


Leave TB Joshua alone - Sunny Ikhioya

I have followed the series of reactions trailing the disaster at the Synagogue Church of all Nations with a sense of shock and disbelief. It is as if some people have been waiting in the wings for the man of God to fail, forgetting that he is a mortal indeed, like the rest of us. No human can be God, so we must make our comments with a great sense of responsibility, in the spirit of fairness and objectivity.

Take away the religious aspect, TB Joshua is not a small man in the society, judging by the impact he has made to people’s lives all over the world. Apart from the entertainment industry, as represented by Nollywood and our musicians, no single sector has made more impact to the world like our men of God. The Adeboyes, Oyedepos, Oyakhilomes and, yes, TB Joshua and their likes, yet we treat them with disdain. Little minded individuals, criticising only for the purpose of bringing down and not to build. We use to have our men of God running to America for crusades of the Kenneth Hagins, TL Osborne, Billy Graham, Oral Roberts and others but, now they come to Nigeria. They, indeed, preached prosperity and this has made America great but, I never saw a write up that ridiculed, for example a Billy Graham.

In 95 per cent of cases – if not more- the religion we practise are determined by our places of birth and environment we grow up from; therefore, the religion or faith that we practise were already determined before our birth. You only escape this either through migration or interactions with other faiths. All religious denominations preach piety and righteousness; even the animists are more decisive with backsliders. To me, the biggest edge Christianity has is its elimination of all types of blood sacrifices forever. Psychology and other behavioural sciences have, very often, emphasised the importance of faith to the success of any venture we engage in, including, of course, healing. Faith is a very strong weapon, that is why so-called ‘infidels’ thrive when they practise simple Christian doctrines of fasting and praying; whereas, the so-called brothers and sisters, or brethren in the faith, do not conjure up anything.

We have an abundance of sanctimonious and self-righteous critics in this country, especially those of the Christian faith; they want only their opinion to hold sway. When the Bible says that we should not judge, our sanctimonious Christians are busy raining down judgements. It is not for us to condemn anyone as long as he or she confesses Christ. In the Gospel of Luke chapter 9 verses 49 to 50, it says: “…Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name; and we forbade him because he followeth not with us. And Jesus said unto him, forbid him not; for he that is not against us is for us…”. Why are fellow Christians criticising TB Joshua when he openly uses the name of Jesus Christ in his ministrations? I repeat, it is not for us to judge, let us leave judgement to God.

I have also followed the barrage of criticism following Joshua since I arrived Lagos in the eighties, attacks that were purely meant to destroy him. But God has given him grace to rise above all his critics and, you will never hear him respond in kind. Some have taken his humble beginnings for granted; it is the almighty God who chooses whom he wishes to bless, never mind the cunning devices of man. In the Acts of the Apostles, chapter 5 verses 34 to 40, Gamaliel, a doctor of law, with big reputation among the people, intervened in the matter of some of the apostles that were being persecuted. “…And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone; for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought…”. It is over 20 years now, and the man’s ministry has been growing in leaps and bounds; heads of states and rulers of men have been coming to seek his counsel. So, why are we in Nigeria trying to bring him down?

Although, it is a matter for debate, it is well known that majority of Nigerians do not receive approval from the authorities before commencement of building projects. This is because of the terribly slow bureaucracy involved in the process of securing approvals and the attendant corruption and extortions that pervade the whole system The Synagogue Church must have followed this pattern. Do not forget that amongst the congregation are qualified architects and building engineers of all kinds; Joshua must have received professional advice from them. We should, therefore, not rush into conclusions; we must allow a thorough investigation to be done and causes of failure identified to avoid a re-occurrence; we must eschew sentiments.

Whether we like it or not, TB Joshua is an icon in Nigerian and must be accorded that respect. It is not easy to draw foreign attention to Nigeria with all the negative propaganda that has been put out about us. The likes of TB Joshua and other men of God are the ones attracting dignitaries into the country, the advantages of this cannot be quantified, it goes beyond the religious; it helps the economy and posts a positive image about the country.

We notice that majority of those that met their demise in this tragedy, were foreigners, the import of this must not be lost to Nigerians. It is not only a tragedy for the individual families and South Africa, or for the Synagogue Church of all Nations, it is for Nigeria. These times calls for sober reflections and absolute patriotism. It is an unfortunate incident and the whole nation should mourn with the congregation of Synagogue. Joshua is the chief mourner, nobody should pretend to cry more than the bereaved. The civil rights group must know when to draw a line between patriotism and agitation for human rights. What happened at the Synagogue was basically an accident; most accidents are caused by human error and nobody should feast on the Synagogue tragedy for further destructive or Phd – pull him down- purposes.

It is unfortunate that some of our brothers in the pen profession are using the opportunity to play hero. If Joshua is involved, it is news and you are a hero, such tactics should be discouraged.
In Terry Goodkind’s book ‘ The Pillars of Creation‘, he says: “No one individual is important, except for what value he can contribute to others”. Joshua has done much for humanity; scholarships to indigent students, feeding of deprived families, succour and shelters for the homeless. Have we forgotten so soon his contributions to the nation of Haiti, in their hour of distress? Those of us criticising him now, what have we done for humanity?

The matter of religion is a very sensitive one, it is not for any person to judge, it is an individual experience, people should be allowed to practice any faith or religion that they choose to, without any harassment or molestation from ‘bad belle’ critics. I challenge all of those criticising TB Joshua now, to come up with their contributions to humanity, and, compare to what Joshua has done. We have heard testimonies, not nigerians; if it is nigeria, they will say that it is fake but authentic foreigners from all over the globe. Even men of God that cannot have a handle on their matrimonial affairs are involved in the business of criticising Joshua.

Christian leaders must show example by doing and not criticising. Criticising is like disobedience and disobedience according to the Bible is worse than witch craft.

Our men of God are the ones holding the reins of this nation in the midst of glaring governmental neglects of its citizens, at all levels. We should give them their dues. TB Joshua should be left alone.

Sunny Ikhioya, a commentator on national issues, wrote from Lagos.
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  1. No other response can be better than this...and I add to it by saying what T.B Joshua is doin, both in d past n present, no man of God so far has done one third of it. If God didnt want that building to colaps He would hav stopd it. God alowd it thats why it hapend so let every dirty mouth of criticism be shut.

  2. Nice write up...Men cannot play God.He sees the hearts of men and should be the judge.To me TB Joshua is passing through another stage of persecution and i pray he comes out stronger just like he has done in the past which brought him to tthis level in the faith.I pray for him

  3. TBJ is God's anointed and sent one.

  4. Nice comment. I see no reason why Nigerians never appreciate things but to condemn and criticize.
    Well, the we have read in d Bible that a prophet has no honour in his country. I pray God change our orientation and teach us to appreciate d good people.

  5. We have freedom of speech that's why any one can wake up and write anything he likes.

  6. a goat will always remain a goat even if taken from Nigeria to America. If he had kept quiet for relevant agencies to do their thing, we won't get here. remember, an excuse is worse than a lie cos it's a lie defended.

  7. I don't know why people rejoice when someone falls having forgotten what shall befall them at the end or before the end of their journey in this life. It is high time we unite and pray for the man of God and the peace of this nation.

  8. Thats why this country can not grow we like to critisize and condemed too much in this country this one is bad that one is bad which one wl now gud even when we that we are condeming we have our own behavior which is bad ....condemination worsen matter we shld stop to condem in this country

  9. Some pertinent points regarding the healings of Christ will serve as practical tests for professed healings today.
    (1) Jesus did not publicize His healings to create a sensational reputation, nor as an excuse for raising money; rather He at times commanded those healed to "tell no man' (Matthew 8:1-4, 9:27-31).
    (2) He healed all sorts of infirmities, with special attention to hopeless situations, for divine power does not fail.
    (3) He performed no partial healings. People were "made whole" by Christ. (Matthew 15:29-31; Mark 7:31-37).
    (4) Jesus never failed to heal a person He attempted to Heal. He never had any embarrassing explanations to make for failures.
    (5) No question was ever raised of the genuineness of His healings - as to whether the patient had actually been ill, or was actually healed.
    (6) Jesus did not heal by faith alone but by divine power. In only one case out of 31 examples did Jesus require faith. (Matt.9:27-3 In some situations the patient had no faith at all. (Luke 7:11-17; John 5:2-13).7. Selling of Annointing water

  10. Allow God to judge, that you can't heal headache in the name of Jesus doesn't make a person who can fake, everybody has his own calling, God did not appoint anybody a judge over his servant, we ve so much envy and hatred each time we speak abt TB, and envy and hatred destroys a person.

    1. Judgment is not the same as comments from which we can learn and educate ourselves. Judgment is not judgement unless it is followed by punitive measures. We often dismiss useful comments under the canopy of judgement when it suits us because the Bible says 'judge not'. The meaning of the word 'Christian" is 'Christ-like'. Our examples should be from his life because 'a disciple should be like his master' if we claim to belong to him.

    2. @ anonymous why are you angry. I just made a comment to everyone of us. As per my comment does it connote hatred or envy. What is there to envy about another person. Is it his money or fame or what? I only seek 4 salvation and 4 people to open their eyes. Even the elect may be decieved. Pray for he spirit to discern



  13. Critics and unbelievers leave TB Joshua alone, he is a man of God , stop Judging and insulting him , pray for him at this trial .

  14. While some of your write up are apt I disagree with some aspect of it. Unlike many Christians that are always quick to criticize TBJ I have always advocated caution and have found myself several times on the side of asking people to give the benefits of the doubts. This is because most of his critics play God as their criticisms are at best based on either perception about his healing method or their own confessed personal experience. Also I believe in miracles bcos I have seen enough of it in my family.But as far as this incident is concerned, TBJ has not given those ready to give him d benefits of d doubts. All you have recounted about his contributions would only be sentence mitigating factors.They don't qualify him for acquittal. Should people's status exonerate them from criticism for breaking the laws when failure of the rule of law is the greatest bane of our nation? Should philanthropist, miracle working, large followership change a crime of non compliance with the state law to virtue. Why would TBJ deny that his people obstructed rescue operation when this was what really happened.And to make matters worse why would he come out later to say that he had a foreknowledge of d incident. To me this last act of his did him in. He is not God so it is possible for him not to see it and it does not diminish him as a prophet. No matter his calling he is still human. So whoever advised him to claim foreknowledge in order to counter some of his critics did not do him any good. It has diminished him further and logically makes him morally culpable for d loss of those lives. If he had proclaim a foreknowledge that a building would collapse and the occupants had remained there till it collapsed, would he not have blamed them for not believing him and vacating d place. Now that he foresaw this, the only thing he could do was to prepare his followers for their death when they could have been saved by dimpling vacating the building. His utterances on this is shameful and unintelligent. He is not God and no matter his status his action can be commented on and he is wrong to be threatening people for criticizing him. It is immature of him as a servant of God who claims to have d spirit of God in him. On the issue of judging, Jesus judged, Paul judged and even asked prophesies uttered to be judged by others. John said every spirit should be tested to determine which is of God. So no man of God should hide under "judge not" or "touch not mine anointed"

  15. It's unfortunate that majority of Nigerians are not only immature but also quite profoundly gullible.

    It's a common knowledge that most Nigerians lack the capacity to read let alone actually read and really under the Bible and it's tenets. He should His ways unto Moses, and His acts unto to the children of Israel.

    We should really learn to read, understand and meditate on the contents of the Bible. Majority of us are just absurdly stupid and profoundly ignorant.

    When you have incidents such as the one that happened at the SCOAN, a matured and well developed mind will assess everything by the law of God and that of the land.

    For a spiritually matured person, SCOAN indeed have to answer to the laws of God and that of the land.

    By this, for those would adjudge themselves to be spiritually below the leader of SCOAN, the best you can do for him as support is advise him to come really clean and stop using diversionary tactics.

    Those that died factually died wrongfully and there is no other sincere spiritually mature interpretation to this fact. The truth will always be the truth and you can never fight the truth.

    God bless and deliver Nigeria and Nigerians from the shackles of ignorance (absurd lack of knowledge) IJN, Amen.

  16. Please let's watch our words because i used to join people in conderming this man of God before but it was after this incident i reframe my mind, now I know TB Joshua is really a man of God not because people died the way they died but the enemy wanted to pull the church down, he might be prophessing to people and come to pass while what happened might be hidden, nobody is above temptation or problems in life even our Lord Jesus Christ pass through temptations, the devil is wicked, he wants to pull the man of God and faith of the church down and i know God will see him through and it is only those that are strong in faith that will not be shaken no matter what.

  17. Thanks Sunny Ikhioya, God bless you IJN.


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