


Who will be next Pope?—Cardinals likely to succeed Pope Benedict XVI. Top row from left:  Argentine Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio; Mexican Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera; Brazilian Joao Braz de Aviz; Philippines' Luis Antonio Tagle; Ghanaian Peter Turkson. Bottom row from left: Italian Angelo Scola; Canadian Marc Ouellet; Nigerian Francis Arinze; Nigerian John Onaiyekan, and USA's Timothy Dolan.  AFP PHOTO.

Who will be the next Pope?

Who will be the next Pope?

Cardinals likely to succeed Pope Benedict XVI. Top row from left: Argentine Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio; Mexican Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera; Brazilian Joao Braz de Aviz; Philippines’ Luis Antonio Tagle; Ghanaian Peter Turkson. Bottom row from left: Italian Angelo Scola; Canadian Marc Ouellet; Nigerian Francis Arinze; Nigerian John Onaiyekan, and USA’s Timothy Dolan.
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  1. May God in his wisdom enhance the choice of the best candidate for his Ministry. whosoever among them that will not do the will of Christ here on earth should not ascend the throne in Jesus name.

  2. The revelation from the Holy Spirit rightly appointed Arinze not Benedict XIV. A reference to the pools conducted evinced Arinze as the rightful Pope but was manipulated by world politics. How on earth a Blackman be made a POpoe? Not this generation! God is a spirit and not a flesh. What is happening now is a manifestation of God's powerful hand on mankind. To twist the handiwork of God, is to disrespect God's choice. Arinze should be given the chance to carry the much desired reorganization that the Catholic Church deserves throughout the entire universe. I am not a catholic but a man who clings to God's directives.

  3. Well said writer 2 the pool actually favored Arinze but world powers manipulated it and said BLACK SMOKE CAN NOT COME OUT OF A WHITE POT meaning A BLACK MAN CANT BE POPE OVER A WHITE DOMINATED MINISTRY,now you and i can see the pope resigned......hmhmh

  4. how come they you guys got this right?...


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