Some months back, rumours of the dissolution of the marriage between Christ Embassy Church founder, Pastor Christian Oyakhilome, and his wife, Rev. Anita Odegwa Oyakhilome spread like wildfire and unfortunately, It has finally happened.
The dissolution of the marriage between Christ Embassy Church founder, Pastor Christian Oyakhilome, and his wife, Rev. Anita Odegwa Oyakhilome, has entered the final phase, The wife is seeking divorce on the grounds of “unreasonable behaviour” and “adultery”.
The divorce case, with Suit No FD14D01650, was filed on April 9, 2014 at Divorce Section A, Central Family Court, First Avenue House, High Holborn, London, UK, on Anita’s behalf by Attwaters Jameson Hill Solicitors, a full-service law firm with expertise in commercial law and a strong consumer focus in family, wills and estate, personal injury law and medical negligence.
Efforts to reconcile the popular couple, whose church is one of the biggest denominations in Nigeria and has branches all over world, have failed. They have two teenage daughters, Sharon and Charlyn. Oyakhilome is the president of Believers’ Love World Inc, the registered name of the Christian ministry, while his wife is the vice-president.
The pastor, according to an elder of the church, has denied allegations of adultery and believes his wife is being influenced by “bad friends” who are intent on destroying their home. While Anita believes she has been relegated in the scheme of things in the church, her husband has reportedly accused her of trying to usurp power and authority above her seniors in the ministry.
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Chris and Anita |
The decree absolute, which will effectively end the marriage, is expected to be issued soon while terms of the divorce will be worked out by the lawyers on both sides.
It was learnt Anita recently wanted to go public with the details of her allegations against the husband but reached an informal agreement to sheathe her sword in the interest of the church.
Oyakhilome is regarded as one of the richest and most influential pastors in Nigeria, and co-authors the fast-selling Christian daily devotional, Rhapsody of Realities, with the wife. However, following the strain in the marriage, the wife had been complaining to friends that her husband had stopped the payment of royalties due her from the devotional literature.
“She complained of being deliberately starved of funds, perhaps to bring her to her knees in the belief that she would eventually return to her matrimonial home and mend things,” a church member stated.
A wealthy Zimbabwean businessman, who is into telecoms, is one of the biggest financiers of the London branch of the church which Anita pastors along with other branches in Europe. When the crisis got to a head, the Zimbabwean stopped funding the church – some said in solidarity with Oyakhilome, his close friend and neighbour in Johannesburg, South Africa.
However, Oyakhilome was said to have been shocked when the wife announced at a fundraiser that she was sowing a “seed” (donation) of $1 million – despite her assumed lack of access to funds.
Matters got to a head on Sunday, July 13, 2014, when some relatives of Anita locked up the London branch of the church to protest against the “humiliation” being meted out to their sister who had not overseen services at the branch since November 2013.
Some church members had sometime in May 10, 2014 launched facebook campaign, asking: “Where is Rev. Anita Oyakhilome?” They said Pastor Chris and Rev. Anita must unite “for the sake of the gospel, the church and their two beautiful daughters”. They quoted Malachi 2:16 in the Message Bible: “I hate divorce, says the God of Israel.” The facebook page, which has over 3,300 “likes”, was opened with a stated mission: “This is a Call to Prayer for all believers who understand God’s heart concerning marriage and a Call to Action by Pst. Chris. DoWhatYouPreach”.
Officials of the church quickly moved to deny any rift between the pastor couple. One official, Kenneth Achumasara, told the media last June: “I can tell you authoritatively that there is no issue between Pastor Chris and his wife, Anita… If you go to the UK now you will see her along with the kids. She is still with him and there is no issue between them. I have been with him for 22 years and the Pastor Chris I know cannot even utter such words as reported.
He will never address such a gathering. She will soon be in Nigeria for a programme and I will definitely invite you to have access to her.”
All efforts to reach the church in Lagos failed last night. Pastor Sylvester Egbodaghe, Editor-In-Chief of the Ministry’s newspaper, National Daily, did not answer calls or reply text messages sent to him.
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No be jus few days ago d Pastor been dey yab other Pastors say not all Pastors will go to Heaven? (Already in d Bible). May God help u sir. E no concern me weder u Adulterate or not. i no dey there. But may God help you sha based on d amount of work you have put into the kingdom.
ReplyDeleteIt's well
ReplyDeleteeven if it true that he commited it people have to know that men of GOD are the major target of the devil. the devil always try to see them fall. do u think that is an easy thing to be a man of GOD?
ReplyDeleteAnonymousAugust 29, 2014 at 6:26 PM.
DeleteSharap ur big smelling mouth. This ur man has his lot in the hotest part of hell
Are you the Judge? Let's leave Chris alone. Most of us are not better than him nor have ve done one tenth of what he has done for the Kingdom of a God. Let's face our own race and run it well!!
DeleteThings fall apart in love world and the centre cannot hold. Fight for power, money,sex and position in the house of God? Can this be of God? Will their followers also be part of the settlement money after all it is from their tithes and other offerings. Follow follow mumu too much these days.Wayo dey for Church,Juju dey for Church.
DeleteWhat do you mean about 'not easy to be a man of God?' listen, God cannot be mocked, whatsoever man soweth, that shall he also reap.
ReplyDeleteIs this not the same pastor who faked a miracle in South Africa and was almost killed?
ReplyDeletePlease brother don't go into conclusion yet,,
ReplyDeleteIs poor clear Christ is a savant of God,, watch well b4 saying brothers
when i saw this updated news, i LOL'd not because it was funny but because the first time the news got out the pastor lied that everything was fine (even pastor de lie?), well its sad if they break up though because it sets a bad example for his followers. From the article it seemed he tried his best to keep his family together, but he should or they should try harder. this sets a bad example though
ReplyDeleteMost marriages between African men and White women always end up in divorce. This is reality and not racism please. Think!
ReplyDeleteJudge no man, He may be right with God, just like David in the Bible.
ReplyDeleteAll happened or is happening for a reason. No one was there, all we have to do is to hand them over to God. Remember all that call God's name... still God knows the best. God bless you all
ReplyDeletehe is a mere mortal may God help him.
ReplyDeleteEven the wife should wonder the bible said the love of money is the root of evil.Let them iiveout the gospel both of them has preached,
ReplyDeletePastor Christian Oyakhilome, your God is your strength he will surly see you through Amen
ReplyDeletethey are mere mortals even when they are servants of God. my prayers to them is to remember our Lords prayer, {FORGIVE US OUR TRESSPASES AS WE FORGIVE THOSE WHO SIN AGAINST US}May Gods grace see both of you through as children of God support you both in this your trying period.DEVIL YOU ARE A CRONIC LIAR.
ReplyDeleteMarriage is difficult but more difficult is being a Pastor.I hate seen men of God getting divorce.This is an attack on the church and everybody must pray earnestly.I don't attend Christ Embassy but this is our common fight, brethren!
ReplyDeletesounds like business gone bad. Anita's relatives lock up branch in London. ha ha ha ha. thought the apostle said women should be quiet in the congregation 1cor 14:34. why is there clamor to oversee service? by their fruit you shall know them. it only take varied time frame for these fruits to be seen.
ReplyDeleteReligion!! number one manipulator of mankind. Religion sucks and for those that get their hearts broken by their pastors good for you. Yes, go ahead send me to hell in all your subsequent comments.
ReplyDeleteGod who fought the battle for Benny Hinn and his wife is still alive. He will multiply His grace upon their hearts so that forgiveness will flow as He heals their hearts of all hurts because He said in His word that He hates divorce.
ReplyDeleteMadam wetin U expect from a man wey dey perm his hair and dey do fine boy? I hope him no be GUY join the " unresonable behavior and womanizing"
ReplyDeleteMadam ANITA, wetin U expect from a man wey dey PERM his HAIR and dey do " FINE BOY"? I hope him no be GAY join the " unreasonable behavior" and WOMANIZING! RUBBISH!
ReplyDeleteI wondered o. God Dey!
DeleteIt's well
ReplyDeleteAwwh! So sad to read this. May God intervene in their marriage and forgive us our sins. It is well pastors.
ReplyDeleteHonestly we should put hands together to pray him out,, white lady's is always like this,, of you have your way stay away from them,,
ReplyDeleteI was , married to a white lady,, before she know it I got all I needed from her brother benjonson I come you don't put trust on them,, and don't let her hold your way of living,,, she will be using it on you at all time,,
He has seen what he was looking for(disappointment) due to non complacent with what God has endowed him with.He is an African,is there no woman in Nigeria for him to marry.That is good for him.A pastor doing perming and jerry? is that a man of God? Continue to deceive urselves
ReplyDeleteA man of God should show good example to his followers not the other way round. Christian should watch out for doctrines that is not inline with the scripture. The bible says "who so ever deviated from the doctrine of Christ has no GOD" As a good Christian study the bible carefully so that you will not be deceived by the teachings of men. Besides the bible does not support women to speak in the church. A woman will always want to absorbed author once opportunity is given to her. Let us not undermine the scripture, believing in our mamma and papa's teaching . Remember God never lies but man will always act as a flesh he his.