


Girls, Women Recount Their Ordeal In Hands Of Boko Haram Rapists

In the past two years, over 200 women and girls (both married and single) have been abducted in Nigeria and taken to the camps of Boko Haram, where they have probably suffered the agonies of being turned into sex tools by the sect members, who forcefully defile them or forced them into unholy marriages, while being held in captivity.

A Leadership reporter from Maiduguri, Borno, has spoken to women being freed from their Boko Haram abductors.

A 43-year-old Salma Abubakar (name changed for security reasons) went in a bank in January this year, when she encountered a 26-year-old man, who was standing in a queue waiting to be attended by the cashier.

What happened next was shocking for everyone as Salima attacked him shouting “He is the one, he is the one! God will punish you, you will rot in hell!”

Everyone one at the banking hall was left confused, but their confusion turned into shock when Salma, said that she recognized a Boko Haram member that kidnapped her and other women to the bush. She further narrated that particular young forcefully slept with her more than ten times; he used her like a dog.

Soldiers were called to the place of the incident, and, during interrogations the young man confessed to being a Boko Haram member, confirmed his group had truly abducted many women – both old and young – whom they often gang-raped in their bush hideouts.

People applauded that woman’s courage. Moreover, her case had been able to unveil many of such cases, as relatives and neighbours of women and girls that had suffered rape during their captivity, begin to speak; though many would rather lose their tongues than to mention names of victims.

Another lady, Rosemary Edo (name changed as well), was born in the Cross River state, but moved to Maiduguri in search of work.

She had been captured as well, but fortunately was able to escape Boko Haram, somewhere near Bama. She spoke to newsmen lying on a hospital bad. Rosemary narrated that over seven men slept with her every day for over two months.

The victim also confirmed that she was held captive with more than 30 other women and young girls. All the females were forcefully used by the insurgents as sex toys. The virgins ones and the very young girls were usually given to the leaders. The older women, or the married ones, were left for ordinary fighters.

Many of the abducted women and girls would never return. The victims confirmed that Boko Haram kills women for non-compliance to the sexual demands, punishes them regularly. Female hostages at terrorists’ camps die from torture as well.

The concern is that even if the Federal Government succeeds in bringing the Boko Haram insurgents to the negotiation table, the question to ask is “what kind of a dialogue would they have with these women, mothers and young girls that would heal their humanity that is deeply injured?”
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  1. So sad. I can't understand these BH people operate from somewhere like camp where they are relax to even abuse our women. So what are the Military doing? Why can they raid those camps? This is really sad honestly!

  2. ;( This is incredibly sad indeed, but boko haram is following the leading of their prophet. Surah 4:24 says that men are not allowed to sleep with married women, except if "their right hand posesses them". This means that if you capture or take posession of a married woman, you can sleep with her, according to the quran. The context of this verse can be seen in, Sunan abu Dawud 2150 (it's a sahih grade hadith).
    We must come to a point where we admit that this boko haram is an islamic issue (Islam is BOTH political and religious). Until we do this, we will not understand how it is that they seem to be hiding in plain sight yet no one is ratting them out. There is a lot of sentiment towards boko haram because of their claim that they are striving in the cause of allah. If we do not truly understand the root of the problem, how do we ever hope to fix it?

    1. So evil tree can never bring forth good fruit. Like father like son.. like leader like followers. Most knowledgeable muslims know this. I only pity ignorant people who call themselves xtians and make themselves apologists for the lie that masqurades as truth.

    2. "if their right hand possesses them" means what? You kind of forget to tell us or maybe you don't know. Is it holding them with their right hand? Please don't explain what you don't understand to win sympathies for your thoughts. Use other options. All form of spiritual teachings abhor rape. It's the people you have right over, whom you've performed all require rites on them that your right hand possesses. Thank you.

    3. Unfortunately, your own hadith disagrees with you on that interpretation. Sunan abu dawud 2150 ( or 2155) says:
      "Abu Sa'id Al Khudri said "The Apostle of Allaah (ï·º) sent a military expedition to Awtas on the occasion of the battle of Hunain. They met their enemy and fought with them. They defeated them and took them captives. Some of the Companions of Apostle of Allaah (ï·º) were reluctant to have intercourse with the female captives in the presence of their husbands who were unbelievers. So, Allaah the exalted sent down the Qur'anic verse "And all married women (are forbidden) unto you save those (captives) whom your right hand posses." This is to say they are lawful for them when they complete their waiting period "
      Do you see? Those whom your right hand possesses means captives, and boko haram knows this!

    4. You must be very dumb or extremely stupid to think or even say that. It is people like you that bring misunderstanding and cause rivalry between Muslims and Christians. Please research very well before posting a comment next time. You are the same with the boko haram people. Ignorant illiterate.

  3. We Nigerians are tired of hearing and not seeing. The so called BOKO Haram are more active than our so called Military men and women and all the security agencies...

    The damages the boko-haram sect have caused so far is alarming. We haven't seen the effect of our military effort since the fight to eradicate this bokoharam disease... We have seen dead bodies of innocent nigerians killed by this same boko-Haram sect, why can't me see the dead-bodies of the boko-haram's, there caves, tunnels and seized weapons.

    According to your write-up
    "The terrorists have occupied it, dug countless tunnels and camps". You claimed you killed and destroyed camps, can we see pictures? I guess your answer to the question is "No"

    “In our various fields of operation, over 210 terrorists have been killed, many captured alive while hundreds of others are on the run, but we are pursuing them. (There is) no place for them to hide,” he said.

    Please, we need to see those tunnels, caves and camps and bodies of the dead boko-haram's. All these talk are meer propaganda...

    Stop playing us a fool, GEJ and your so called Military men and women and all the security agencies... You do not have a clue/idea neither do you have the technical know how to deal with the boko-haram. Stop giving Nigerians false hope.

    I will reserve my religious comment on islam and their doctrines ... following the leading of their prophet. Surah 4:24 says that men are not allowed to sleep with married women, except if "their right hand posesses them". This means that if you capture or take posession of a married woman, you can sleep with her, according to the quran. The context of this verse can be seen in, Sunan abu Dawud 2150 (it's a sahih grade hadith). By: LazzyH

    1. You seem to have your mind made up on this. Your narration doesn't mean they are to be raped and tortured. Lawful for them is simply saying they are marry-able. Kai!

  4. This is the most saddest story of I've heard so far in my life as a woman for that matter, this kind of animalistic people, what punishment did these boko haram deserved, like i said no mercy for any of them caught, they should pure acid on them and let them melt away, this is wickedness of the highest order, God will make your generations suffer for all your evil act

  5. This is not to justify the monstrosity of their act, but did you read your Bible well which says, Concerning Women Prisoners of War and captives

    10 “When the Lord your God gives you victory in battle and you take prisoners, 11 you may see among them a beautiful woman that you like and want to marry. 12 Take her to your home, where she will shave her head,[a] cut her fingernails, 13 and change her clothes. She is to stay in your home and mourn for her parents for a month; after that, you may marry her. 14 Later, if you no longer want her, you are to let her go free. Since you forced her to have intercourse with you, you cannot treat her as a slave and sell her.
    Deuteronomy 21.10
    Good News Translation (GNT)

  6. 2 Chronicles 15:13 Whosoever would not seek the LORD God of Israel should be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman. 
    What the Bible says about Rape of prisoners of war: 
    And Moses said unto them,
    Have ye saved all the women alive? ... Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. -- Numbers 31:15-18 


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