


Anti-gay law article: Reply to Chimamanda Adichie

 This article is a response to award winning writer, Chimamanda Adichie's article

Before I start I would like to ask you to ignore my grammatical errors. I’m not a writer so I have no reputation to protect in terms of grammatical errors. I write principally in response to your article on anti-gay law. I would really plead for your patience to calmly read my own view.

I have never read your article before now. I have heard of your reputation in writing and I had already rated you even when I had never read your articles. Unfortunately your sense of judgment is being questioned when I gave you the chance to create an impression because I’m not a type that takes a second chance take make a good impression.

I want you to understand that the Story of Sochukwuma is what you created just to spice up your writing and you didn’t tell us that Sochukwuma wanted to be gay. Nevertheless, I would like to share similar story. When I was younger, there was a man called Amechi. He had the same nature with Sochukwuma but he has five children now. A friend of mine called Dera has the same nature and he is called ladies man because he has girlfriends and he intends to settle down soon. Obinna has two girlfriends and he’s also currently dating one of the Nollywood actresses.

You are an enlightened woman and you should not use your education to spread ignorance, you don’t really have to deceive people into accepting evil in the name of human right. As a woman, I expect you to write what you can defend before God.

You spoke like you are a puppet in the hands of western people, because they support gay, you have to do so but that doesn’t make it right. What is really democracy? Is it really all about protecting the minority as you said even when minority are hell bent in turning Nigeria into Sodom and Gomorah. Is that really democracy? Human right is a Greek gift from satan. What is human right when it against the Creator? We abuse nature in the name of human right and even legalizing gay is abuse of human right. Should everybody do what they wish to do because human right backs them up? Is there any religion that support it or do your culture support it? Even nature abhors it.

Do you believe in morality? Should human right violate morality? You talked of gay people being different, normal and you still support what is not normal to be legalised. You write to fight against nature and God’s plan for creation.

When you said that passing anti-gay law was an indication of a failed democracy in Nigeria, I laughed because was it not a failed democracy when the western world threatened to withdraw their financial aid to any African country that signs anti-gay law. Does that mean Africa must accept what they impose on us, does that mean we don’t have the right to choose the way we wish to live. You should have supported the African minority rather than Western majority. I think you should show balance in your judgment.

It was laughable when you said homosexual is not a crime because it has no victim. You equally did not answer why prostitution, gambling, illicit use of drugs, suicide are crimes when they have no victim. You equally failed to answer why abortion is legalized even when it has a victim. Amanda, are you a virtuous woman? Would you want your daughter to marry another woman and your son to marry another man? Did you really write with conscience?

If gay is legalised then bestiality should also because there is no crime, because there is no victim. It will be also be undemocratic if bestiality don’t have their own right and if bestiality have their right, what do you want this world to turn into? And I don’t think you would wish your children to marry dogs.

This is anti-humanity. You said there were gay people in Nigeria before you were born, that’s because your existence was possible because your parents were not and same sex marriage was not legal. Just imagine a sharp rise in population of same sex marriage if it is legalised. Supporting same sex marriage is denying unborn ones the right to exist or don’t they deserve the privileged like you?

It could have been awesome if you had suggested how to heal them and make them normal rather than legalizing it as you claim they were not normal. If you really have good conscience you should have suggested how we can make them normal not encouraging them to remain abnormal.

If I ask your opinion on murder, you will say it is evil but which evil is more than murdering the souls of men. I would like to ask you, are you working for the devil? Are you bringing souls to God or to the devil? Are you working for a devilish innovation of the new world order?

Many ignorant people are giving you great ovation after reading your article but God will ask you the blood of the souls that will end up in hell because of what you sent to the public. You compare homosexual with fornication. Between two evils, one is better. Fornication is evil but it is not against nature because it involves two opposite sex, it can have good end product like marriage and child birth but what is the good end product in homosexuality? Anti-nature, anti-humanity, extinction of man kind? Is that your wish for the world? Why are we fighting for natural conservation if not for continuity?

You don’t have to write because you have the right and knowledge to do so but there should be sanctity in what you write. I know you know how to write but your pride should not make you think you know better than your Creator, Leviticus 18:22. If really your opinion about same sex marriage is from your honest heart then the similarity between you and human being is just coincidental. Someone needs morality, see the person in the mirror.

By Ezea Chukwudi

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  1. My brother, God bless you for saying the truth. We are Africans

  2. Some things should be left for God to judge, s long as Gays don't start marching down the streets or asking to get married or demanding to be accepted, I think we should let God judge. Let's not work overtime for God. I
    believe he is aware of what'd happening

    1. What makes you think they won't ask to be joined in marriage if they are left unchecked. I beleived you heard of the saying: "silence is taken as approval". That is, when you keep quiet about something, it is taken that you approve of it. That is why we speak against and condemn it now. We should leave it for God to judge, right, so that our children (who are still too your young to distinguish between right and wrong) should be seeing them on the streets, consequently thinking there is nothing wrong in it, right? Even God Himself commanded that we should cut them off from among us so that they will not corrupt others. You people love to justify evil by quoting " judge not" there by encouraging it. You really need to change the way you think.

  3. In fact you should be the Nobel prize winner and not chi Gini

  4. A very big round of applause sir!!!!!

  5. Nice post chukwudi, i hope chichi realise the gravity of her write up as an african woman. regardless of the depth of knowledge we aquire, there is a place of wise application. LETS BEWARE OF FALSE PHILOSOPHERS. chichi come back and think like an african woman with dignity.

  6. Whoever wrote this article you are too much.God bless you and to think some gullible fellows have started thinking like her its a shame

  7. Wao! Beautiful one chukwudi.we need people like have spoken the mind of God.God bless you

  8. Good article. I think Chimamanda should come back home. She is now being use by the West. God bless you Chukwudi

  9. Good talk, God bless u Sir. Stupid woman(Amanda) NO TO GAY.

  10. This is so stupid!!! In chi's article her position was objective, giving us facts and comparing different situations so the we the reader can draw our inference! This article on the other hand was just insulting the woman because of what she wrote. The writer should have given us facts and data so we could compare the two articles and make our choice on the matter. Chi never insulted anyone! She never called anyone the tool of the devil!!

    1. I think you should go and read both both articles again. You didn't sound like someone who read the articles. Chimamanda even twisted the Bible to support gay (so tell me where you saw her objectivity). The facts you claimed Chi gave was used against her article. Furthermore, based on Chis writeup, the fact that a boy walks, talks, or behave like a girl should make him CHOOSE (choice is a decision, incase you don't know) to have sex with a boy or man like himself.You should learn to didifferentiate choice and disorder. A boy can have a disorder of talking or acting like a girl because he lived amongst girls, but that doesn'tmake him a girl and should not make him to aspire to sleep with his same sex. Think.

    2. Because she's d devil's instrument, she doesn't need to call anybody a devil. What are u comparing? The truth can never be changed even if she writes an episode

  11. This writer (replier) thinks prostitution, gambling, illicit use of drugs, suicide are crimes that have no victim? What a shallow way of reasoning! Mr. Chukwudi, your reasoning in this article is laughable.

    1. He and some wise enough people understand what he meant by that. Even if they have victims; do you think the victims can be as many that that of homosexuality? The victims of homosexuality is the entire human race, homosexuals inclusive. So think again.

    2. You are d one with shallow reasoning because u didn't understand what point Mr. Chukwudi was trying to make. Shallow understanding!

    3. It is obviosly your own reasoning that is infantile and ridiculous. Every discerning reader would easily have seen the nexus intended by the writers rationality except, perhabs misguided gay enthusiasts, if not despicable practitioners like you!

    4. Guys take it easy. There's no point insulting anyone here. We should express our opinions with respect for other people's. The writer has some good objections and I do agree that no one should be forced to believe homosexuality is normal. I also agree that it should not be legalized. However, I still don't think it is fair to criminalize it. The writer, Chukwudi made his stand known but I feel he was a bit emotional and not factual. He claimed one evil is better than the other, that, I think is not in the bible and if it is, I would like to know where it says fornication is better than homosexuality. Let's not get emotional about this, lets be more realistic. If gay people should be jailed for being gay, then adulterers, fornicators and the likes should be behind bars. No harm meant to anyone and apologies to whoever feels hurt by my words. I think the Nigerian government as well as the US and other parts of western world where homosexuality has been legalized are all extremists.

  12. I totally agree with you Ezea. Sometimes people do forget the premise of the country USA. Being formed centuries ago based off freedom of religion, speech etc I believe is the reason behind the successes achieved on all sorts of stages eg. animal rights, legal marijuana and the likes. Nigeria built on our founding fathers rock had a group of laws set on stone which did not include freedom to do what u like. We nigerians go out westwards to imbibe these cultures which do not apply to us in my view is a shame.

  13. @anon 10:20pm; tell us the victims of prostitution and gambling naaa

  14. Thank you my brother. Chukwu gozie gi. Leave those people that are promoting moral decadence. God will wipe them off like dust from the face of this earth one day.

  15. Thank u for that good reply to d gay activist. We will continue to abhor evil no matter what she writes, and worst of all, if she enters our dear country Nigeria, we'll send her to jail because our law abhors gay activism.

  16. Chimamanda should not destroy her reputation with silly write up . Her mentor Late Chinua Achebe would have distanced himself from her if he were alife.

  17. @ Ezea God bless you for speaking the mind of God himself. @ Teejay Jude kudos to you too, and all the people here who spoke for future procreation and normal balance of nature. God is watching!

  18. Wow ! Good write up. Ur grammatical errors are pardoned because you make a lot of sense. Pure truth !

  19. @anonymous 9.52 am, ezea in simple terms said that if chimamanda sees gay tendencies to be a disorder, like sochukwuma, then what he needs is therapy, ways to cure the disorder...not to encourage the disorder by legalizing it. Cleptomania is a disorder as we know. Is it not better to find suiting therapy to cure the cleptomaniac rather than encouraging and lagalizing it? All the sochukwumas out there need is therapy and cure. Not encouragement. He who has ears let him hear.

  20. @anonymous 9.52 am, ezea in simple terms said that if chimamanda sees gay tendencies to be a disorder, like sochukwuma, then what he needs is therapy, ways to cure the disorder...not to encourage the disorder by legalizing it. Cleptomania is a disorder as we know. Is it not better to find suiting therapy to cure the cleptomaniac rather than encouraging and lagalizing it? All the sochukwumas out there need is therapy and cure. Not encouragement. He who has ears let him hear.

  21. You really need to go back and read the bible again. What you call sin (homosexuality) was a crime then. I think you really need to go back to your dictionary look up the meaning of constitution. It is the rule and regulation that guided their ways of life then and it also state the punishment so as to scare people away from it. You guys really need to stop twisting the bible wrongly to buttress your points and that is a sin. Not matter how good you try to paint evil, it will always be evil because its overall consequences will always detrimental, even if it appears good at first. The Western world has a distorted sense of morality and that makes them the worst people to emulatr went it comes to democracy and, certainly, when it comes to morality.

  22. Chimanmanda or wateva she cals haself is as proud as she is ignorant!she shld go and sit dwn and learn frm d ants.I rily dnt giv a hoot about ha achievements.fro ha pocket!woman,go and read ur bible we'll to make heaven,u hear me?

  23. Do animals practice lesbianism or homosexuality?talkless of HUMANS.ahn ahn!

  24. Chimanmanda or wateva she cals haself is as proud as she is ignorant!she shld go and sit dwn and learn frm d ants.I rily dnt giv a hoot about ha achievements.fro ha pocket!woman,go and read ur bible we'll to make heaven,u hear me?

  25. This Ezea fellow is a joker of below average intelligence. So asking that a law be repealed means legalising what it sought to criminalise? Was gay marriage legal before the law was enacted? No substance in the article as it is based on a fundamentally flawed understanding of the issue. I detest homosexuality but do I believe it should be criminalised? It is a sin, but unless we decide to criminalise all sins, like fornication, then we should leave it to God to judge them, not the state.

  26. The western countries criminalises polygamy( a marriage of 1 man to many women) but they do not want us to criminalise man marrying man or woman marrying woman?! Is that not funny? Meanwhile David Cameron is shouting for gay meanwhile the King or Queen of England must a married man or woman. If he or she is divorced he or she looses right to the throne! In order word their monarch is higher than GOD command? GOD forbid!... Odun Tutu.

  27. Guys take it easy. There's no point insulting anyone here. We should express our opinions with respect for other people's. The writer has some good objections and I do agree that no one should be forced to believe homosexuality is normal. I also agree that it should not be legalized. However, I still don't think it is fair to criminalize it. The writer, Chukwudi made his stand known but I feel he was a bit emotional and not factual. He claimed one evil is better than the other, that, I think is not in the bible and if it is, I would like to know where it says fornication is better than homosexuality. Let's not get emotional about this, lets be more realistic. If gay people should be jailed for being gay, then adulterers, fornicators and the likes should be behind bars. No harm meant to anyone and apologies to whoever feels hurt by my words. I think the Nigerian government as well as the US and other parts of western world where homosexuality has been legalized are all extremists.

  28. I can't stop clapping. Bless you for this wonderful write ups. Some of us are better with words than others. You said it all. Must we give in to the madness of others? Indeed it is not about human rights. It is about what is right. Homosexuality is not right.

  29. Na oversabi dey worry Amanda. Could Chinua Achebe or Peter Abrahams have supported Gay marriage?

  30. Chukwudi's article reeks of ignorance and prejudice. Chimamanda Adichie's is enlightened and humane. I'm sorry, Chukwudi, but you need education over human history and sexuality. Let Nigeria face it's problems and not take backward, foolish steps in lawmaking.

  31. Ezea Chukwudi, Your piece raises many issues but I'll highlight only a few. You say you know people like 'Sochukwuma' and they married or had girlfriends. Matter concluded? No! If a truly gay man gets married to a woman, there will be all sorts of problems. They might have children of doubtful paternity. The man might be frustrated and become a wife-beater, or an alcoholic or drug taker, avoiding his home, living a life of deceit and secrecy. Besides, it's naive to think that everyone, whether straight or not is cut out for marriage. The statistics of wretched marriages is too overwhelming. If you google sexuality in mammals and study history of human sexuality, you'd grasp that being gay is as natural, as normal, as innate as being straight. Nature is not exclusively heterosexual. The creator made both the effeminate man and mannish woman (to put it at a crude level) and gave them their roles. Many of the greatest minds who ever lived, from Leonardo da Vinci the greatest genius to Alan Turing who invented the system of the modern computer manifested a gay orientation. Without the LGBT, there would be no culture or civilization. Our people believe in selective immorality. Straight fornication is fine? No. If you have ever slept with a woman to whom you are not married, you've broken God's law on sexual morality and have no moral right to condemn gays. Chimamanda's article is enlightened, humane and rational.


  32. Rom 1:23-32
    23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
    24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
    25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
    26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
    27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
    28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
    29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
    30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
    31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
    32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.


  33. Rom 1:23-32
    23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
    24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
    25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
    26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
    27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
    28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
    29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
    30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
    31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
    32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.


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