


"Jesus Did Not Die on the Cross, He Was In a Coma" - Sheikh Gumi

Respected Islamic cleric, Sheikh Ahmad Abubakar Gumi has sensationally asserted that Jesus Christ did not die on the cross and there was therefore no basis for Christians to celebrate Easter.

According to Gumi, Jesus was only comatose. Gumi made this postulation on his facebook page on a post titled 'Easter Musings'.
Read below;


We thank Allah the Benevolent the Merciful, for passing us through the Easter season without any significant insecurity issue more especially against the Christian. We are happy for that and we applaud all for the peace-calling speeches we heard from all quarters.

Since Easter is meant to be a period of spiritual contemplation, the best gift we can offer our Christian fellows is another prism to see through and re-contemplate.

Religion is not defined by its adherents but by the theological basis of its deliverance. For instance, if Boko Haram, are the ones that define Islam, then Islam will be like a candle in broad day light burning itself out. Nor the sultanate or any other traditional or cultural organization or religious order for that matter. Nay, Islam is defined by the scriptural purity of its universal message. In that sense also, the church today does not define Christianity nor what the Christians do or don’t do. Christianity is equally defined by its theology.

The theological basis, on which Easter celebrates, is the foundation of the Christian faith. St. Paul wrote: “And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.“ Resurrection purports the necessity to believe that Jesus – alaihis Salam- died on the cross. On this all canonical Christians agree. Their belief is that Jesus was killed by crucifixion (c.f. cruci-fiction). While the Quran came categorically plain that Jesus was never killed by any method, crucifixion included. “And because of their boasting (Jews): "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah”.;- but They killed Him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety They killed Him not:- Nay, Allah raised Him up unto Himself; and Allah is Exalted In power, Wise;- And there is none of the people of the Book but must believe In Him before His death; and on the Day of Judgment He will be a witness against them;”- Q4/157-159.

These are words of the Quran, clear and unambiguous that Jesus Christ was not killed by the Jews or Romans. Beyond that, neither the Quran nor any Hadith attributed to the prophet –peace be upon him- explained the details of what happened to him. For the Islamic theologians they had to also depend on some Jewish narrations called “israeliyat” with what literally tally with the Quranic verse of their understanding. That is why the difference of opinion as to who was actually the fellow that was made to resemble Jesus.

Part of the miracles of the Holy Quran is the malleability and selection of words -like a master key- to repute different wrong and faulty theological discrepancies at a go. What the Quran said was that the Jews who claimed they have killed Jesus on the cross are in dispute and are only following their thoughts – conjecture. “and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety They killed Him not”.

Strangely for them, such doubts were recorded among the canonical Christians. (Joh:19:31: The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day, (for that sabbath day was an high day,) besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away. Joh:19:32: Then came the soldiers, and brake the legs of the first, and of the other which was crucified with him.Joh:19:33: But when they came to Jesus, and saw that he was dead already, they brake not his legs:).

The testimony of his death on the cross came from a distance observation of Roman soldiers - the executioners “and saw that he was dead already”. On the contrary, on close observation, of one of them, the bible recorded, doubted and therefore took a different cause to ascertain whether he actually died. (Joh:19:34: BUT one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water. Joh:19:35: And he that saw it bare record, and his record is true: and he knoweth that he saith true, that ye might believe. Joh:19:36: For these things were done, that the scripture should be fulfilled, A bone of him shall not be broken. Joh:19:37: And again another scripture saith, They shall look on him whom they pierced.)

Here we are: “But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water. And he that saw it bare record, and his record is true: and he knoweth that he saith true, that ye might believe” that he was not dead when he was brought down from the cross. He was then only comatose. Therefore, the Quran here is also a perfect answer for this line of theological belief. Allah said in the Quran “”.;- but They killed Him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety They killed Him not:- Nay, Allah raised Him up unto Himself; and Allah is Exalted In power, Wise;”. It explains the logic behind the emphasis “, for of a surety They killed Him not”. For those non canonical Christian scriptures like the disputed Gospel of Barnabas, where Jesus was substituted with another disciple, the Quranic expression “but so it was made to appear to them” is read as “but so he was made to appear to them”.

Whichever way Christians and non-Christians follow, the Quran exposes the dispute therein in the one of the four canonical gospels and augment their uncertainty of his death on the cross as is in their scriptures, the very foundation of which billions of faithful hang their salvation on.

Let us figuratively look at the issue this way. A thirsty man with the choices of either drinking a glass of a probably poisoned milk or an ascertained pure glass of water would drink the water. No two sane people will argue about this logic. This is the lesson the Quran casted on the end of the life of one of the greatest human that lived. Leave what is doubtful and follow what is simple and clear. Jesus – alaihis Salam- taught in unequivocal terms that God is the Master in charge and should only be worshiped directly, so why do people bet on the most unsubstantiated historical account of his life as the foundation of their faith? This when he has clearly shown his limitations. “And he saith unto them, Ye shall drink indeed of my cup, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with: but to sit on my right hand, and on my left, is not mine to give, but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of my Father.” M't:20:23. “ … no intercessor (can plead with him) except after His leave (hath been obtained). This is Allah your Lord; Him Therefore serve ye: will ye not receive admonition? Q10/3.

Let us all join hands to worship one God; there is no Deity except Him.

May Allah guide us all to the straight path.

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  1. sheik wat eva u call urself mind urself and that ur devilish religion u cal islam boko haram ansaru nonsense

    1. Pls which bible is sheikh quoting? Cos there r diff bibles. Human beings hold annual conference to "update" d bible, "helping" god wit what he doesn't know. There r diff types of bibbles. Sm missing sm parts, others wit extra quotes. Even sm pastors publish teir own! Bt d Holy Qur'an has bn unchanged, beyond human ccorruption for 1500 yrs, standing d test of every generation. So, seperate d chaff frm d grains, abeg!

  2. If that is your interpretation of the BIBLE Mr Sheik, hold on tight to it. "Believes" are meant either to be accepted or not. We "Christians" believe so much in the crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and since that's a BELIEVE among the followers of the faith, it will be of no consequence trying to change that.
    HE is our Lord & personal saviour and so shall it remain even unto the end of time.

  3. Yes Gummi you ate right..according to the Koran/quran, a book compiled about a millenium after Christ, composed of lies and twisted bible stories, authored by the devil and his so called prophet.
    I wonder why you people will even publish this story...mttssswww!

    1. Open your mind and discover the truth. The venom in your mouth will only compound your ignorance.

  4. Among all d discrepancies, one thing is basic, Jesus, IS alive. Both faiths testify dt God raised Him to heaven, which is most important.

  5. May God forgive ur ignorance and the true light to shine upon u and bring u to Christ

  6. Its never a Problem...coma or not coma... what about when he divided the red sea? raised Lazarus from death? the truth will unveil its self soon...Sir, you don't need to worry, He will appear again in glory may be your eyes will Wilden just to see him. May my God forgive you.

    1. Obinna, I wish majority of christians and muslims are reasonable like you.

  7. The bible, a book subject to human intervention. A book dt holds an annual conference where humans sit together n change what dy want. A book dt sm verses are missing in other "versions". Diff churches ve diff bibles claiming sm versions ve mistakes. A genuine book of God does NOT ve discrepancies- The Holy Qur'an. It has bn in an UNCHANGEABLE state for 1,500 yrs n still stands. Applicable to d past, present n future. Many scietific "breakthrough" ve bn in d Qur'an for 1,500 yrs. So, common sense shd tell d diff btw d grain n d chaff!

    1. Mr man ur just writting rubbish ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, people like you have hidden the truth from others

    2. Please tell the misguded lot the truth.

    3. gunmi, pple like u r sponsors of boko haram. dis is a naked truth. if burning ur quoran could cause ur like to kill christians den insulting ur prophet wld lead to war but here u r blaspheming n insulting the person of JESUS. may God have mercy upon ur soul. i strongly believe scales will soon fall off ur eyes n ur senses used in d right direction otherwise u will end up in HELL.

  8. Sheik, this is what we need in the North. Our priority is peace. Leave you understanding and belief to yourself. If christians seeks fatwa from you you can go ahead and tell them. Islam and muslims are passing through hard time. Boko Haram have painted them blavk. Please staff bringing further confusions.

  9. U bookish and scrap knowledge should not deceive U(sheik Gume), whether U believe and agree on the death of Jesus or not, one thing for sure is that "this Jeus is the way, the truth and the life...", to question the authenticity of the holy scripture is a "grave offence". Remember on the last day of devine Judgment, all shall be accountable to all thrir deeds: words, actions, dressings..., there shall never be room for "theological base of arguements". I advice U shiek Gume to seek the devine revelation of the truth about Jesus rather than the "falsy baseless and unproductive arguements of the theologians". Respect the authentcity of the 'Holy bilble' the inspired words of the "unquestionable God". May U catch-up with the mercies of God.

  10. I dnt knw anything about islam but i ve alot of muslim frendz and i lyk their manners and attitudes. Boko hahrm are devils but not muslims bcoz my pastor al ways tries to convince that jesus our saviour is the son of god but authentical proof... Only i see hatred wit no reason and my frenz giv reason facts and proof of my religion by comparin the Quraan and the bible. I ve to seek knowledge of the both religion without takin side then i ll decide. If not baba pastor will...

    1. I pity u, b seeking side until u hit ur personal rapture den u wil knw der is no vaccum in life

  11. May GOD guide us all to the right path.AMIN

  12. May GOD guide us all to the right path.AMEEN

  13. MR gumi or what eva u called urcef..jst knw dat even d grave could nt hold d truth. Jesus was crucified died, n 2day He is alive. My God can neva b mocked. Jst wait n c God's wrath..

  14. At least it was not recorded that thounder strick Jesus just like it happen to muhammend when he try to immitate Jesus the only son of God during resurrection.And is interesting to know that,history recorded he give up the ghost i know ignorance is what is refecting in your analysis you where not there why not focus on muhammed over love for pussy of many woman and rest ok

    1. You people should read betweeen the lines and never allow religion to divide us.
      When all these were happening non of us was there, so why the fight?
      Gumi is entitled to his opinion likewise everybody. Please, stop the insult..

    2. You dat is talking unambigiously about our holy Prophet Muhammad(p.b.u.h). you better mind ur statement and seek forgiveness, if u dnt wanna face d wrath of ALLAH. thunder ko thunder ni? mmttcchheeww

    3. You dat is talking unambigiously about our holy Prophet Muhammad(p.b.u.h). you better mind ur statement and seek forgiveness, if u dnt wanna face d wrath of ALLAH. thunder ko thunder ni? mmttcchheeww

    4. You dat is talking unambigiously about our holy Prophet Muhammad(p.b.u.h). you better mind ur statement and seek forgiveness, if u dnt wanna face d wrath of ALLAH. thunder ko thunder ni?

  15. Your Faith is your Personal path of choice to GOD some dont even believe in God, There is also a religion of dougbt. Me this xtains and muslims are too arrogant 1. we do we try to convince others we 99% were born into our belief without a choice imagine Gumi haveing same father as Adeboye of RCCG
    RELEGIOUS LEADERS ..what we need you to preach at this point in our nation is PEACE, GOOD GOVT, IMPROVED STANDARD OF LEAVING, ANTI CORRUPTION,HEALTH CARE, POVERTY ERADICATION, EDUCATION FOR ALL i get it you dont really want all that .... cause we will then not need to run to GOD through YOU

  16. Thanks sheikh Gumi for the enlightenment. I have a big problem with many of us,especially the youths,we argue blindly and are quick to show the world how lazy we are in doing research. I will not say outrightly that what the sheikh has said ÈŠ̝̊̅§ right or wrong,because I haven't read all the holy books available,so even if I argue,it will be factless. Let's cultivate a habit of doing research before letting loose our tongues to argue and quarrel over issues,especially religious and tribal.permit м̣̣̥̇̊ε̲̣̣̣̥̊ to ask just a question,how many of U̶̲̅ have read both the bible and quran to know which religion ÈŠ̝̊̅§ for real?the fact that we were born into a religion,came to meet our parents practising it,doesn't mean that's the right religion.On judgement day,ignorance won't be an excuse. Peace unto u all.

  17. ....and mohammed was a male prostitute!

    1. Anonymous 8:10 am. The world leading biographers in their book, THE GREATEST MEN THAT EVER LIVED, Ur so called "male prostitute" topped d list! Ignoramus! Go back n read abt Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

  18. Only just what u are looking for is war through ur selfish and useless and senseless teachings,nothing else:which is ur basic foundation. Grave didn't hold JESUs captives, He is alive and we are d chidren of d ressurection wether u like it or not. False prophets!!

  19. Baba Sheikh. You are very free to write and believe what you like but I think for someone as highly placed as you, I honestly think the timing is inauspicious to the point that I wonder if you are a responsible statesman. Honestly.- Jide

  20. Thank God Sheik Gumi stated that Jesus died and Resurect.Therefore,Christian is only on the Resurection.Hallalujah.

  21. Do you people look at this man`s face he looks like Nebucadneza,this are the religion fanatics but i promise you Sheik or whatever you call youself that whatever you people want in this part of the world that you will surely see it

  22. Mr Shiekh Gumi, you have really tried. You have spoken from a carnal knowledge. You lack understanding of the truth. I pray you come know to the truth soon and thereby be converted. Thanks!

  23. Peace be unto u all. The truth is always bitter and falsehood admired my many. Any one who feels the Shiekh is out of place should not rain insults but proof him wrong from bible and quran. Read the verses he has qouted yourself and come up with the contrary if u can.may Allah(God almighty) guide us to the straight path.

  24. We must respond to discussion with wisdom and decorum bc Sheik Gumi is entitled to his opinion. Me think we all can reason together by putting up superior arguments. Sheikh Gumi has spoken; give your and not insult and abuse.Bayo.

  25. In sura marym 19:33 kuran professed the peace be upon Jesus the day he was born and the day he will die and the day he will be raised from the dead. If another sura says he didn't died, then the entire kuran contradicts itself and kuran is fales and not from God. God is not auther of confusion. And in sura al-ìmran 55 your allah says he will raise Jesus to himself. If he is not died how can he be raised? In mark 16:2 mary magdaline, mary and solome said and i quot "who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre? If the stone was to big for three strong women to roll away, how can one who recovered from coma roll it alone. In matthew 28:62-66 the tomb was guarded so that no one temper with it, not to even roll the stone. Where are your evidents.
    Moreover, the kuran originated from judaism book called talmud and is far from being the word of God and therefore has no reasonble explaination to spiritual things. Besides, sura al-ankabût 27 says prophethood was given to isaak, and Jacob and their decendents and genesis 21:12 God asked ismael and his mother to be sent away for the seed of Abraham and the promise is for isaac. How come now there is a prophet claiming to have come from ishmeal when kuran and Bible (GOD) rejected it? There has never been a prophet after ishmeal til muhammed. But there have been one after another after isaac. Tell me why he claims prophethood through ismeal when both books reject it? Its either those books are fales or he is fales. And since the Bible cant be fales, i dont know of kuran, then muhammed is fales and a dictattor.

    1. Fuuny enough, 've learnt from your timely and adequate response...i hope others learn too

    2. God bless you

  26. Obviously this sheikh is very ignorant..If he wasnt he wont say that. Does he think Jesus Christ is a mere mortal like Mohammed?

  27. Alhaji Gumi! Thank u for dat exposition of the fact about the Bible and the Qu'ran. In all the passages of the Bible quoted by u, no verse has said Jesus never died on the cross. What you have done is mis-interpretation of those lines. Jesus Christ is God made man. Your argument that Christ shouldn't be worship is illogical because that Jesus Christ which u know is God Himself. The christian faith is a Trinitarian faith that believes in the One-nature of God(the Father)-Son(Jesus Christ)-Spirit. You are perfectly wrong to have misinterprete and denying the obvious. And for you to know better you have to consult your Bible and not Quaran. The Bible is not Quaran, and Quaran is not Bible. The life of God made man(Jesus) is a perfect nature of the Unseen God and the reality presented to us by Jesus on earth. The presence of Jesus on earth is seeing and believing the unseen seen God. So be guided accordingly when u want to criticise believes.

  28. If it is a pastor that wrote this now, u will hear that Muslim will start killing christian in the north, thank God for Jesus Christ resurrected, if u like believe, if u like don't believe, he is the only way, the truth and the life. whether he is in coma or not, we thank God that we serve a living God.

  29. if it is someone that wrote about mohamed now,crises would have started in north. I wonder wen u pple will grow up maturely in ur religion

  30. mr sheikh or boko haram u call ur self is't mohammed that is a repist sleeping with under age girls and shedding blood, mr man it since u need more blood to give to ur gods call mohammed u will not get it by fire

  31. PLS SHEIK, CAN YOU EXPLAIN THIS TEXT... Allah raised Him up unto Himself; and Allah is Exalted In power, Wise;- And there is none of the people of the Book but must believe In Him before His death; and on the Day of Judgment He will be a witness against them;”- Q4/157-159.


  32. Gumi is a mate man.

  33. Sheik are just impossible, you must be over 3000 years old, you must have been there when Jesus was nailed to tell us now that he did not die but rather was in a comma. Please tell us more, were you the doctor that confirmed it. Please go back and continue to do what you do best and leave THE KINGS OF KINGS alone. How is it doing sef?

  34. Gumi is looking for what to eat.

  35. With all respect to u, i put it to you that you lack the understanding of the scriptures. What happened to Him was the essence of coming to this world. He came for atonement of the sins of mankind. He died, was buried and to prove that he has the mastery over death, he rose. Mr. Gumi, if you read the Bible well, he has told his disciple all that will happen to Him bfor He was apprehended and taken to Pilate. In addition, the account was to vivid about his daeth & resurection that nobody, demon and personality could deny it as it were. That is all He came for. He did not entangle himself with the affairs of the world like some other religeous leader but to save u and myself. The mission was accomplished and to He went back to his father. What is expected of you which i want you to do NOW is to knell down wherever u are anf accept HIM as your Lord and saviour. Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. Christianity is not just a religion but the life of God so don't enphasise much on theology but what is seen with the adherents. As christians, we are the representatives of Jesus. The spirit of a religion is the religion. Check out for those who are violent and murderers in the name of relidion yet justifying their action with evil verses of their so-called holy book

    1. Talk of murder! Who kills more than christians? All the nuclear bombs,fighter jets, armoured tankers ,mines and warships being used to kill humans today are made by christians. Wise up. Watch and listen to news you'll see that the single murderer nation-US- aka Gods own country is killing Muslims on daily basis. Muslims must continue to defend themselves against enemies of everything Islamic.


    I invite non-believers to vist the above website and see the truth themselves.
    Islam is one of the devil's greatest works to turn humanity in rebellion against God.
    Islam came some 750 years after Christ, how then can it question bible truths?
    The bible is God's infallible truth to men, chronologically accurate and without contradictions, as opposed to the Koran.
    Know the truth and it shall set you free, save yourselves before it is too late.

    1. Read the bible with open mind and you'll see that it contains three words- the word of God, the word of Jesus and the words of Paul,Matthew,Luke etc. Is Paul god?


  38. I am not God, I would advice you to please refrain from your words. May God forgive you.


  40. The dim knowledge of the things of the Spirit lured Sheikh Gumi to his erroneous statement that Jesus did not die on the cross but was in a coma. The time will soon come when he will regret his foolhardy opinion at his belated recognition of Jesus as King of kings and Lord of lords.

  41. Mohammed Ur god is a Humaniser why do Musilems revere Him

  42. Oh, dt website. Its d product of d jews. Its bn confirmed dt d jews fabricated d quites to lie against God. D Qur'an has never changed for. 1,500 yrs, unlike sm "holy" bks dt humans hold annual conferences to change "god's" words. EVERYWHERE in d world, d Qur'an is d same. Where as in just Nig alone, I ve seen more dn 10 versions of d bible. Haba!
    Even sm churches dnt believe in d bible cos its corrupted bt man. Ask urself, where is d original old scripture?

  43. Gumi or whatever u call urself,u are devil incarnate.The wrath of God will soon storm u and ur barbaric believe.better go and look for work if u dont have any.Go and preach to ur musilm brethen.May be some NUTS needs to be fixed proper from your Medula Obulankata.Useless,stupid and unkept islamist like you.Nonsense he goat.Go to HELL.


  45. Sheikh Gumi it's only God knows wat your intentions are, becos it was just a pic of video clip that was release on Youtube by a jewish on Mohamed that lead to crisis in different islamic countries, pls learn to propangate what you believe and stop analyzing what others believe. Y not you educate your fellow who take yield in killing and bombing of human for religion sake.

  46. Religion! Religion!! Religion!!! where has it taken us as people and as nation...Both Christianity and Islam was brought to us by foreigners remember! they forcefully take our land enslaves us...Why cant we leave religion aside and let everyone's faith and believe save him when we meet the Almighty God...Do you know Sunday is like any other day in some Christians country( Religion is secondary there),even the much celebrated Xmas is done in doors with family and friends.street and town deserted!. Let us endeavor to move/travel around the world, do some research , i believe we will have a different view for religion.. May God forgive us our trespasses. May Allah forgive us and lead us to the right path..Amin.

  47. @Imam quote
    'While the Quran came categorically plain that Jesus was never killed by any method, crucifixion included. “And because of their boasting (Jews): "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah”.;- but They killed Him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety They killed Him not:- Nay, Allah raised Him up unto Himself; and Allah is Exalted In power, Wise;- And there is none of the people of the Book but must believe In Him before His death; and on the Day of Judgment He will be a witness against them;”- Q4/157-159'

    I am ashamed by youpblcation Imam in the way you twisted the truth even the Quran verses you quoted above is trying to justifies the truth that our lord Jesus christ indeed died from the wounds he sustained on the cross. Let me give my own interpretation even from you quoted quaran verses:

    Here 'but They killed Him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety They killed Him not:-'

    I beleive what this interprete to is that the Jews may have thought they had killed Our Lord Jesus Christ but NO because they were disappointed as he rose again the third day by the resurrection power released from God almighty (Jehovah), which is why we celebrate Easter co commemorate the remembrance of His resurrection.

    My above statement and assertion can even be affirmmed from part of the Quaran verses you quoted 'Nay, Allah raised Him up unto Himself;' simply means he died, rose up by the resurrection power released from God almighty (Jehovah) and he then ascended to heanvean as theis was witness by all around and they recorded them. Remember he also told Mary by the tomb, Woman do not touch me yet, let me ascend to my father and shew my self to God first, John 20:17.

    What borders me is that you cannot even read to understand your own Quaran, no wonder I am afraid Muslims all over the world are being decieved by people like you so that the TRUTH is hidden from them because you wanrted a different religion that glorifies M'hammed above our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Anyway I will leave you even with another qoute from the texts you pasted above 'And there is none of the people of the Book but must believe In Him before His death; and on the Day of Judgment He will be a witness against them'

    When you refuse to believe in the Lord jesus christ, remember on the day of Judgement He will be a witness against you. I can only pray at this point that tghe eyes of this Imam and all Muslims all over the world should now be opened that Jesus Christ is the TRUTH, the WAY and the Life; There is no other anywhwre either in heaven, on earth or under the earth.

    Peace and all glory to God Almighty Jehovah for showing us such a great example of Love by given his only begotten son as sacrficial lamb for us at easter.

    Peace and Love to all.

    Barry from UK

    1. Just one adivise for you, give your life to Jesus today and be saved.

  48. From wat i understand prophet muhamed is the devils messenger,look at boko haram,al queda etc,they practice wat they are taught in their mosque.For Gumi he is happily foolish he does not knw anytin .

  49. Why do u so call muslims like causing problems and you will be saying your religion is of peace.Well,sheikh I pray God will have mercy on you and the your mouth that you use to condem Jesus is the same mouth that you will use to proclaim him throughout the whole world.


  51. Whatever you call yourself,mr are a candidate of hell fire,with all ur teaching ,the resultant effect of your preaching is emergence of Boko haram those you have indoctrinated through heresies that when they die 4 virgin is waiting for them in heaven,who told you who never confessed Jesus will ever smell are 3rd in command to Satan , mr Gumi,how many times have you ever seen Christian criticising Muslim but you will stand on what you don't know to advertise your ignorance..Read Genesis 16:10-12 and Galatians 4:22-31 that's your end result

  52. oga sheik, thank God for Jesus, we are not ready for any argument now for surely the bible has said that you will have these kind of teachings, and people will be willing to hear.

    but either you beleive it or not, take this truth, Jesus has died, he has risen from the dead and He is coming again.

  53. See his beard beard like dat of Osama :)

  54. This is always my problem with some of these self acclaimed xtians.why on earth cant u respect someones sanctity.your insults doesnt just end with Gumi, which in itself is wrong, but u had to exceed the boundry by insulting our beloved prophet. cant u even learn from us? we DO NOT utter a word of insult on Jesus Christ-alaihissalam- which is arabic phrase for "peace be upon him" in case u dont know, to show how much we respect and revere him.Please grow up. Obinna I appreciate u!

  55. Koran and Bible which came first? How can koran or it author dispute or question the Bible that has long been in existence. muslim people often say what is in Bible is also in koran, that is how what may be in other people's work be in koran also, didn't you think that koran is a work of plagiarism.

  56. Sheik, Now has Christians started killing moslems because of your blasphemeous and insulting comments? Has anyone insulted you for this your satanic comments? Imagine what would have happened if a Christian had said Mohammed was buried at Ajegunle!

  57. Sheikh Gumi may Allah preserve you. May Allah elevate your status both in this world and the hereafter.
    You see, how ignorant most of you Christians are? Instead of reasoning or giving us logical answers to what the Sheikh asserted, you resort to abuses and all forms of rubbish. Good thing is he has it, the message has been passed to you and you all testify that you heard while you are alive, unfortunately at that time your regrets will only compound your punishment in the hell fire! Surely this day will come, unless for those that revert and die as Muslims.

  58. A prominent nig pastor "published" his own bible last yr…many other ve done so. Sm pastors even ban bibles in their churches cos dy dnt know which is real n which is nt. Bt d Holy Qur'an remains dsame world ober, for 1400 yrs. How can God nt know what he is doing so much so dt pple hold annual conference to "help" him update his teachings?! Absurd. Ask urselves, where is d original scripture?

  59. Sheik or whatever u call urself, I too know. Mind ur business. What do u know self? See how he looks like someone hungry. Always claiming they know too much. Thank God for Jesus.

  60. The hungry looking man is looking for publicity.

  61. Ignorance is a desease, find out the truth and do the research yourselves instead of critizing the man. The truth shall prevail.

  62. Pray it won't be too late when you realize the truth

  63. Look at the world all over. Anywhere there's war islam exists there. A religion born with and out of violence. I am the way, the truth and the life. NO MAN cometh to the Father except through me (Christ). And ye shall know the truth (Christ) for it shall set you free!
    For this is the base of Christianity, that He died, He was raised, and Ascended to Heaven! According to St. Paul.

    Christ is coming again. Repent now and be saved.

  64. Look at the world all over. Anywhere there's war islam exists there. A religion born with and out of violence. I am the way, the truth and the life. NO MAN cometh to the Father except through me (Christ). And ye shall know the truth (Christ) for the Truth (Jesus Christ) shall set you free!
    For this is the base of Christianity, that He died, He was raised, and Ascended to Heaven! According to St. Paul.

    Christ is coming again. Repent now and be saved.

  65. Anonymous 10.21 am, only islamist scholars think their prophet can make the greatest men that ever lived. Every other person thinks otherwise....and with good reason!

  66. @Sagir jazakumullahu khair. I always ask myself Y OLD and NEW testament? Wat make de ''original text'' old? Who and who edited and reviewed de 'NEW' one? Is it PAUL? So their GOD doesn't de Present,past and future? The versions are many. U nid 2 strain ur eyes 2ru this 'Man made' book. No wonder churches and ministris hav turn 2 business centres. Pls can u help and read dis 4 me. Is de bible word of GOD by Ahmed Deedat. Or i shld send u a copy? Let me hav ur adres. THE TRUTH SHALL REIGN! Sulaiman Kurami.

  67. @Sagir jazakumullahu khair. I always ask myself Y OLD and NEW testament? Wat make de ''original text'' old? Who and who edited and reviewed de 'NEW' one? Is it PAUL? So their GOD doesn't de Present,past and future? The versions are many. U nid 2 strain ur eyes 2ru this 'Man made' book. No wonder churches and ministris hav turn 2 business centres. Pls can u help and read dis 4 me. Is de bible word of GOD by Ahmed Deedat. Or i shld send u a copy? Let me hav ur adres. THE TRUTH SHALL REIGN! Sulaiman Kurami.j

  68. i dont know why this people dont want to accept the truth.
    The 2nd in command to boko haram late oga Mohammed Yusuf, has met Jesus one on one and is now a christian, the son of Alh. Alhassan (grandson to sultan of Sokoto, now called King Kleham Degaya) met Christ one on one and is now preaching. former Sheik Isa Elbuba, from maiduguri who killed many christians and did worse than Gumi, is now an evangelist coz he met Christ.
    Dear Chritian brethren, say no more. For paul in the Bible did even worsed than him, but he also worked for Christ. So hold your peace. did he not say in Exodus 14:14 that he will fight for us and we will hold our peace?

  69. Go 2 google type in“the fastest growing religion on earth“d result wil say it all

  70. Wetin concern you sheik, instead make you talk to your brodas way dey trow bomb and dey claim islam, you are mute about that, thousands of christains and muslims are in the northern dying. What do you have to say about that?

  71. I have a Muslim friend, who say true about the Koran ,he says that no muslim understand what the koran says! They all cram it,but don't understand ,if u put those things they write in another from they will never understand it, so he was so wise to change to christen ,what r u call . Shakari or what his name is ,u r so blind that u can't see above ur nose .

  72. I have a Muslim friend, who say true about the Koran ,he says that no muslim understand what the koran says! They all cram it,but don't understand ,if u put those things they write in another from they will never understand it, so he was so wise to change to christen ,what r u call . Shakari or what his name is ,u r so blind that u can't see above ur nose .

  73. I don't known what u call yourself, one thing u must understand is that JESUS is the LORD OF LORD,KING OF KING and only through him u can enter the kingdom of GOD. don't worry u will soon become the follower of JESUS. Apostle Paul did even worse than this.

  74. Xtians, do proper research, a word is enough for the wise. There are several evidences in both the bible and the Quran about all this fact. Jesus (Peace be upon him) testify to oneness of God in all his preachings in the Bible. Paul created christianity years after Jesus departure. Research, Research and research well!!!. Don't stick to what your pastors tell you in Church. Most are all lies and not word of Jesus. It is stated clearly that tite is forbidden in the bible, but your pastors collect it to live extravagantly and buy private jets while followers are suffering.

  75. Darkness and light does not mingle together. A word is enough for the wise. Remember always, you cannot enter the kingdom of God except through Christ Jesus. Time will teLl.

  76. THE REVELATION: (Part Two)


    PASTOR SOLA OKUNADE:- Jesus was the one sent by God for
    mankind. I want to ask a question, I am pleased with our lecturer anyway, but my question is, if the Bible is not the word of God, why are you Muslim quoting profusely from it. Why are you centralizing your discussion on Jesus Christ? You leave the Qur'an and you are quoting from the Bible. Remember that the Qur'an testifies or mentions Jesus Christ, the Son of
    Mary in nineteen places.

    ADEPOJU YUSUF:- Thanks, Evangelist; you didn’t tell us your name and mention your Church.

    PASTOR SOLA OKUNADE:- My name is Pastor Sola Okunade; I am a native of Aboke’s compound in Ibadan. My mother is an Alhaja. My Church is Christ Victory Assembly at Olukayode junction, Akure.

    ADEPOJU YUSUF:- Okay. Please, let us be attentive to our Evangelist, the Bible says “prove all things and hold fast to that which is the truth” -1Thessalonians,5:21 and Isaiah,1:16–18 reads; “come let us reason together” The pastor asked me why we are centralizing our preaching on the Bible. There are two answers to the pastor’s question. First answer is that, there are a lot of misconceptions or contradictions in the Bible.

    PASTOR SOLA OKUNADE:- If truly there are lot of misconceptions in the Bible, please, how many years are there between Jesus Christ and Prophet Muhammad, because, Qur'an came after Jesus Christ? If truly the Bible is corrupted, where did QUR’AN, TAORATA and INJEEL come from?

  77. ADEPOJU YUSUF:- Thanks, please, go to the book of Jeremiah,8:7, then, open Qur'an,3:3 and Qur'an,46:12.

    Qur'an 3:3:- “It is He that has sent down the Book (the Qur'an) to you (Muhammad) PBUH with the truth, confirming what came before it. And he sent down the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel),” I said there a lot of contradictions, interpolations, and variations in the Bible. Jeremiah 8:7-8 reads; ‟How do you say, we are wise and the law of the LORD is with us, Lo certainly in vain made he it; the pen of the scribes is in vain” Now, what made Old Testament to become old? In Hebrew,8:7-8, we read that “They have now turned the word of God to old and New Testament, but, we Muslims know that the word of God stands forever. Isaiah,40:8 says “The grass withers and flowers fade, but, the world of God stands forever. Al-Qur'an does not consist old and new testament, it is the final testament of Allah; Then, we read in Hebrew,6:1, that “Therefore leaving the principle of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from the dead works and of faith toward God”.
    In Galatians,6:11, Paul says; “Ye see how large a letter I have written unto you with mine own hand.” Pastor Sola, even if I ask you to mention the author of the book of Deuteronomy? You will authoritatively tell me that it was MOSES. Now, let us agree that it was MOESES that wrote the fifth book of the Bible called Deuteronomy. Now, in this book of MOSES, we read in chapter 34:5, that “Moses the servant of the LORD died there in the Moab, according to the word of the LORD” Now, how could someone be writing about the history of his own obituary or death? That is why we need to scrutinize the Bible in order to know if it is the word of God or not. Pastor Sola, the real reason behind quoting the Bible always is that, there are still some Islamic facts in the book, like where ablution is performed and where salat is also observed. Then, Moses in one of these books says an “Adulteress shall be stoned to death, A REFERENCE TO “SHARIAH” IN THE BIBLE!

    Now, Jesus was given Injeel (i.e. Gospel) as contained in Mathew,9:35, where the Bible says “And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.”
    Now, where is the Gospel of Jesus? Today, we only have Gospel according to St. Mathew, St. Mark, St. Luke, and St. John, Where is the Gospel of Saint Jesus? Injeel has been corrupted, Today, we only read stories of Jesus in the Bible. And numerous Letters of St. Paul, a man who never saw Jesus Christ face to face are what form the major part of the Bible today. Paul wrote to the Romans, Galatians etc. He even wrote a letter to the Galatians and addressed them as “foolish Galatians” in other words “foolish
    Nigerians” etc.

  78. Funny enough, a Christian said that, the letter of Paul to the Galatians is meant for the Galatians only, not Nigerians, because, there is no letter of Paul to the people of Nigeria or Africa.

    PASTOR SOLA OKUNADE:- Thanks for all your explanations. How did the stories of Prophet David, Abraham and Moses get into the Qur'an, if truly Bible is corrupted? Was Qur'an revealed from God? How many people wrote the Qur'an? Has Qur'an been in existence before Muhammad’s death?

    ADEPOJU YUSUF:- The Pastor was asking me, where Prophet Muhammad got all the stories of the Prophets found in the Qur'an. Please, open the Qur'an, chapter 12 verses 111, let us leave the Bible now for the main time and go to history.

    “Indeed, in their stories, there are lessons for men of understanding. It (the Qur‟an) is not a forged statement, but, a confirmation of (Allah‟s existing Books) which were before it [i.e. the Torah, the Injeel (Gospel) and other Scriptures of Allah] and a detailed explanation of everything and a guide and a Mercy for a people who believe.”

    Also, in Qur'an,4:163, Allah says “Verily, We have sent the Revelation to you (O Muhammad) as We sent the Revelation to Nuh (Noah) and the Prophets after him; We also sent the Revelation to Ibrahim (Abraham), Ismail (Ishmael), Ishaq (Isaac), Ya‟qub (Jacob), and Al-Asbat [the offspring of the twelve sons of Ya‟qub (Jacob)], „Isa (Jesus), Ayyub (Job,) Yunus (Jonah), Harun (Aaron), and Sulaimon (Solomon); and to Dawud (David) We gave the Zabur (Psalms)”

    Allah revealed the stories of these Prophets to Prophet Muhammad through Angel Jubril. Allah says, “This Qur'an is from Me, your Lord” Allah ALSO says, in Qur'an,4:82 that “Do they not consider the Qur‟an carefully? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found therein many a contradiction”.

    PASTOR SOLA OKUNADE:- Now, do you know that, after Muhammad’s death, the Qur’an was written by four men, Umar, Abubakar, I have forgotten the remaining two. “Shout Hallelujah” Glory be to God in the highest. If truly, this same God sends Prophet Moses, David etc, and you know all of them came before Jesus and Muhammad, now, why this misconception on Jesus Christ only? The Romans so much rever Jesus’ mother and she is regarded as Mother of God?

    Now, Qur'an testifies that Jesus is a word from God, can you show me in the Qur'an, any other Prophet, be it Moses, David or Muhammad who is referred to as word of God? And you said, Jesus was circumcised on the eighth day. Well I accept, but, in the book of Philippians, 2 verse 5-7, we read “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God, but, made himself of no reputation, took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men”

    ADEPOJU YUSUF:- Now, you have explained certain things to us according to the level of your knowledge about the Scriptures, proving to us that, Jesus was called the word of God in the Qur'an. Now, I will clarify this for you, so that you can learn from me. In the Bible, John,1:1 reads “In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God” For example, Pastor Sola is the word, while, Evangelist Akinwumi is the God, if the word was with God, and the word was God, then, Evangelist Akinwumi will be with Pastor Sola, and Evangelist Akinwumi will be Pastor Sola; Is that analysis commonsensical

  79. Please, let me explain this to you.
    Almighty Allah possesses something that no one has, it belongs only to Allah, the First without beginning and the Last without an end. This particular thing is what is called “CREATIVE POWER” or “CREATIVE WILL”
    Nobody has it, even, Jesus Christ. When Jesus turned water into wine, people marveled at him, but, can he turn nothing into wine? Capital No, because, he had no Creative Power. Now, this Creative Power called “The Word” is what is with God not Jesus.
    Allah used that “Word” to create Heaven and Earth. It is “Be” and it SHALL always be. Please, open Qur'an 6:73 and Psalm 33:7. Psalm,33:7 reads “By the word of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth”
    Qur'an,6:73 “It is He who has created the heavens and the earth in truth, and on the Day (i.e. the Day of resurrection) He will say; “Be!”- And it is! His word is the truth. His will be the dominion on the Day when the Trumpet will be blown. All-knower of the unseen and the seen. He is the All-wise, the well Acquainted (of all things)”

    And that is why we say that, anytime Allah intends to create, He will only say Be, it is will be. That is the Creative Power, nobody has it except God.
    When God created Jesus, he breathed life into him and he became lively and this was applicable to all. Let me show you another person whose creation is similar to that of Jesus. In Qur’an,3:59, we read “Verily the likeness of Isa (Jesus) before Allah is the likeness of Adam. He created him from dust, then (He) said to him, Be! And it was”
    Therefore, Jesus’ creation is just like Prophet Adam’s creation. Pastor, that was my submission, may God help us.

    Now, before you leave, you said in the beginning of our discussion, that, Jesus was sent to the whole world, but, there are lots of contradictions to that- in the Bible.

    Firstly, the Qur’an made us to believe that, Jesus was never sent to the whole world. I will give you 3 points from the Qur'an to prove to you that Jesus was not sent to the whole world, and 5 points from the Bible, and if you disagree with me, I will increase my proofs to 19 points;

    Qur'an,30:47 says “And indeed, We did send many messenger before you (O‟Muhammad) to their OWN peoples…”

    Mathew,1:21 says “And she shall bring forth a son, and you shall call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins”.
    Qur'an,43:59 says “He [Isa (Jesus)] was no more than a slave. We granted Our favour to him, and We made him an example for the Children of Israel.”

    That is why each time Jesus speaks, he would say “O people of Israel” But, Prophet Muhammad would say “O Mankind” “I am a messenger of God to you all.
    Qur’an 61:6:- “And remember when Isa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), said: “O Children of Israel! I am the Messenger of Allah to you, confirming the Taurat [(Torah which came) before me, and giving glad tidings of a messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad. But when he (Ahmad i.e. Muhammad) came to them with clear proofs, they said: “This is plain magic”.
    In the Bible, when Jesus was about to appoint his apostles, he appointed twelve disciples.

    Luke,6:12:- “And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.” Jesus prayed before he appointed his 12 disciples but, unfortunately, one of the twelve, Judas Iscariot rebelled against him, meaning Jesus’ prayer was not answered.

  80. Luke,10:5-8:- “And into whatsoever house ye enter first say peace be to this house, and if the son of peace be there, your peace shall rest upon it”
    This is the third evidence from the Bible. Fourthly, Paul said in Acts,13:23 that “…of this man seed hath God according to his promise raised unto Israel a savior, Jesus” The sixth proof that is very weighty is in Mathew,15:22-24 “…and behold , a woman of Canaan came out of the same coast, and cried unto him , saying , Have mercy on me, O Lord you son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil, but he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, send her away; for she cried after us, But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house Israel, then came she and worship him, saying Lord, help me, But he answered and said, it is not meet to take the children‟s bread, and cast it to dogs.

    ADEPOJU YUSUF:- Please, if you read it downward, it is her faith that heals her. Evangelist, all non-Israelites, including you, are dogs. I believe that, if we think deeply without being biased, Jesus has truly spoken. If the woman did not have faith, the miracle would not be performed on her.

    PASTOR SOLA OKUNADE:- But, the word that Jesus spoke healed the woman’s daughter, that is what is called “BE and it is”. And that is the reason for calling Jesus, the Lord. Please, let me tell you, if Jesus was sent only to the people of Israel, then similar thing must be applicable to Prophet Muhammad, in other words, Muhammad must have been sent only to the people of Arabia.

    ADEPOJU YUSUF:- My people in Islam, I swear, we are indeed successful on judgment day. Let us thank Allah for making us Muslims. The reasons for saying this is that, if Prophet Muhammad says, he is sent to Arabia only, then we Nigerian Muslims are in problem. But, we read in the Qur’an 21:107 that, Muhammad was sent to the whole world “Evangelist, you said Jesus is Lord, but, the Bible does not support this your claim.

    PASTOR SOLA OKUNADE:- In Romans 5:8, it says “God shows us love while, we were sinners, Christ died for us.” Then, in the Qur'an Jesus says “Peace on me the day” I was hearing you preach that Jesus was not crucified, let alone resurrect. That was why I came to challenge you. Then, same Qur'an says that Jesus was not crucified, please, why this
    contradiction in you Qur'an?

  81. ADEPOJU YUSUF:- Glory be to Allah, Evangelist himself knows that we Muslims are very capable and equipped with knowledge. You said, Jesus was killed, that is why He (Jesus) said in the Holy Qur'an that, “peace be on me the day I was born, the day I will die, and the day I shall be raised” [meaning his resurrection]

    Now, was John the Baptist also crucified and resurrected, that is my first question to you sir? Please, answer me?

    PASTOR SOLA OKUNADE:- He was beheaded, according to the Bible. He was neither crucified nor resurrected. Only Elijah was taken up to the heaven.

    ADEPOJU YUSUF:- Qur'an,19:33 says “peace be on me the day I was born, the day I will die, and the day I shall be raised” Now, I will explain this to you Evangelist, but, before I do that, hear this, you told us that John the Baptist did not resurrect, but in Qur'an 19:15, we read that John, the Baptist also says “peace be on me the day I was born, the day I will die, and the day I shall be raised” Now, we have never heard that John the Baptist resurrects. Now, let me explain it to you. The Christians profusely use Qur'an 19:33 to support their claim that, Jesus died and resurrected but, the same is applicable to John, the Baptist as well. If Jesus says “peace be on me the day I was born”, it means the day he came into existence, [it means the day he came to life on the earth] the day I will die, [it means the day he would die on the earth] and the day that I shall be raised, [this means the day of judgment which will be applicable to every human-being like Jesus himself who is also a human-being born of a woman.]

    Jesus was not referring to the “Christians resurrection after 3 days”, he was referring to the day that everybody, including himself would be resurrected. That is why this same quotation is equally applicable to John, the Baptist. John, the Baptist did not resurrect yet, Qur'an says “peace be on him the day he would be raised up to life (again)”

    PASTOR SOLA OKUNADE:- I totally agree with you, I’m convinced!

    ADEPOJU YUSUF:- Now, Evangelist you said, Jesus is Lord, but, God in the book of Isaiah, 42:8 says “I am the Lord, that is my Name; my glory I give to no other, nor my praise to graven image.” Whoever says that Jesus is Lord has contradicted this verse of Bible. That is my reply to you for calling Jesus, the Lord.

    PASTOR SOLA OKUNADE:- Thank you very much for all your conversation and for explaining to me so many things that I do not understand, even in my Bible.


  82. Muslims will never get tired of inferiority complex and confusion. Only a muslim will not know that the so called discussion between Adepoju and Pastor Sola Okunade is fake. It is the same person writing and replying himself. Unfortunately for the confusionist, internet post has time. You can see they were posted at the same time by the same person after drafting the dialogue. Who is afraid of Jesus Christ?

  83. Mathew 27:50 " And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up the spirit" To "give up the spirit presuppses a state of actual seperation of the spirit from the flesh, in ordinary terms it means death, so Jesus actually died.
    Verse 53 of that same Mathew says "They came out of the tombs, and after Jesus RESSURECTION they went to the city and appeared to many people". some body who went into coma can not be ressurected but rather revived back to life.Look at the same Mathew 28:2-6"There was violent earht quake, for an angel of the Lord (God) came down from heaven, and going to the tomb,rolled back the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like alightening, and his clothes were white as snow. The guards were SO AFRAID of him that they shook and became like dead men.The angel said to the woman, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified.He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. HALLELUYAH!
    These are infallible proofs and many other scriptures but for time and space, that proves how Jesus the living son of God conquered death and grave and he lives forever more!
    Remember, when God raised him from the death, some chief priests wanted to suppress the truth about his ressurection Mathew 28:12-15 " When the chief priests had met with the elders and devised a plan, they gave the soldiers a large sum of money, telling them, "You are to say,'His disciple came during the night and steal him away while we were asleep.' If this report gets to the governor, we will satisfy him and keep you out of trouble". So the soldiers took the money and did as they were instructed. And this story has been widely circulated among the Jews to this day.
    The sheikh actually falls among this category of people who are trying by all means to undermine the power of the work of salvation which Christ came to offer us.
    I would not be part of those who would heep insult on the sheikh but I admonish & announce to the whole world that you (sheikh Gumi) will one day preach this same Jesus publicly to the whole world in JESUS NAME AMEN!if you believe in this prayer with me then post AMEN.
    May God bless Nigeria and deliver us from religious leaders who are determine to further tear us apart, Amen.

  84. O yee foolish generations. Why smashing the sheik? he only voiced his thoughts, why attacking the prophet. Rememba dat Christ ur master said'' 4give ur enemy and pray 4 those who hate you'', and also''be wise as a serpent but harmless as a dove''. But am not seeing wisdom and peace 4rm our speeches. Follow ur belief not minding the uprisings and leave Jesus' battle for him. He can defend himself. NB: Jesus is a Mighty God but There is only one true God, JEHOVAH. And besides him there's no other God. All worship and prayer goes to Jehovah but in the name of Jesus Christ , Jn16:22-30, 1Tim2:5, Jn17:1-3, Matt23:9-10, Jn4:19-24. Christ is the only master of xtians and we're meant to emulate him alone, can any xtian show me where Christ said we shd worship him in place of JEHOVAH. Can anyone show me where it is written that Christ is equal to JEHOVAH. Can any xtian show me where Christ said we shd pray to him. Let's stop this heresy we're preaching. REF BOOKS: Matt, Mark, luke, john, & Rev.

  85. Does the sheikh realise that if his quran (written 600 years after Jesus' life) is true, then it means that it's allah's fault that christinaity exists. According to the quranic verses he quoted, it was allah that made it look like Jesus had died on the cross, meaning that it is allah's fault that 2billion people around the world feel that Jesus died on the cross and was raised. Allah is known in the quran as the best of deceivers (sound familiar?). Muslims should stop hating on christins since their god is the reason christians exist!

  86. @9jaguy, Allah gave us the reasoning faculty to think, that is why we are not like animals. It is for us to think and chose between right and wrong. If all this did not happen, there won't be life. So think, think and think well. The conversation between Pastor Sola and Yusuf Adepoju, I posted it and it was divided because of long content. It is not too late to make research and amend the wrongs. Islam is the only way as testified by the Bible. Jesus submitted totally to the will of God in the bible and that is the meaning of Islam. Meaning, Jesus was a muslim.

  87. The major problem Islam has is Jesus Christ. You wouldn't stop until you see to the end of Christianity, and that is impossible. We know we don't serve the same God like most people claim, unfortunately for you Jesus is the only way. First deception is that you believe that quaran is written by God something that is a blatant lie, whereas Christians say the Bible is written by men inspired by the Holy Spirit. can you read God's writing? Our. Duty as believers is to show you the light, it is you duty to choose to walk in the light else it will be too late to discover you are on the wrong part after you die. Hell is real, Heaven is real. Heaven is only for those who believe in Jesus and confess Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.

  88. Jesus said" I am the way the life and the truth, no one cometh to the Father but through me" John 14:6.
    The quaran is misleading, full of hatred and is associated with violence, Boko Haram killing people in Nigera in the name of islam, alqueeda killing people in many other places,why is it that the sheikh's cup is full, they have been deceiving their followers inside the mosques, and try to test a wider ground, and it is not sellable, islam is only growing through jihadist expansionist and not peaceful persuasion like Christianity.
    The northern part of Nigeria is very back ward and will continue to be because of the likes of Gumi.

  89. Mr sheikh i will really advice u to go back nd read d bible again nd if u don't understand go nd meet a christain to explain to u very well. And u publisher must u publish any tin dat come ur way sorry to say are u people dat senseless or wat

  90. hhhhhhmmmmmmm, OLORUN ma kuu suuru oooo, what a nonsence sheik or what he call himself, sheik will surely end up in hell fire IN JESUS NAME AMENNNNNNNNNNN.

  91. I am glad i belong to JESUS.He was bruised for my inquities,chasitised for sins,the payment of my debt(sins) was upon Him.Oh what a wonderful saviour!. I dont care if He was in coma or not what i know is that He died to set me free from messages of bondage like this.Thank you JESUS!


  93. One thing you should understand sheikh ahmed, is that your god and my God are not the same o... So you can't use ur so-called book to judge the precepts of the christains.

  94. DR Shiek Gum, please shed more light on the ascension of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Since you believe he was only in a comma and not that he died and rose on the third day.
    Please let us watch what we confess with our tongue, we should imbibe the culture of taking out time to ask ourselfs what the repercussion of our utterances will before saying them. Your words have simply succeded in making yourself an object of redicule. All of this negativities wont take us no where. Nigeria Should be our number1 priority. The future of our children has been mortgaged by our political leaders. Addressing the issue decaydness in Nigeria should be utmost in our toughts. We need a better Nigeria and not all these.
    Unto God's gracious and merciful hands i commit Nigeria, may he let his face to shine upon us and Lift up on high the light of his countanace upon us and give us his Unity, peace and love. Cos that is what we need the most right now.(AMEN)
    The peace of Allah(SAW)continue to abide with you.

  95. i think i need AN ENGLISH VERSION OF QURAN

  96. Its amazing how we read holy books and ignore the truth. For example Qur'an,4:163, Allah says '93Verily, We have sent the Revelation to you (O Muhammad) as We sent the Revelation to Nuh (Noah) and the Prophets after him; We also sent the Revelation to Ibrahim (Abraham), Ismail (Ishmael), Ishaq (Isaac), ........
    If God is all alone without the trinity, how come He keeps saying WE???
    Again in Genesis 1:26 God said let us make man in our own image.........
    The Holy Trinity is soooo real and both our Holy books confirm it. God bless.
    Remember to Seek God first and all other things,including knowledge, will be added unto you.

    1. Obaseki
      You don't expect Allah (SWT) to present as a HE or SHE


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