


Open letter to Buhari and Tinubu

Dear Sirs, I hope this letter meets you in a good, patriotic spirit. Let me first use this opportunity to join other Nigerians in congratulating the opposition on the registration of the long-awaited alternative party, the All Progressives Congress. Its registration by the Independent National Electoral Commission was a significant moment for Nigerians. It, hopefully, signals a new dawn considering that for once, a truly national opposition platform which has been elusive in the Fourth Republic, appears to have emerged to challenge the ruling party in 2015 and beyond. In many ways too, the merger of the once disparate opposition parties under a unifying bloc represents a milestone in the quest for the enthronement of genuine democracy. That the union has come at a time when this democracy is under imminent threat of annihilation by anti-democratic forces gives Nigerians cause to cheer. Now, they hope that the ruling party will subsequently be held accountable and its excesses curtailed. While also admitting that your union may not be a gathering of saints, it nonetheless, represents a starting point.

It is the recognition of the role of a credible opposition that Nigerians anxiously anticipated the success of the merger. No wonder also that they celebrated its registration. The widespread euphoria is at once a show of gratitude as well as appreciation of your commitment. That you all agreed to dissolve your existing parties to coalesce under a broad-based opposition is the mark of true patriots. The sacrifices your parties have made to bury individual egos and sectional interests may well be what our country needs to move this democracy forward. You will also have to agree with me that Nigerians were initially sceptical when the opposition initiated another merger plan. Do not blame them because the nightmare of past disappointment is still fresh. On three occasions, you let Nigerians down. The most significant was the 2011 merger fiasco. Your failure to unite at the time is the reason why our country in a mess today. Now, the APC optimistically presents us with the opportunity to right the wrongs of the last 14 years.

Of course, Nigerians know that this may not be a perfect union, yet, they hope you may put your house in order to challenge the Peoples Democratic Party’s 14 years’ misrule. And they are waiting to show the power of their votes in the next elections. They celebrated the APC because they want to trust you. Having been battered, bruised and left in the lurch by this government, they look forward to a new dawn in 2015 and beyond. Nigerians want security of lives and property, regular power supply, good roads, better schools, quality health care, end to ethnic strife, corruption and wasteful government. Can your party deliver? Is the APC the new messiah? Will your party put an end to this vicious circle of poverty and oppression that is synonymous with this government?

That is why both of you stand on the threshold of history.

That is why it is important that you must both realise your place in history. Will you continue to act like true patriots to ensure that the APC becomes a genuine opposition party? Can both of you ditch your personal ambitions for the common good? Nigerians are still worried about the danger your political egos pose to the survival of the new party. Indeed, there is a widely held belief that conflicts arising from clash of egos may yet destroy this union. Knowing that the 2011 merger collapsed for this same reason gives cause for concern.  For example, there are already speculations that you, Muhammadu Buhari, will present yourself as candidate again in 2015?  While I do not doubt your personal integrity, it is also within your constitutional right to seek election. 

But will your candidacy be politically wise in 2015? Rather than fuel speculations about your possible candidacy, I will suggest that your party begins a search for a younger candidate with national appeal.  This means that you must accept to ditch your ambitions for the common good. That is the mark of true patriots. The opposition cannot afford to repeat the mistakes of the past.

 Nigerians have waited for this moment.  They yearn for better life in 2015. They hope to be liberated from hunger, poverty and misery that have become their lot with the ruling party.  They want to see improvement in their quality of life. They want to remove the horrible stigma of a people living on less than one dollar a day. They also hope that your party will save this country from hurtling down the precipice plotted for it by the ruling party.

The APC can put an end to this circle of impunity in 2015. But the road ahead will not be easy. In the words of the great Tai Solarin, may your road be rough! There are still fundamental issues your party has not resolved. These issues are the heart of putting in place an enduring opposition that will outlive both of you. First, Nigerians want to see an agenda that is different from the PDP. They want to see how you intend to govern. Thus, apart from shopping for credible candidates, your next objective will be to show Nigerians how you intend to govern differently. They do not want business as usual. Even while they cannot wait to kick out the PDP in 2015, they do not want a party that is a clone of the ruling party.

Now you have to figure out how you intend to resolve the ideological differences you brought into this alliance. How does your party intend to rule?  How will the APC be different in ideology? Will you continue the looting of our commonwealth? Will you concentrate the wealth into the hands of a few at the expense of the suffering masses? Will you retain this expensive contraption called democracy or will you cut down on the size of government? Our lawmakers are said to be the highest paid globally. How do you intend to deal with a wasteful National Assembly that is a clear burden on the resources of this nation?  What is your vision of the economic development that will ensure no Nigerian is left behind? Nigerians hope the APC will not continue this reckless waste of public funds at all levels by the PDP. They are also eager to see how you will address the age-long lopsided federal structure that concentrates too much power at the centre. If your party shows a clear path for nationhood, Nigerians are ready to give you the benefit of the doubt.

The starting point will be to engage Nigerians in a continuous debate about your manifesto. They want to see the APC’s road map for the future. They are waiting to be convinced.  It is not enough to just assume you want to replace the ruling party. Both of you have shown that you can make a difference. The defunct Action Congress has demonstrated this in the South-West. If the opposition party gets its act together, perhaps, our country will be saved from this gradual descent into a state of anomie. The judgment of history will be more than too harsh if your generation fails to seize this moment.

 by Bayo Olupohunda
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  1. Only FASHOLA is the answer. His humble but stern mien, his stance on corruption and social immorality, his aversion to personal enrichment and education makes him the most credible young Nigerian that can aspire and the voted for by most Nigerian. I am sure he appeals to Christians and Muslims, Northerners and Southerners alike.

    1. @Ida: My desire is a selection, such that Fashola, Rochas, Ekiti gov & Oshiomole hold positions of strong influence & authority on a Federal Gov level.
      In my view, they are our finest breed of Nigerian leaders (their age group does well, appealing to the youthful & elderly)
      Seeing them take the driver's seat is a sign of great things to come.

  2. They are after PDP,,,,, Instead of the People,,, they demonstrate very high level of Imposition,,, (Tinubu,Wife, Daughter and family members must Hold position))) Fashola Is even scared of being killed,,, he is just the foot stool of Tinubu,,,Is this a party ????

    While Buhari want to live his life and that of the young generation by imposing himself on them. Very Sorry this party Is Worst than PDP, Look at them very well Without Power ,,, What would they be with power ??????

  3. Everything the writer is warning these two against is already going on in the states they control or is the writer blind. Is it the massive corruption, or the lack of democracy via imposition of candidates e.t.c. The party is a welcome development only because it is a starting point for the integration of a two party system in nigeria which is necessary for our democracy to grow. The problem we have in this country is that we have a wrong generation of people ruling us who never get tired of manipulating us to serve their own selfish interests. If not how can a well known corrupt politician and an equally well known dictator cum religious bigot claim to be our messiahs. They (pdp and apc) are full of the same type of people. I disagree with the author in that the change we need is a change of party rather i believe the change we need is a change of attitude and approach to doing things. Does the writer seriously think that the tinubus of this world have the will power to tackle corruption??? no one is more corrupt in this country right now except maybe ibori and he is in jail presently.Or is it buhari who has been a military dictator that fought against democracy and its principles and continues to be in both action and words a religious and ethnic bigot and never for once fought for the restitution of democracy during our darkest days. How can such a man claim to be a democrat. Or is it the el-rufais, al-mustaphas or femi falanas??? There will never be a change with these guys for they are stuck in their evil ways.


  5. If Buhari runs for election on APC platform, FoRget it! No way!! What did he forget at Aso Rock that he has to go and pick by himself!! As for Tinubu,who stupidly syled himself Gov Emeritus, he's gonna a bigger masochist than mugabe!

  6. Arise from your sleep Nigeria...if we unite, we will be free! Indeed free! Like d writer said, APC registratn by INEC is a starting point to combat d monopoly of our so called democracy by PDP but largely d members of APC must renew their mindset about Nigeria, its resources, wealth, infrastructures, education etc. They must stand up to lead aright, leave a legitimate legacy for d next generation of political leaders and not business as usual as the PDP govt. And the big question is, does d APC have such a man or woman amongst them. If they do will a corrupt Tinubu or a bigot, tribalistic and dictatorial Buhari allow such a person??? The starting point must be elevated to a good and better beginning for our democracy. Who shall rescue Nigeria? We need serious help to change Nigeria(ns). Our values, principles must be corrected to suit that of legitimate leaders like the Mandelas, Ghandhis, Lincolns, Churchhills of ds world. When our leaders can sacrifice for a country they love and not for a family/self they love at the expense of the masses and d entire nation. We look forward to a country where all are equal, where honesty is d best policy, where character is superior to reputation, where our geo and religious differences makes us stronger, where our young pple are motivated to stay within our borders and end d mad rush to the west resulting in Brain-drain of our economy, a country where power belongs to d pple, where God is 1st and on and on like that.
    God help us and bless Nigeria...let's keep the flag flying!

  7. The greatest presidential candidate is in the person of the present Lagos state Governor Fashola and will be wise to embrace and exploit the prospects.
    APC should sit down to put her house in order and stop attacking the opposition as this is unnecessary distraction. There is need for good homework and well grounded strategy in order to achieve, to be maintained and not disappoint the great people of this country.
    APC MUST move Nigeria forward if not posterity will not forgive the sponsors. Toks

  8. Bayoo, you have said it all. There is no addition or subtraction. I want to promise you that 90% of what have proffered will be adequately taken care of.
    This guys are determine to make a sacrifice. The rest is politicking. That is the only way. You and other good Nigerian are for a shocker.
    The flag bearer of APC will shock every one. May God be with you. I pray that many other Nigerians should have faith like you have in APC. May God bless Bayo, God bless APC, God bless Nigeria......Amen. Please store my name for the sake of tomorrow and reference purposes.

  9. I buhari is ethnocentric, then what are u going to say of JEG. Think deeply n correctly. We need a change

  10. Anonymous 5:45; JEG is pathethic weakling, impotent, unrelistic, unassertive, a little less than a recluse just name it... Nigeria will be better off without him. We need more than goodluck for d leadership of this great nation...we need a sage, bold, daring, analytic, reasonable,matured, solution provider as our president!


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