World Update
Archbishop Desmond Tutu Forms Political Party For Gays
Archbishop Desmond Tutu Forms Political Party For Gays
Friday, January 17, 2014
Archbishop Desmond Tutu has surprised South Africans by announcing the formation of a gay political party called the Democratic Religious Alliance Against Minority Antagonism (DRAAMA).
The party is set to take part in a general election later this year.
Last year Tutu outraged Christians when he declared: “I would refuse to go to a homophobic heaven…No, I would say sorry, I mean I would much rather go to hell…I would not worship a God who is homophobic and that is how deeply I feel about this.”
The Nobel Peace Prize laureate and South African archbishop emeritus added that he does not believe religion provides justification for homophobia.
His passion on the issue has led him to form the world’s first gay political party to address an issue which he feels president Jacob Zuma “tiptoes” around.
The first and last time we ever heard president Jacob Zuma addressing issues around anti-homophobia was when he had to make a public apology regarding a damaging statement he made about this minority group.
In a media statement released on Wednesday, DRAAMA said it is set to be at the forefront of minority human-rights issues the current ruling party has dragged its feet in addressing.
According to report: “With gay socialite and choreographer Somizi Mhlongo being poached as the party’s spin doctor, South Africans should brace themselves for a lot of DRAAMA!!!”
Said Mhlongo: “I was pleasantly surprised upon receiving a call from the honourable Archbishop Desmond Tutu informing me of his intentions and his request for my involvement.”
Before his election as South African President Jacob Zuma was forced to apologise after offending the gay community.
He was quoted as saying that same-sex marriages were: “A disgrace to the nation and to God.”
He also said that when he was a young man, he would have knocked down any homosexual person he met.
He later retracted his words and explained: “My remarks were made in the context of the traditional way of raising children … I said the communal upbringing of children in the past was able to assist parents to notice children with a different social orientation. I however did not intend to have this interpreted as a condemnation of gays and lesbians.”
He also said he respected: “The sterling contribution of many gay and lesbian compatriots in the struggle that brought about our freedom.”
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By their fruits we shall know them!
ReplyDeletearch bishop 4 dat matter,notin we can nt c from so cal pastors nd bishop in dis world,even pope dat resign lasterm knows wat he did b4 he step down so it is not a big deal bcos arch bishop do dis typ of tin,u pple wl continue believe wat he says,nonsens ppl cal men of GOD,from Ja,afar
ReplyDeleteIf the so called man of God like Tutu would come open to support this madness, then there is no hope for the church. What will any country gain from its citizens being gay? Nothing but retrogression and in the end that country will end like Sodom and gomorah where it all began.
ReplyDeleteMy favourite Religious leader, leading by example, I salute you Archbishop Tutu, stepping into the arena in support of minorities.
ReplyDeleteDude, u need help. He might be a religious leader, but he's not a Godly one.
Deleteeven Archbishop don march line. em dey read bible self? sumtin wey bible condemn na em Desmond tutu wan champion.1cor 6: 9-11.
ReplyDeleteWe should not forget that South Africans were used as guinea-pig for different brain experiments on
ReplyDeleteblacks in an attempt to subjugate all blacks in the world. They succeeded in turning sheep who cannot reason higher than 9 year olds. You would notice that an average South African black has lost his human dignity. It will take a long while before we savage them AGAIN from white domination. This time not physical but mental subjugation. So my people, let us begin the strategy for total emancipation of blackman from whites. It's a war! Don't make any mistake about that.
May God help Archbishop Tutu
ReplyDeletewhat a shame Tutu
ReplyDeleteU no see him face like gay marriage. if ur mama no burn u where u go from talk dis kind abomination word? ur days are numbered if u don't change. Come on get out from here
ReplyDeleteHomosexuality is not from God, God doesn't make people gay. Homosexuality is caused by deep rooted demonic possession and oppression causing sexual perversion and immorality. There is usually a point of entry or a cause of this. Those feelings of lust and inappropriate and unnatural desires are at their core evil, and not entirely your thoughts but the devil's and demons.
ReplyDeleteThe way out is deliverance from demonic oppression. The devil today has changed his tactics and would rather remain stealthily unnoticed while silently destroying your spiritual life.
If you want to follow Christ truly then do so wholly, don't be selective in scripture, ignoring completely the parts that speak against homosexuality. In the old and new testament homosexuality is sin. God specifically refers to homosexuality as 'wickedness' in the old testament, the punishment for which was death. Now tell me why this was so, and did God later change his mind?
Of course we now live in a period of grace, Christ's message is love, but not sexual love and most certainly not the love between people of the same sex.
The reason why you feel guilt is the fact that homosexuality is the most unnatural thing to man. Most so called gay Christians look for validation and justification for their sinful life styles by mis-interpreting scripture to support their life style.
Biologically speaking alone it just doesn't make sense for two people of the same sex to even have sex! A man and a man, and a woman and a woman, the organs don't even match. Not even animals do that.
But here is the good part, it is not too late so long as there is life. You still have a chance to be delivered through Jesus Christ, and live a life free from sexual perversion. God truly loves you even in your present condition that is His abundant grace upon you, and He has made every provision for you to live a life free from demonic oppression; you have power in the name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus, and the Holy Spirit! Exercise this power today!
God doesn't hate you, he loves you, but if you were to die this very moment as a homosexual, would you make heaven?
Don't be deceived by the tricks of the god of this world that 'its okay to be gay', or 'its natural' and 'genetically proven', or 'its your right', 'people should be allowed to love who they want' and all those other false teachings that only serve to derail you from true fellowship with God. I personally am not in support of people that hate homosexuals, and carry out hate crimes against them, because how then would they show you the love of Christ. I advocate 'hate the life style but not the individual', for the life style is simply rebellion against God!
We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory God, no man is perfect, but His grace abounds. However this is not a license to live as you do.
I pray that all who would take time to read this would not be offended but see the truth for what it is.
Highly recommended website links
This is the most sensible way to address issues like this,it's very polite and is able to get the attention of these people.
DeleteHe said he would rather go to hell. well, he's already there! I agree with "Anonymous 5:54pm, Jan 19.
ReplyDeleteI am not ashamed of the GOSPEL OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. Consequently, me and my household we shall serve the LORD. No weapon fashioned against me shall prosper. They can shoot me but exalted GOD will certainly sort them out by his capable hand. Desmond Tutu you are a total disgrace and a reflection of the Anti-Christ himself. May GOD deliver you. Shame shame shame on you.