




El-Rufai Says CAN Not Synonymous With Oritsejafor

Former Minister of the Federal Capital Abuja, Nasir El Rufai has criticized the current leader of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor, for betraying the group’s legacy of fighting against oppressive forces.

In a statement released today, Mr. El Rufai recalled the heroic role played by past CAN leader, Cardinal Anthony Olubunmi Okogie, as “a voice of resistance” to the despotic military regimes of the 1980s and 1990s. According to the former minister, at “a time when many people kept silent in the face of human rights abuses, Okogie faced down the military government and told them some home truths.” The minister added: “It didn’t matter if the victims were Muslims or Christians; it didn’t matter whether they were from the north or south; CAN fought for all Nigerians. Okogie had the moral authority to act, and did so with dignity, to the admiration of all of us.”

Mr. El Rufai also stated that Cardinal Okojie’s heroism was not an isolated one, adding that several other past CAN leaders lent their voices to the struggle for democratic governance in Nigeria. “Okogie’s bravery was not unusual for CAN leaders; if anything, in the turbulent history of this country, there is a proud tradition of leaders of CAN who spoke for and stood by the people of this country,” said the former minister. He lauded those CAN luminaries for using “their moral authority to defend the rights of all Nigerians even during the most brutal military dictatorships or corrupt and inept civilian administrations,” naming Archbishop Peter Jasper Akinola, the Reverend Sunday Mbang and Cardinal John Onaiyekan, as “shining examples of faith in action, with compassion for the oppressed and chastisement for the tyrants.”

Mr. El Rufai contrasted the noble era of CAN leadership with the current leadership of the Christian body, led by Pastor Oritsejafor. The former minister’s statement accused Oritsejafor of seeking to make himself and his personal political biases synonymous with those of CAN.

“In spite of the corruption that blights much discourse these days, it is evident that a clear distinction exists between CAN as a body and the individual that leads it. Ayo Oritsejafor cannot be allowed to conflate himself with CAN. He bears personal accountability for the conduct and utterances that portray him as a messenger of the powerful, or as an active soldier of the ruling party,” said Mr. El Rufai.

He added: “Except for the informed, the casual observer may mistake Oritsejafor for a minor protocol official of government, so pathetically has he cheapened the erstwhile integrity of the CAN presidency.”

He expressed dismay that Pastor Oritsejafor’s “utterances and behavior amount to repudiation of the moral authority, fair-mindedness and high standing his predecessors invested in that office.” According to him, while CAN’s past leaders “spoke truth to power in the exalted prophetic tradition,” the current leader “cossets and pampers the government of the day.” He also accused Pastor Oritsejafor of championing the “politics of ethnic and religious division by making unfounded allegations against opposition leaders.” He asked: “How else can any neutral observer rationalize his two calls for General Buhari’s arrest? In contrast, Oritsejafor was dead silent when persons that are Jonathan’s sidekicks threatened the nation with violence if he is not voted president in 2015!”

Mr. El Rufai accused Pastor Oritsejafor of choosing “”to be a subaltern to power,” but praised the efforts by other men of faith “to stem division and help the country achieve peace.” He added that such laudable efforts earned Cardinal John Olorunfemi Onaiyekan and the Sultan of Sokoto a joint nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize.”

Mr. El Rufai reminded the current CAN leader that nomination for the Nobel, an esteemed global honor, “is a measurement of leadership quality and character,” adding that it was “distinct from Oritsejafor who prefers earthly gains and ostentatious lifestyle of private jets!” He recalled that Pastor Oritsejafor had in November, 2012 accepted the gift of private jet “in the presence of a smiling President Jonathan.”

He remarked that Oritsejafor’s style of leadership had created division within CAN, illustrated by Catholic leaders’ “recent unprecedented decision to temporarily opt out of CAN!” Stated Mr. El Rufai: “It is not because Christians in Nigeria today are markedly different from those that lived in the days when Okogie, Akinola and Mbang led CAN honorably; it is because the Oritsejafor style has driven the organization into the ignominious politics of hatred and division.”

He said that the mood of sensitivity about religion had led many to refrain from “pointing out the errant ways of Oritsejafor, but if we are to build the Nigeria of our dreams, we must have the courage to point out transgressions against all Nigerians by people masking themselves in religious toga to create strife in the country.” He added that “Oritsejafor is neither a personalization of CAN, nor an example of the compassion, grace and modesty Christianity teaches.”
The former minister stated that a statement “purportedly issued in CAN’s name in defense of Oritsejafor” represented a “case of the descent into toxic politics.” He added that the “language of the statement is very similar to the gutter language usually spewed out of the Presidential Villa whenever any citizen expresses the right to question the corruption, impunity and incompetence of the Jonathan administration.”

Mr. El Rufai warned that when “purportedly religious leaders or organizations become brazenly partisan, they should not complain directly and through surrogates when they are responded to in like manner.” He cautioned against reducing God’s work “to petty electoral calculations” as well as religious leaders indulging “in base blackmail and falsehood.” He warned that leaders of faith must exhibit “good example in the public arena.”

According to him, religious leaders must not exploit their faith “for political and commercial favors.” He concluded that, “In the final analysis, the needs and wants of a less privileged Christian destitute in Abia is not that much different from that of a Muslim Almajiri in Zamfara!”

(Sahara Reporters)
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  1. D truth shall prevail.2015 is at hand .

  2. Mr Rufai, u r right in this particular case. 4rm day one , Pastor Ayo is a politician. he like n love money so much.rapture will tell.

  3. Well spoken El-Rufai
    May God continue to bless and protect you.

  4. Truth told! Simple.

  5. Rufai has no right to speak on who and how a Christian body is governed. Does he not see the Islamic bodies? Let him concern himself with those instead of pretending to care about CAN. People like rufai simply wish CAN a weak leadership that they can easily over run with their evil agenda. He can only fool some people.

    1. Thank you. At least some people can see through this charade. What of the insults El Rufai has been heeping on Christianity and on Christ of recent?. When the xtIan leaders he mentioned were doin great works where were the muslim leaders. Even demons often try to transform to appear as angels of light.

  6. It's pathetic that this "man of God" has brought the enviable organization to his knees. The days of reckoning is near.

    1. How?.. by speaking out against boko haram killing xtians?.bycalling on govt to do her duty of protecting innocent citizens?... how? By refusing to keep quiet? Which is what the enemies of the poor want?.

  7. it is a sympathetic situation that a muslem is the one to voice out to the wrong leadership of CAN while some of us claimed to be true christians of which we can't speak out the truth when the leadership is going wrong? that is why the muslems claimed that their religion is the true religion! Shame on CAN leadership for collecting a free gift of private jet, politicians call christian leaders, infact it is of the truth to be muslem.

  8. I am a Christian, but suports El Rufai's opinion 100%. He's right, what will a man of God be doing with a personal body guard and living a flambouyant life style? He's a politician! John.

  9. I guess people can just tame their unguided utterances! You have only heard from EL Rufai ! I consider that as his own personal opinion and a reflection of his own perceptions. Let's wait and watch with keen interests.

  10. Am a christian frm same state as Papa not a fan of el rufai..But truth b told..he got it spot on this time around..Ayo we ve alwys tagged the head of 'Political Pastors in Delta'He and his likes hv alwys romanced the Govt of d day even b4 he became CAN president!When Politics and Religoin mixes..this is wht u get!I rest my case

  11. Rufia should tell us what his islamic bodies and its leaders have done to bring peace in the north and the entire country. He should tell us how they ve protected the christian minorities in the north as the muslim few are protected in the south. He should tell us how their religious leaders have used their powers to stop the menace of boko haram whose main targets has been the christian few in the north. I can see from all I have read from el-rufia and others from the muslim north is that any one who does not do anything that benefit them is not a good person. With all due respect to cardinal onaiyekan, pls what result has his romance with sultan of sokoto (an islamic leader) produced in stopping the killing of christians and others in the north?despite the huge amount of money spent in organising the so called interfaith dialogue which both of them heads. Having been nominated for or awarded nobel peace, does it they have achieved peace? If they have, why are we still having religious fights and killings by boko haram. Or you think we dont know how these awards are been lobbied?. Just tell us you want pastor oritsejiafor to support your buhari and his party so that you will let him rest cos that is actually what you are seeking. But before he does that, he will have to learn some lessons from the encounters of pastor bakare with your "holy buhari".

  12. It is unfortunate tha this forum is open to all comers esp those who have no full undetstanding of d issues.
    Who is El be making judgement on Christian leadership. What has the muslim leaders and groups done as thousands otf xtians and hundreds of churches are destroyed?. When northern govts are compensating the few muslims impacted biilding mosqes but ignoring churches. What has been Rufais response. Muslims leaders have only made feeble noises have not issued a fatwa against BH and are indeed secret sympathisers if not more. What El Rufao wants is to silence CAN leadership the only strong voice disturbing the.northern conscience. People pls be wise. A PEOPLE Perish for lack of knowledege.
    Christians pls be wise!

  13. The problem of El-Rufai is that the CAN president is from the same region if not the same tribe with Jonathan. If he opportuned to come from the same place with the president, he will do more.For me, i have not seen the offence of CAN. The political and religeous atmosphere we are witnessing today is different from other era. There was no Boko Haram during the tenure of past president El Rufai refered to. In my opinion, he(El-Rufai) he lacks home training from his childhood. Education is onething different from Home training. Nigerians at large and Christians in particular should regard him as rascal. He has done same to Atiku, Obasanjo, Charles Soludo etc. He is not the one to come and tell us whether or not there is division in CAN. Is all well with the Islamic body in the country? If that is the case, why has a section of it turned themselves in killer squad. Why will El-Rufai not direct in effort to sanitizing his religeous body before looking outside

  14. Rufai should shut up his dirty mouth..He should talk to his fellow muslim leader to stop Boko Haram killings in this country.xtian practise is meant for Peace.Does he expect Pst Ayo to slap GEJ?We r to make peace and pray for our Leaders.This is d same stupid guy that was talking nonsense to our Lord,if xtian does that to muslim,do u know what would have happened now?so lets call a spade a spade..ElRufai is stupid.

  15. El Rufai I believe his a double standard person, he stays where his bread is butter. What impact has he made to alleviate the problem in the core north and now he his given an impression of a saint, reading his book has showed me how bias he his.He his just looking for relevance which he can never get.

  16. You can only depopulate you APC by this insult on the CAN president. No rational christian will cast vote for APC if they read this your politically motivated insult on our revered president. Your insult to this reverend gentleman is a height of disrespect that has become known of El-Rufai. To me, you are doing more harm than good to APC and you shold be suspended. In the recent times, we have not been hearing from Buhari. It appears he has been advised by VIPs in APC that his utterance is doing harm more than good. Taking on the president and presidency and now the CAN president only show how unpatriotic u are. Can you see how we can abuse freedom of speech?

  17. You see where u r all wrong, is like u guys don't seems to understand wat Rufai is saying. He merely said the Can president behavior is deferent from CAN as a body, and he is comparing CAN org. with d Islamic body. The bitter truth abt d CAN president however, is dat he is not a MAN OF GOD but a politician in disguise.

  18. While in the minds of many, Oritsejafor has erred, but to say it, would mean one is touching the annointed one and one would end up been rebuked like the disgusting smell of a raptured dead body.

    Oritsejafor has no business heading the the sacred religion but as he is there, there is little the christians can do but to feel hurt that the interest of their faithfuls are not attended to. Am really sorry for the christian faithfuls. God knows best why he allows the man to lead.

  19. El rufa'i you're a great man, CAN leadership is completely disgrace to entire Christian community in Nigerian due their engagement in Nigerian politics its importunate. Be objective and say the truth even against your parents.

  20. Did El-Rufai know that Ayo was elected twice as president of CAN by the christian community? It simply means they are not at variant with his views. El-Rufai should back down. Religious matter is very sensitive.

  21. El Rufia is saying d truth.....he's not insulting christians. Compare d present CAN president lifestyles to his predecessors......

  22. what is El-rufai busisness with CAN? is he a christian? he should leave the man of God alone and face his own business. has not not betrayed the confidence enthrusted on him before? common counsel your self before you counsel others

  23. I will like to respond to two groups on this forum, first is those that have been crucifying El. Rufai for what he said. My question to Group 1 is did we really read what he wrote in his write-up? And if we at all read it, did we read it with an open mind and not being:
    1. Religiously Biased
    2. Ethnicity Biased
    I think if we have an open mind to what he has written, then we should not be all out to crucify him. If you are going to be sincere with yourself, El. Rufai said it all. Is Orisajafor truly representing you as a Christian? What values or virtues can you attribute Ayo's life style with when compared to our Lord Jesus Christ?
    My Submission to group 1: If you truly want to see Nigeria grow and prosper. Lets learn to go above Religion and Ethnicity. Lets be bold to call a spade a spade. Even if Buhari or El. Rufai comes out tomorrow and says things that are TRUE. Let us be prepared to support them.

    To Group 2: I read at least a comment where the writer spoke about "Touching the anointed of God" And i just don't know when Nigerians will truly get enlightened and be ready to take responsibility for our faults. Why do we hide this bad Pastors or Religious Leaders under the "Touch not my anointed" Shield. So are you saying because someone calls himself a man of God, he is now above the law or rebuke? There is no way we can prosper as a country if we continue in this thinking. I have seen several write-up about flamboyant lifestyles of Pastors and even on Pastors committing Adultery. Yet people will come out and say: "Touch Not My Anointed", "Leave him to God", etc. My question is like that of Paul the Apostle to the Galatians (Gal 3:1). "O! Foolish Galatians who Bewitched you?". Honestly, am sorry to say, but Nigerians act as if we have been bewitched. Why would we see evil being perpetrated by Men of God and we will be scared to talk about it. If i may ask and please permit my language here: So if you catch a Pastor even sleeping with your wife or rapping your daughter, would you still say:"Touch not my anointed"? Am sure a lot of people will say no. But let not forget that Sin is Sin. Whether you are embezzling Church funds or sleeping with another man's wife, its still sin.

    My Submission to Group 2: Let us learn to speak against evil. No evil will befall you if you do so. Emancipate yourself from the Mental Slavery that Pastors or Religious Leaders have put you under. Making you believe if you complain against them, the ground will open and swallow you. Nay! at least not when you speak the truth. Do not let us forget that Europeans and Americans brought this gospel to us. In the USA/UK, if you are a man of God and you are caught in any evil act, the press will carry it, your life will come under scrutiny and you may even go to Jail. This is not about the anointed. If you are anointed you won't be stealing Church money and live like there is no heaven. Brothers and Sisters, let us stand up against all this evils. There is a new Church in Lagos (!/LiesMustStop?hc_location=timeline) and i just started following them. I will recommend you check them out. I see Nigerians getting liberated from all these lies soon. And may God help us as more and more people stand up to resist the evils of these men.

    Finally, for my Group 2 folks, i wrote a piece on the TOUCH NOT MY ANOINTED scheme to a brother of mine just to help him understand the true meaning of that scripture. I will post it here if you wish to know more about this.

    Adeyinka Fadehan

    Do you know that you and I and all born again Christians all over the world are ANOINTED of GOD? Rev 1: 5-6: Paraphrased: through the covenant of Salvation that Christ purchased for us, "We became Priests and Kings" So you are anointed of God just as your Pastor is. His gift is only different from yours. Read Ephesians 4:11 : "It says: He gave some prophet, teachers, pastors etc...." So Pastoring you and other flocks is just a gift. Just like a person gifted in drumming and musical instruments, that is his/her own gift. And the essence of all these gifts is to Equip the Saints (Saints here means all Born again Brothers and Sisters).

    Now you may say but one is greater than the other but if you spend time to read your Bible well, you will see where Paul addressed these gift and made us understand that, all are given to compliment each other and none is greater than the other. Read all of 1 Corinthian 12 prayerfully and you will understand this.

    Furthermore, When the scripture spoke about "Touch Not My Anointed" In the Old covenant (i.e. Old Testament) you will see that its was talking to some set of people at that point in time and this are the Children of Israel and their chosen Kings. Read the following scriptures prayerfully (1Sam. 12:3,5; 24:6,10; 26:9,11, 16,23; 2 Sam. 1:14,16; 19:21; Psalm 20:6; Lam. 4:20). It is not speaking about any of our Pastors today. But lets even say you decided to spiritualize it and say: but we are the Spiritual Israel, then my next question will be: what of other commandment that were given to the Israelite of old, are you also going to adopt all those and apply it to your life today? Am sure no one will want to because these are laws that are hard to keep. Note that am not talking about the 10 Commandments alone, am talking about other commandments for example: "To put tzitzit on the corners of clothing - see Numbers 15:38", "To bind tefillin on the head - see Deut. 6:8", "To affix the mezuzah to the doorposts and gates of your house - see Deut. 6:9" and many more. There are about 613 of those commandments. What we see today is: most false teachers will preach "Touch not my anointed" out of context and spiritualize it but they are not ready to spiritualize other commandments of God and adopt it to their life today. If you ask them why, you will hear scriptures like: "Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law - Galatians 3:13", so i don't need to keep such laws. This is when they will only remind you that you have no more under the law and have been set free from it, yet they refer you back to the Old covenant when they want to fulfil their own selfish interest.
    So what am i saying here, am simply saying the Phrase: "Touch not my anointed" Which Christians quote today are quoted out of context and sometimes in mediocrity.

    Going further, let us even assume that Pastors are the only anointed of God and they are the only one that scripture is referring to, does that mean even when they do evil or wrong things we should not talk? Nay!. If we agree that the "Touch not my anointed" Scripture is for the Pastors, and you have spent time to read all those scriptures i gave you above prayerfully (i.e.: 1Sam. 12:3,5; 24:6,10; 26:9,11, 16,23; 2 Sam. 1:14,16; 19:21; Psalm 20:6; Lam. 4:20); you will notice something about those scriptures. The first thing you will notice is that these scriptures are referring to PHYSICAL HARM - e.g. killing the anointed of God. What it does not mean is saying something about another person publicly that is true. How do we know this? Because that's exactly what David did about Saul. It was David who said he would not harm God’s anointed, who was King Saul at the time but He spoke out publicly about him.

    So in all my brothers and sisters, there is nothing wrong in seeing evil and speaking against it. If a Pastor is doing the wrong thing, he is human, tell him. This is what has destroyed the body of Christ till date. In fact you are incurring the wrath of God if you sit there and not talk. Go and read the book of Daniel 11. You will see that his prophecy is in part getting fulfilled today. What we see today is like what Daniel spoke about in verse 31-32:

    “31: His army will take over the Temple fortress, pollute the sanctuary, put a stop to the daily sacrifices, and set up the sacrilegious object that causes desecration, 32:He will flatter and win over those who have violated the covenant. But the people who know their God will be strong and will resist him. - NLT".

    Is that not what most Churches of Christ has turn to today? Daniel said in that verse 31: His army will take over the Temple fortress and pollute the sanctuary: Are our churches not being polluted today with get rich overnight gospels? Pastors (wolves in sheep skin) living outrageously, no love and mercy in their heart? Exalting corrupt leaders on the pulpit etc?. Daniel's prophecy went further saying "... he will put a stop to the daily sacrifices", - Listen to most preachers today, there song is all about tithing and offering. No more sermons that will help a sinner take up his cross and die daily as Paul said. These are what we see in churches today. But that scripture says in the latter part of Verse 32 that: "Those that knows their God will be strong and resist him"
    So all those that are standing against corruption that have covered the Churches are indeed fulfilling scriptures. They know their God and will continue to resist such act.

    I pray God will continue to empower more Christians to speak up! Shalom!

    Adeyinka Fadehan

  26. If una lik mak una criticise ayo frm now til 2morow i no send....i am proud 2 hav papa ayo oritsejafor as my spiritual father....if e pain una wel wel mak una go huge Transformer.el rufai u beta shut up ur useless mouth...leave my papa alone..leave my papa alone...leave my papa alone oooooo.Up word of life bible church....4lif.......ghenero say so

  27. So sad some people just like to comment on this medium without sense of belonging,El Rufia mentioned many Christian leaders on his article with great effort and " moral authority to defend the rights of all Nigerians even during the most brutal military dictatorships or corrupt and inept civilian administrations,” they have contributed to Nigeria progress and he mention names like Archbishop Peter Jasper Akinola, the Reverend Sunday Mbang and Cardinal John Onaiyekan. El Rufai also stated that Cardinal Okojie’s heroism was not an isolated one,so why don't we face reality ? How can some give,you(Ayo) as man of God (CAN president) a private jet why we have some of your church members who they are hardly eat three times in a day,he (Ayo) forget the jobless Christian youth in the church,the widows in the church and he(Ayo) fly private jet and maintain it with church money I think? Which he(Ayo) can use the jet money to create job to youth of Nigeria but he(Ayo) prefer to put on gold chain like pop star and acting like political Animal in Christiandom and i don't why some people are blind to see or deaf to hear , El rufia have said it all and I'll like us Nigeria youth to put back issue of Religion an tribalism and face the reality let us say KNOW to bad leadership Politically or Religiously(Islam and Christianity). GOD bless Nigeria( Olawumi M).

  28. I wish Elrufai could concentrate this much attention to his Islamic leaders and how they have romanced boko Haram.
    This man is just trying to cause trouble. For all I care he could be a boko haramist in disguise.
    Judgement is the duty of God and God alone.
    Heaven is a place of surprises.
    God bless Nigeria

  29. Must Men of God go all in rags before we take them to truly reflecting Christ? What has flamboyancy got to do with quality of leadership? Because one leader is outspoken than his predecessors does not make him a political sycophant. It is easy to see where Mr. El Rufia is coming from. Because his political idol was picked by the vociferous CAN leader to be called to order for making some inciting statements that were capable of throwing this country into war,that is why he has being fighting the present CAN leadership. Tell me, Mr. Rufia if you have written anything about Pastor Ayo before now. Leave Pastor Ayo ALONE, to his master he stands or falls, you are not qualify to be an umpire in this matter. If Mr. Rufia can this kind of time and attention to address the problems in the North as a concerned Nigerian then there would be hope for that region in particular and Nigeria in general. Righteous Rufia please what was the conclusion on the issue between you as BPE DG and the payment of foreign currency to a female corps member. Nobel prize is not attractable to you or your services to Nigeria and humanity were not recognized to attract one to you. Please Mallam, concentrate your efforts in thinking on how you can help the less privilege in your region and beyond rather than taking to bloggers and the likes to discredit personalities like Mr. President and the leadership of the highly revered CAN in the person of Pastor Ayo Orisajefor. Thank you.

  30. Ayo Oristsejafor does not strike me as a pastor but a kind of cowboy guy who is using the pulpit to perfect his abracadabra. I have continued to wonder how he paid his way to become CAN president.


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