


#BringBackOurGirls: Where are the Nigerian prophets?

By Jide Ojo

It is stale news that Nigeria is under the siege of terrorism. Armed robbery, kidnapping, cultism, murder are now routine occurrences so much so that many people have lost count of the number of victims. Even though incidence of crime is nationwide, that of the Northern Nigeria, particularly North-Eastern states of Borno, Yobe and Adamawa is particularly more troubling. The insurgent group popularly called Boko Haram has been wreaking a lot of havoc on the residents of the aforementioned states since 2009. As I write this, the abduction of over 200 girls from Government Secondary School in Chibok, Borno State since April 14, 2014 has dominated the media, be it traditional or social. The #BringBackOurGirls advocates are dominating the social media. The Nigerian government has been trying to restore peace and order in the insurgents’ hot spots but if the truth must be said, our military seem overwhelmed due largely to a number of factors such as inadequate funding, corruption, sabotage and politics. Heartwarming, therefore, is the offer of assistance from some foreign governments such as France, the United States of America, China and the United Kingdom.

As the Nigerian government battles the insurgents without much success, I am tempted to ask, where are the prophets in Nigeria? Where are the celebrated “Oracles of God”? I mean the General Overseers, Pastors, Evangelists, Reverends, Bishops, Archbishops, and other titular religious leaders who always lay claim to know the mind of God? I ask again, where are our miracle merchants? Where are our own Prophet Elijah, King David and Moses? It will be recalled that in the Biblical account of 1 Kings 18, Prophet Elijah confronted the 450 prophets of Baal and defeated them on Mount Carmel. Also in the Bible, according to 1 Samuel 17, a young shepherd boy, David, removed the reproach of the nation of Israel by killing Goliath. The account read that after 40 days of taunting and mocking of Israel’s army by Goliath and the armed forces of Philistines, David with a mere sling and stone killed Goliath. It is also on record in the book of Exodus how God used Moses to deliver the Israelite from their generational bondage in Egypt.

If these Biblical accounts are not fictional stories; if they did happen as we are made to believe; if truly God is immutable and capable of doing all things as He said in Luke 1 verse 37, then, it is time to see live practical demonstration of His omnipotence through the works of His anointed servants in Nigeria. This country has a bourgeoning Christian population especially in the Southern part. Though it may be true that Boko Haram insurgency has been happening mostly in Northern Nigeria, our Christian leaders need to rise up against this menace before its tentacles spread to the South. I cannot imagine the devastating effect of a terrorist attack on any of our religious camps on the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway or anywhere else where hundreds of thousands of worshippers gather for weekly, monthly or annual programmes.

Just imagine clerics like Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Bishop Mike Okonkwo of The Redeemed Evangelical Ministry, Bishop David Oyedepo of the Living Faith Church, Pastor D.K. Olukoya of Mountain of Fire Ministries, Prophet T.B. Joshua of The Synagogue Church of All Nations, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome of Christ Embassy, Bishop John Praise Daniel of the Dominion Chapel International Churches, Pastor Paul Enenche of Dunamis International Gospel Centre, Pastor W.F. Kumuyi of the Deeper Life Bible Church and several others jointly or individually challenging Abubakar Shekau, the leader of Boko Haram, to a spiritual duel like Elijah of old did. Just imagine what the defeat of Boko Haram and other terrorist groups by Christian leaders will do to the growth of Christianity and restoration of peace in Nigeria. Not only will Christians be able to worship God in harmony, evangelism will become a piece of cake as many non-Christians will readily believe and accept the gospel of Jesus Christ. Will our Christian leaders seize the moment to demonstrate their much talked about God-given spiritual prowess?

Why am I recommending this duel between Christian leaders and Boko Haram? Watch the latest video released by Abubakar Shekau. He made no pretence about his hatred of Christians and has promised to extend his reign of terror to Southern Nigeria. Our Christian leaders had better act to check these merchants of death and sorrow before they succeed in putting the Christian fold, and indeed the entire country, in disarray. I am not unmindful of all the prayers and fasting that have been declared and observed by Christians for the restoration of peace in Nigeria. The efficacy of these spiritual measures is not in doubt, but in addition, Christian leaders need to act, take action as directed by God. According to news reports, Chibok, where over 200 girls were abducted on April 14, is a predominantly Christian community in Borno State. About 180 of the kidnapped girls were said to be Christians. Should our spiritual leaders continue to play the ostrich about the potent danger posed by terrorism to their fold and the nation, they may wake up one day to minister to empty churches when the congregation may have become too scared to attend services.

Already in Lagos and a few other places in the South, dare-devil armed robbers have been reported to successfully raid some churches during services, and a couple of child kidnap cases have also been reported. Some of these happened during the day while others happened during vigil services. I know many of the church leaders claim to have divine mandate to make disciple of all the people. It would be great to demonstrate that by winning the soul of Shekau and his cohorts. It is time our religious leaders deployed their spiritual arsenals to the fight against terrorism which is an ill-wind that blows no good to the nation in particular, and the world in general.

Culled from Punch
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  1. The Boko Haram issue is not a physical warfare as you have insinuated in your write up; it is spiritual. God only allow evil to befall a nation when they relish in doing evil without repentance. Idolatry and bloody ritual are the order of the day. Gods people can only appeal to God via nationwide repentance. 2 chronicles 7: 14 said ..."if my people , which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins, and will heal their land"... But since you have challenged God by disdaining the miracles in the Bible as fictional, Gods judgement will come upon you; for you to know if those miracles are real or fictional in Jesus name. Boko haram will be wiped off in less than one month In Jesus name.

    1. You gave a good reply but spoilt it by your personal attack on the writer. First, know that the write up was culled from the Punch. Secondly, the writer didn't say that the biblical accounts were fictional, but that if it were not, then we need to see practical evidence that God indeed is God! Of course, God shows his might and works through His servants. This is actually a challenge to Men of God. Don't you think it's their responsibility to show that our God is God? Should they just continue preaching milk and honey that are elusive? Even if we see milk and honey, can we enjoy it in a terror loaded environment?

    2. You gave a good reply but spoilt it by your personal attack on the writer. First, know that the write up was culled from the Punch. Secondly, the writer didn't say that the biblical accounts were fictional, but that if it were not, then we need to see practical evidence that God indeed is God! Of course, God shows his might and works through His servants. This is actually a challenge to Men of God. Don't you think it's their responsibility to show that our God is God? Should they just continue preaching milk and honey that are elusive? Even if we see milk and honey, can we enjoy it in a terror loaded environment?

  2. We are in the last day of the last days. Many things are yet to happen, then HE(GOD) will come. This is not an issue of God's ministers contending with our lost brethren(yet to know CHRIST) in physical or spiritual battles. God has already declared what is happening now in The Holy Bible (matt 24). God is not a joker. He says what He means and mean what He says.This is an era were everybody needs to sit tight and take God serious. God can never be against His words. He has spoken ,and surely the Word of prophecy must be fulfilled. I pray that God give us the exceeding grace to run to the end. Therefore, we shouldn't rely on man to hear from God concerning boko haram because, God had already spoken. If you don't believe in the written Word of God, you won't still believe HIM when He speaks directly to you(john5:46-47). This is the time we all need to take God's business serious. THE KING OF KINGS IS COMING SOON! I won't go HOME empty- handed. At least one of the boko haram members must follow me in JESUS name!! Amen

  3. Jide Ojo can you fight for God. Just be careful about what you right as I can see you demonstrating serious ignorance in your write up

  4. who is this idiot writing nonsense. U think Christians are the set of people who fight for their God? have u ever read the bible, stupid fool, did u not see 'thou shall not kill' in the bible? we (Christians) shall hold our peace and our God shall fight for us! we can only pray and genuinely repent and appeal to God for help. the children of Isrealite also suffered in Egypt and their liberation did not happen over night. so shut your dirty shit hole u call mouth!

    1. You call him a fool yet you are a christian?

  5. At the end of your talk what have you done yourself or are you quarelling with God

  6. the weapons of our warfare are not carnal.....neither do we wrestle against flesh and blood. Am sure these men of God are doing their lot. It shall be well with Nigeria

  7. ^ you are deluded. Quoting all these mumbo jumbo from a book that was placed in your hands by the white man, who himself has largely abandoned the religion. If you can spend one week learning the history of Christianity and the bible, then you will realize how foolish you've been your entire life. Nigerians are more religious and "God fearing" than most advanced nations, but yet you attribute all of our problems to sin? Lol have u been to Las Vegas? This is a city that prides itself on being a place you visit for any "sinful" thing you want to do. So where is Gods punishment in Las Vegas? No sir, the problem with the country is people like you! we have replaced critical thinking and paitrotism with religious mumbo jumbo. Ironically, this is the same ideology that brought about Boko Haram

    1. Don't mind them. Ignorance kills

  8. mmmmmhhhhhh. The thought of men are not his, neither our ways his ways, believe me if not for his grace and mercy, the horror we are seeing today would have be more than this. be mindful of foul words like ''fictional stories" when it comes to issues relating to God. Note: am not judging

  9. @anonymous above; you did not understand the writer well, his challenge to the pastors, men of God is that they should deploy all their acclaimed spiritual prowess to fight this BH which by implications, he is saying it is a spiritual warfare. Don't be sympathetic to these so-called men of God who are really playing the ostrich here. If they are true men of God, let them do something as mentioned by the writer equivalent to the tales in the Bible.

  10. The writer did not mention Pastor Ayo the CAN president -the only holy xtain in Nigeria. Nigeria has no religious problem. Our problem is corruption which lead to tribalism &unemployment then poverty and now insecurity.

  11. Write up like this shouldn't be published.The writer never draw attention to the genesis of the whole issue just paraphrasing the bible thereafter jumping into conclusion. may the Lord forgive your lack of reasoning in Jesus name-amen.

    1. The Lord God will deliver Nigeria from the attack of evil people.

  12. Dear Jide Ojo,

    "If" is a word of doubt, so next time, don't use it where it pertains to God or His things/

    for example... the devil challenged Jesus with his "ifs", so don't join him out of concern for the nation/
    another example is the account we read about Elisha and the man[lord on whom the king leaned] who said, "even if God opens the windows of heaven,..." and the result was, It will happen, but you won't partake, and it happened just exactly, the man was trampled to date at the gate of the city/ 2Kgs 7:2//

    then don't go as far as saying things like, if He is immutable and capable as He said/ don't put yourself into danger with your mouth/ God may just destroy you for nothing and let the situation remain//

    These has been going on since 2009 June, so He knows full well the issues/all we should do is to violently attack heaven - Jesus speaking said, 'from the days of John the Baptist, the kingdom of heaven is violently attacked and the violent take it by force'

    But the other side of the coin is, He's of a purer eyes than to behold iniquity/ He's angry with the sinners everyday// the cup of our iniquity is gradually getting full, it's not deliverance we need, [that will come by default] it's rather, repentance we need/ 2 Chron. 7:14 - God still hears prayers/& knows how best to deal with sworn enemies/
    you might want to go check the account in 2Chron.15:5 "there was no peace to him that goeth out nor to him that cometh in, but great vexation were upon all the inhabitants of the countries, for God did vex them..."/

    why did you think God allowed His pple to go into exile in Babylon, couldn't He have saved them/ but that was His design to teach them the lesson of their lives/

    so the ball is in Nigeria's court, if we repent, well/ if we don't, too bad/

    God can't change becos of any mortal man/our tears don't move Him, only true repentance does///

    God bless you, Jide Ojo/

  13. my dear, always find out what is happening in Nigeria,if it have its likes in the bible. Righteousness exalts A NATION but sin is a reproach to the people, at the end of times -END TIME- sin, iniguity, evil, etc will INCREASE, if Jesus who was sinless was KILLED without all Israel as a nation increase in christianity, neither will the death of a sinful terrorist called Boko Haram or Shekau caused peace nor Christianity to excel, Jesus said my peace I give unto you not as the world(Shekau) gives to you.

    That the end of Boko Haram is eminent is true because with God ALL things are possible to them that believe. In the bible, several cases of death recorded were not reasons to justify who is a prophet or not. Jesus was alife when John the baptist died. John the baptist death was spiritual. The spiritual aspect Boko Haram activities is a MUST for you to explore. Till tomorrow God is still God, the prophets are still what they are, and others can testify to you that till date, God still answers their prayers offered by these prophets. There are MORE to Boko Haram. May your eyes be opened in Jesus name.
    Prophet Elijah killed 400 prophets of Baal, yet he ran from a woman called Jezebel who treatened to kill him. man can only praybut God is to answer!
    In case you want to contradict my comment, could you support you opposition with what the bible says?

    God has intervened already like he heard the cry of the Jews even while they were still in Egypth.

  14. What are clouded mind we all have?check out human reasoning!! No wonder we find ourselves in this kind of position cz as a man thinketh so his he.

    Yap! The article, well I think men of God or christians can pray or still seek God face for mercy so I concur with the writer challenge also why castigate him? He just expressed himself you can either correct or advise him, I think it sucks to call him names! God help us.


  15. T.B joshua has been assisting the nation,let other pastor emulate him i think that is the aim of the writer

  16. let me tell u d mind of God.God is laughing.And d true children of God are laughing.when u don't know d word of God ur just blind in ur mind and no matter wat u do u can't understand except u acknowledge and accept christ.d true children of God are rejoicing everywia,increasing and exploding in growth and joy and those that are ignorant are waiting for God.people are dieing some are poor and afraid but some other people are getting richer and more comfortable in dis same country wat does dat tell u.even d rapture will take place and some people will still be waiting for God.'those dat know dia God shall be strong and do exploits'.'men shall say there is pulling down d children of God shall see a lifting up.gross darkness shall cover d earth but d children of God it shall be well wit dem.everything happening now is a fulfillment of d gospel so try and discover who u are in d sight of God or you will be swept away wit all d ungodly.whatever u do and say,Weda u believe de is God or not it won't change d predictions of yestade fulfilling today and it won't change God from being who he is.the KING OF KINGS IS STILL ON HIS THRONE OF MAJESTY.


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