


VIDEO: NIGERIANS SPEAK OUT “Should A Man Of God Own A Private Jet?”

Ever since the number of Nigerian Pastors who own private jets grew by one over the weekend, the hot topic on TV, newspapers, social media and on people’s lips this week has been laced with the words “private jet”.

A very controversial topic i tell You, Video below.....

On Sunday 11th November 2012, the President of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN)/President of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) – Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor was presented with a multi-million dollar private jet by members of his congregation and since then, debates have sprang up with many questioning the right of a man of God to own a private jet.

iROKTV took this debate to the streets of Lagos, asking average Nigerians if it was proper for a man of God to own a private jet.

The opinions of those interviewed were diverse. Check out some of their really interesting responses in the video below and please join the discussion. Should a man of God own a private jet? Join the discussion. Happy viewing!

Video Credits: Iroko TV
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  1. Men of god with worldly things? Well its just a matter of faith but i bet you that man aint having the private jet for advancing the course of the lord but for the attainment of a status amoung his co-pastors. Its rather funny that all men that God trust with his scriptures and instructions to man kind were never rich nor are they from rich parents. I saw the car his wife uses, and i was like wow! Church business is good business; a luxurious limo. I think christians are losing it here for their faith, unlike what it was when Jesus was alive, has become so concentrated on worldly things. Christians dont seek eternal blessing until they have seeked and get worldly things. Its as if their doctrine is let God shower me with love and i will be the most obedient servant. If however God denied them wordly things, the turn a deaf ear to all Biblical teachings. An example is a pastor's typical prayer to his subject. No evil fashion against you (in this world) shall prosper. Success (in this world) shall be you portion in jesus name. From now on we shall be counting your progress (in this world) and never will you regress in jesus name..... Etc. Its rear or perhaps unheared that a pastor prays saying "may your heart be guided by the light so that all ideas that it can concieve will be once that leed you into the kingdom of God".

  2. Some people will say there is nothing wrong in a Pastor owning a PRIVATE JET but it would be better to assess the financial condition of the entire members of that congregation before concluding. A situation where many members are suffering while the pastor will be riding a private jet will not be pleasing to God. It is a common knowledge that many people are suffering in this country whereas our leaders are smiling home with billions of naira as the masses are being exploited.If the common man is being taken care of then there is nothing wrong with a pastor or governor going with jets. Even if they want to fly to Heaven there is no problem. But where majority of people are suffering and the leaders are riding private jets, that is not proper and God will not be happy.

  3. it is absolutely wrong for a man of God to hav a private jet cos it spells vanity which is not the way a true man of God should live. even if its a gift, when you think about the cost of maintenace and warehousing it shows selfishness because such money could have been used to help the poor and needy in the congregation and society at large. A pastor riding a private jet because he doesnt want to fly with public airlines is proud. So in the end in my opinion pastors with private jets are greedy, selfish, self-centred and proud none of these are attributes of Jesus whom we are supposed to emulate

  4. absolutely wrong for a man of God to hav a private jet cos it spells vanity which is not the way a true man of God should live. even if its a gift, when you think about the cost of maintenace and warehousing it shows selfishness because such money could have been used to help the poor and needy in the congregation and society at large. A pastor riding a private jet because he doesnt want to fly with public airlines is proud. So in the end in my opinion pastors with private jets are greedy, selfish, self-centred and proud none of these are attributes of Jesus whom we are supposed to emulate

  5. absolutely wrong for a man of God to hav a private jet cos it spells vanity which is not the way a true man of God should live. even if its a gift, when you think about the cost of maintenace and warehousing it shows selfishness because such money could have been used to help the poor and needy in the congregation and society at large. A pastor riding a private jet because he doesnt want to fly with public airlines is proud. So in the end in my opinion pastors with private jets are greedy, selfish, self-centred and proud none of these are attributes of Jesus whom we are supposed to emulateis absolutely wrong for a man of God to hav a private jet cos it spells vanity which is not the way a true man of God should live. even if its a gift, when you think about the cost of maintenace and warehousing it shows selfishness because such money could have been used to help the poor and needy in the congregation and society at large. A pastor riding a private jet because he doesnt want to fly with public airlines is proud. So in the end in my opinion pastors with private jets are greedy, selfish, self-centred and proud none of these are attributes of Jesus whom we are supposed to emulate

  6. Well another area I think we should focus on is the donors of the private jet not Oritsejafor himself. Don't they as members of the Church see and feel the pains of their suffering members?, why don't they contribute such money for the welfare of the poor among them, that's what the Bible preaches, show love to one another. The Pastor of the Church ought to have advise the donors to channel such fund for welfare project to improve the lives of the suffering members of the Church. As far as I am concerned we are not told here that Oritsejafor demanded for a private jet, it was the members that gave it to him as GIFT, when they have members suffering in their Church, I think Pastors of today should focus their attention on the POOR in their congregation

  7. HELLO Somebody,
    The fact that a man of God gets a gift of a Private Jet or whatever form, does that now mean that He is not qualified to get it, hell No!
    After all he too is a human being like us, and he must have affected the lives of those around him both in his congregation and beyond. Let me note here that he didn't ask for it, so it was presented to him as a gift, whats wrong with that.
    If you say that people in his congregation are suffering, its common everywhere even abroad, even Jesus himself said that in the Bible: "The Poor you will continue to have in your midst". If your President, Jonathan gets a Private Jet as a Gift from a Billionaire or group of millionaires are you going to question it, its their money and they felt like getting it for either the president or the pastor, so it makes no difference, what you should note is that the poor can never contribute money when they don't have, its only when one has that he thinks of parting with his money to get a gift for someone.
    The only thing we should say is that the politicians and pastors should look more out for helping those in the churches and in the community, and to some extent most of the pastors are doing so, besides the money they have to spend on helping people n their church still has to come from what the members contribute, you don't expect the pastor to give what he does not have.
    The pastors dont steal from thier members, its thier members that contribute to give them, so if he becomes blessed by it, why then should human beings like us question God's Blessing on thier lives, they serve a rich God and if God does not bless them for serving hm, then where is the benefit of really serving God, God promised us in the bible that we will prosper both on earth and later in heaven, because the "Earth Is The Lord's and the fullness Thereof and those that dwell in it".
    Dont grudge against a man of god that becomes wealthy, because you dont know what it took him to build his church to that height, its the same as building and growing a company from the start, and most of us were not there when they got the call to start thier ministries and we where not there when they went through fire and rain to make sure that thier churches didnt fall, so if after 10 - 30 years we see them progress and they are blessed for it, no one should talk. If you think its easy to own a Church and have 5000 - 10,000 members then start yours without God's Calling and see how far you will go. LEAVE THEM ALONE THEY ARE REAPING THE BLESSINGS OF BEING SERVANTS OF GOD, SINCE THE GOD THAT SENT THEM IS THE OWNER OF EVERYTHING EVEN MONEY HE HAS THE RIGHT TO BLESS THEM AS HE WANTS, TO THE ENVY OF MEN.
    - From D.G.P.

    1. They serve a rich God nd the poor in their church serve a wretched god 2 types of gods in a church? U definitely have the same mindset as d so called pastors

  8. I agree with Benson that Pastor Ayo should wait for all his church members who are growing daily to become rich b4 he should own a jet. Absurd. The poor will always be with you. The status quo critics want to maintain according to ecclesiastes 10:5-7 is an error. Why should those who serve the owner and creator of all things be the ones to have left overs? Well convince Pastor Ayo to throw away a gift given to him into my dust bin. I will gladly collect it. I see a lot of jealous thieves who wish they are in pastor Ayo's shoes. Sorry. - AJ

  9. A child of God should have the best of everything on earth. He (our Lord Jesus Christ) became poor that we may be rich. However, the way the riches He would give you affects your service to Him is more important in your life than the riches itself.

    A man of God having "a private Jet" is not wrong to me. But if he has a private jet and wealth and fails to care for the poor as well as fulfill God's call upon his life, God will judge him and not man.

  10. Allow me to ask a question please: Do Imams also use to run after "thinks of the world" by acquiring private jets??

  11. There is nothing wrong with a man of God owning a private jet.
    Some people just can't handle properity and that's why they think everybody should have a certain level of wealth. If the Pastor ddnt steal your money to buy the jet, I wonder why you are complaining. If the members of his church are getting blessed I also wonder what your business is.
    Aint nothing wrong with a Pastor or Dangote or anybody owning a private jet. Its properity

  12. Its as surprising as it is rudiculous why comments by some persons are favoured mare than others in the publication of comments. Is the publication streamed between ethnic or religious lines? Somebody's comment is publicized four times while another wont have a single unbiased comment published.

  13. For a man of God to have a private jet,there's no problem about that.We are in the mordern world. The World has advanced.Let the man be FREE!

  14. A pastor should not own a private jet! Yes, he was given this plane as a gift, but the church is going to have to spend millions every day just to park, maintain and fuel the plane. Church money should not be doing this! For the love of God, what of the poor, the homeless, the orphaned, the widowed? These people that need to see the love of Jesus are not accessible by jets and the church should use it's money to reach out to these people!

  15. Preaching the gospel just like a political office should be selfless regardless of the obstacle of irregular flight schedules. That our president has a private aircraft is not even necessary talkless of a pastor. If the british prime minister does not have a private jet or the mayor of new york rides the subway, or governor rochas of imo does not take a salary; People in religeous or political postions really need to reappraiase the reasons why they are where they are.

  16. A jet indeed. to me it is a good thing to have a jet. The issues are the source of the jet, how has this same members care for other poor members of the church, how many of the member joined resources to acquire the jet, how much did each member pay.
    I just hope that these "good members" who bought this jet also know that some children of church members are out of school merely because of school fees and others unable to pay their rent.
    Modern pastors should learn to help the down throdden in their church.


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