Pakistan were killed by seven suicide bombers who went into the school to unleash mayhem.
When people talk about tactics and strategy – they in fact mean that whatever they have done could be justified by claiming that they engage the attention of the enemy. Islam now fully has the attention of the world. What does Islam want???
Nigerian Boko Haram state
In the context of Nigeria the Boko Haram has declared its objectives to be nothing less than the annihilation of the nation, Nigeria, to be replaced by an Islamic caliphate state. It is still hazy about what it means as a state because we have many Islamic states in the world – Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Pakistan, Indonesia, etc. What will happen to non-Moslems in such a Nigerian Boko Haram state? Will they follow the Chibok experience – convert our women and marry them to Moslems? It was religion that divided India and Pakistan – where we had the unworkable agreement of East Pakistan and West Pakistan – leading to the eventual creation of Bangladesh.
In an Islamic Nigerian nation under Boko Haram, what would happen to large chuncks of the Middle Belt, and most of the South? Is the recipe of Boko Haram the creation of parts of the North into an Islamic state? Would they yield in negotiations to breaking up Nigeria or do they still need the oil of the Niger Delta? If the proposition is a northern Islamic State, there maybe several takers, although I will oppose it. It is like a child who sees chocolate and gauges itself on it until it is sick. The South needs the North as much as the North needs the South. But as at today, Mr. President’s writ does not run in 33% of Nigeria. That is a serious problem which the elections will not solve. But rather exacerbate.
But Moslems must seriously ask themselves what they want? There is, whether they like it or not, a world order, to which nations fit. That order cannot allow the discriminate killing of people who happen not to agree with your way of thinking. I am told that the critics who have inundated the press on my views are doctrinaire and therefore illogical, beyond reasoning. I have no intention to call anybody names. We started from the simple premise of looking at realities. There are wars all over the world; nearly all of them are Islamic.
If the boundaries put in place by Europeans in 1919 are the problems, then we are dealing with nationalistic issues. If that is the case, how many nations, given the ethnic diversity of Iraq, Syria, Iran, and Libya, are you going to create? They may all be Moslems but their record in killing one another does not show brotherly goodwill. So are we dealing with the problem of ethnic diversity masquerading as religion?
Libya has been broken up to ethnic warlords, an outcome the Western world has been well advised to leave alone in its stupidity in attacking and killing Ghadaffi. Iraq had both ethnic and religions divisions which the wars have made more truculent. Saudi Arabia, Syria etc,is a polyglot of ethnic diversity; so is Pakistan. Indeed the only glue keeping these countries together was Islam but even that has come unstock because of the Sunni/Shia dissent.
What kind of Islamic state would be established in Syria, Iraq, and Nigeria – if we take the pretension of the radicalized Islamists seriously?
Moslems go about announcing that their states are Islamic. No other nation declares itself Christian or indeed described them as a Christian state with the exception of the Papacy. (Israel declares itself a Jewish State which maybe one of the reasons peace is elusive). Other nations – Brazil, Chile, the US, Canada, Australia, etc-have never described their countries as Christian states.
They are fundamentally secular states, as we declared in our own Constitution. The oath the President and the Governors swear to is a secular state. When Presidents and Governors swear to a secular state any deviation from this ought to be an impeachable offence. The government must withdraw from state sponsored religions as the unwise support of supporting pilgrimages to Rome, Lourdes, Mecca and Jerusalem. Performing pilgrimages is a personal effort to worship God or Allah as one wishes.
The Ijaw worship Akaso, a woman, a godess. I think it would be ridiculous to ask for government support to worship Akaso or Ikenga, or Shango or Ogun or Orunmila. Moslems must themselves lead the fight against extremism. No one else can. That extremism and fanaticism give them a bad name; not Mr. Cole’s inability to understand the fundamentals of Islamic doctrine.
Bad name
Some Moslems claiming a long term view and strategy – the growing number of Moslems in the World – have led to the belief that Islam is destined eventually to rule the world. There are extant maps of the future of the world and Islam showing Islam being practised in every country north of the equator in Africa, Islam is supposed to conquer the rest of the Middle East, including India, Philippines, the Koreas, large chunks of China and through out Polynesia,ofcourse Indonesia, Fiji.
These Islamic visionaries see an end of India and even China; the new world Islamic map includes all of the Slavic countries – Serbia, Slovakia, Bosnia, nearly all of Russia with the exception of Moscow and Leningrad. These maps are supported by suspect statistics of the growth of Islam based on birthrates, wealth etc; and its eventual world conquest. I think it is superfluous even to comment on such lunacy and idiocy.
ISIS the other day killed 125 women who said they would not marry radicalized Islamists. The list goes on one atrocity piled on another by Moslems, in the name of Islam, against other peopleindiscrimately. I would expect all decent people to condemn unreservedly these atrocities. It has nothing to do with what I understand of Islam. It has everything to do with denying common humanity and human rights. Wherever these are trammeled, everyone should be outraged. Islam or Christianity can never provide a cover for such bestiality.
For the record, let me repeat my view that Tony Blair and George Bush, Obama, Cameron and Holland should be brought before the World Court for war crimes against Iraq and Afghanistan and against Libya. I have also suggested that such a court should be able to impose punitive damages against aggressor nations who go to war merely because they have the capabilities.
The war against Iraq was presumably because Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. It had none.Hans Blitz, the UN envoy, sent to check this could find none. The war against Libya was unjustified by any measure of international law – the consequences were foreseeable. Obama, Cameron, Holland bear a heavy responsibility in removing Ghaddafi admittedly by a dictator. But to do so on the flimsy grounds pronounced – a war of liberation and democracy by Eastern Libyan forces – were bunkum. The place had been left to ruin by the West and they bear a responsibility for it.
What ISIS is now doing is compounding an already complicated situation bringing in the toxic concoction of radical Islamism to an issue dying and ripe for political solution. The proponents of Islam have a fundamental problem of rethinking a credible and lasting solution.
The Amercians will leave, so will the rest of the West. What is the political solution? What will Moslems do? The evidence is pessimistic. Click to signup for FREE news updates, latest information and hottest gists everyday
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Hard but true!
ReplyDeleteThank you for this piece.Those who understand should know that islam dies not call for violence.The west should know that there is no absolute freedom. Respect should be reciprocal
ReplyDeleteThe west should rethink its approach to anything Islam.People's mentality is different.You respect Israel but not Muslem prophet. Hypocracy!!!!!!
May God deliver His people
ReplyDeleteVery interesting,educative and engaging.Whether you are Islam or not,it just takes common sound reasoning to understand that these killings are evil.Nothing can justify the killings of innocent children and women under whatever religion or political terrain.The truth is that at the war front of this fight should be sane Moslems whose religion and way of life are being labelled wrongfully.
ReplyDeleteWe only hope that moslems against these unlawfull killings and war should speak out more and in unionism.The harder these people kill,the louder they should cry against it.They need to be all over the media really battling these wrongful actions and belief by the extremeist, through constant debate,counselling seminars etc.We don't see the fight from them.God help us all.
It shows how stupid majority of Christians her. Majority of d wars are perpetuated by these so called Christian /secular countries eg Syria, Libya, Afghanistan etcetera. What of d thank you visit d then Pope made to hitler for d killing of d 6 million Jews?
ReplyDeleteEyim EL-KATOSKI, You have started again to comment on issues which you have not researched on. Have you researched on the various wars in the history of the world, the Crusade, Lords Resistance Army et al? World politics vis-a-vis the western interference and influence in the Middle East and Arab world? Why is it that every time you open your "mouth" to comment on NE you just show the whole world how ignorant and clueless you are? You better return home and get ready for the yam planting season if you have no work to do in the city.