


'The Nigerian Church Is Losing It's Purpose'

Mrs. Oritsejafor's limo
There has been a lot of tittle-tattle lately as well as so many discordant tunes on the propriety or otherwise of jets and gifts to pastors and men of God.

The debates have been loud and raucous with so many people speaking from a position of little or no information. A lot of emotive vibes and outrage, for or against the perceived or real manipulations by men who supposedly have been given charge over the souls of millions, has become public fodder. Everyone appears to be venting their spleen wherever you turn.

Hosea 4:7-9
New King James Version (NKJV)
“The more they increased,
The more they sinned against Me;
I will change their glory into shame.
They eat up the sin of My people;
They set their heart on their iniquity.
And it shall be: like people, like priest.
So I will punish them for their ways,
And reward them for their deeds.

But what exactly should we do or say? Supporters of ostentatious and obviously manipulative men of the cloak are quick to put the critics in check by quoting “touch not mine anointed” lines ostensibly to show that men of “God” are above reproach and as such “lesser” men have no right whatsoever to criticize or condemn perceived wrong doings of these high men of “God.”
But is this the case? Are these men truly above reproach? Is it biblical for the “under shepherd” to feed fat on the flock while the flock groans and hopes for a better day? All these we shall examine in this piece. Let me appeal that this treatise may exceed the usual length allowed for articles on this blog as it comes laden with supporting Bible passages, but I assure you, it will be worth your while. Take a sip of water and follow me patiently.

And plead with your boss at work to learn from it as well if he frowns at you. Who knows, your boss may have unwittingly contributed to purchasing a Limo, Hummer or Private Jet for his Pastor lately. Christianity was first brought to the shores of Nigeria by the European missionaries in the early 1800s. When they came, they built hospitals and schools.

In fact, many Nigerians aged late thirties and above, were products of missionary schools, which were either free or came with negligible or paltry school fees. The early missionaries and churches in Nigeria were predicated on love and social services to their immediate communities. Many people in the age range I quoted above got quality education and even health care, courtesy of missionaries and churches.

But fast forward to the present day. Church members are coerced to part with money they barely have, with either a promise of God blessing them in return or with stern warnings of perpetual poverty or even threatened with the danger of hell if they refuse to give “cheerfully”. God’s blessing in church today is now for sale and even your offering must be spoken to, so that it can bring forth plenty harvest.

(remember our local priests “babalawo” have a culture of asking clients to rub their bodies with monies and ask for whatever they wish for).

As a matter of fact, a particular church I know, a few years ago had a special offering called ‘dominion jet offering’, where adherents were made to donate towards the “ministry’s” jet only for the jet to be converted for the use of the self styled Bishop later. *My lips are sealed*

In the course of my research, I discovered that a teacher’s son in a secondary school of one of these various prosperity promising centers, who lives in the church enclave, could not afford to send his son to the school, as a teacher and also amember of the church. His son was rather sent to school in a nearby town.
The modern Nigerian church tasks it’s members to donate towards various projects such as universities and elitist secondary schools, but curiously, the poorer members of such prosperity centers can neither send their wards or kids to such schools, neither do the churches have a program to cater for the poor amongst their flock.

Unlike the early missionaries who accommodated both the rich and poor in their schools, it is no longer business as usual for the poor. You either sow and get rich so that your children can also benefit from the schools built by the church you attend or find a lesser alternative, while hoping for a better day! The Church has become a class conscious body.

The passage in Act 4:34-35 which Reads: “(34) Nor was there anyone among them who lacked; for all who were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds of the things that were sold, (35) and laid them at the apostles’ feet; and they distributed to each as anyone had need.” has been totally ignored.
In Nigeria’s contrivances of prosperity churches, it is survival of the fittest, elimination of the “poor” or unfit. How wonderful, won’t you say? No longer are we our brother’s keeper. Like 50 Cent, we have resolved in churches to get rich or die trying.

We have been told that prosperity is a sign of God’s favor to his own people, but after reading and studying the lives of great men of God– men who brought great revivals in their time– I had to ask if Jonathan Edwards, a man who preached and thousands wept to the altar in one day, yet he wasn’t rich, or Smith Wiggleswort, a plumber whom God used to heal many sick and raised a lot of dead men, yet wasn’t stupendously rich, were missing a trick.
Tozer, John Wesley etc were great men of God, who neither built castles nor owned the choicest properties in their time, but they made such differences in the body of Christ so much so that till this day, their works still speak for them. Unlike our spirito-christian magicians, these men lived simple lives, but turned many around towards righteous and holy living. Their time was termed the period of the great revival in history.

Severally we have been reprimanded to “touch not mine anointed” but is this the correct application of this scripture? In which context was this phrase used? It is found in Psalm 105:15 and was repeated in 1Chronicles 16:22. That passage was written to praise the works of God when he took out Israel out of Egypt and saved them from harm, even though they were few. It was never about a pastor or a leader, it was written to praise God in taking care of a called out people. Anointed vessels are men who allow God to do his bidding through them.

Note that those people who must do his bidding must be “called out” and what is the “church”? It simply means “the called out ones”. Therefore that Passage can also mean “touch not the church”. Do NOT be deceived, it was never written to protect or immune “penterascality” or ‘pastopreneurs’ from criticism. It was written as a mark or seal of God’s protection upon his chosen ones.

The concept of giving and speaking to your money to work for you is another strange doctrine that has been introduced to make unsuspecting and unlearned Christians to part with their money without question.

Several times they have called this subtle extortion mechanism: ‘seed’, claiming the passage of seed time and harvest in Genesis 8:22. But God was not using seed figuratively. It was a definite and correct use. In fact he said; the summer, winter etc shall not cease. You don’t pay for God’s blessings. Obed edom was blessed in 2 Samuel 6:10-12 not because he paid God aspecial seed but because the presence of God dwelt within him and his household.

Unlike the short-cut pay and receive theology of our modern day pastors, God’s blessings dwell securely in his presence. It is better to live holy and have God on your side, than give plenty, while continuing in sin.

There is nothing wrong in showering your pastors with gifts, but let’s look at some biblical examples of men that God used mightily. Were they louts, who busied themselves with soliciting gifts or were they men who had reasonable sources of income? Amos was a great prophet but hear him in Amos 7:14-15:

14 Then answered Amos, and said to Amaziah, I was no prophet, neither was I a prophet’s son; but I was an herdman, and agatherer of sycomore fruit:

15 And the Lord took me as I followed the flock, and the Lord said unto me, ‘Go, prophesy unto my people Israel’.

And let’s look at Paul, one of the greatest apostles who ever lived. Acts 18:1-3:

18 After these things Paul departed from Athens, and came to Corinth;

2 And found a certain Jew named Aquila, born in Pontus, lately come from Italy, with his wife Priscilla; (because that Claudius had commanded all Jews to depart from Rome:) and came unto them.

3 And because he was of the same craft, he abode with them, and wrought: for by their occupation they were tentmakers.
He was a tent maker. He HAD A JOB. He was no lout neither was he a beggar or a manipulator. His hands provided for his needs.

I wish to bring a few scriptures to light in Philippians 3:18-19 18

(For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ:
19 Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.)
and 2 Timothy 3:1-2 3:

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy.
It is very clear that we are approaching the last days and like Jesus said, “shall I find faith on earth”? It a question we all should ponder on. Ask yourself, what is the purpose of your Christian faith? Is it to serve God or marmon? Is amassing worldly cash and acquiring worldly goods the reason Christ died on the cross? Do not get me wrong, being prosperous in not a sin, but it is written in 2Timothy 2:4:

No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.
And in Colosians 2:9, we read:

For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead, bodily. If God is genuinely sought, he will be found. Having the presence of God dwelling in you is a guarantee of his fulness. The rate at which wrong doctrines are taught and imbibed is alarming and this is a pointer to alarming biblical illiteracy levels among Christians. As God said, ‘like people like priests’.
1Peter 4:17 17:

“For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begins with us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?”. What is the gospel of God? I doubt if it means amassing wealth or accumulating worldly goods. Pastors must be careful in fleecing the flock as it is written that The souls of those in their care will be required of them.

Our peculiar situation shows clearly that there are fundamental flaws in the teachings of the church as written in our opening scripture. Hosea, as quoted above, suggests that as the priests (pastors, bishops, archbishops, General overseers etc) are increasing, so is iniquity and sin on the rise. Looking at Nigeria today, we have a church in almost every corner, yet the crime and immorality rates are rising exponentially.

It is time for the men of GOD to face their true calling which is preaching the gospel. But if they persist in milking the flock, God said he will use even stones, to achieve his aims, if men refuse to do his bidding. Study the scriptures and be diligent. Do not let a man created in ‘like-passions’ pull a wool over your eyes in the name of God. A lie can travel very fast in time, but in one swift moment, the truth will pursue, overtake and annihilate it. There is too much hot air emanating from our pulpits, but where is the fire of revival?

Ayobami Oyalowo
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  1. A lie can travel very fast in time, but in one swift moment, the truth will pursue, overtake and annihilate it.

    Now we can see true colour of Nigeria Men Of God .

  2. Good blogger . More grace to your elbow.

    I know some people that are sick will condemn your article but dont be derailed keep on doing good work .

    I like your style of fighting for Poor Nigerian.

    Good work , keep it up.

  3. I hope d men of God are listening. No wonder everybody wants to become a G.O because of tithe and offering. God knows those who are serving Him.

  4. Now i realised that we still have people with good thought in this country.

    This so called man of God will buy Limo for there wife to buy vegetable in market and distribute Okada to there poor church members .

  5. Hmmmm, quite interesting and understanding..... totally acceptible by me.

  6. Church in Nigeria is lucrative business if you are good at mathematics.

    Take it or you leave it , these so called man God of are very good at maths.

    If you have average of #1000 as gift or tithe every weekend from congregation of 10000 people , you will be going home with #10,000,000 (Million) every weekend.

    #40, 000,000 per month

    #480 , 000,000 per year .

    To run the church , you need 10 % of your earning .

    Which means you we have #432 , 000,000 as profit every year .

    Think about it within 10 years , you will have #4,320,000,000 ( Now you are Multi billionaire ).

    Once again , you have right to disagree with me but that is the truth .

    APOLOGY TO REAL CHRIST FOLLOWER ,to others , i don't care .

  7. Can you give example of Man of God in Bible that is milking his followers ?

    Dont deceive yourself , just open your eyes.

    You can read Bible on your own as see the way God want us to leave our life .

  8. Kai my brother, you have truely said it all. I kept shouting to some of my friends on facebook that most religious people in Nigeria are religious zombies who can not question the integrity and credibility of so called men of God. And this explain why Nigeria a highly religious Nation also double as among the most corrupt nation on earth.

  9. God bless you for this enlightenment. Many of us may be blind, but a write up of this kind surely will open our eyes. The poor are really getting poorer, why still milk them of the little they have. Men of God give to the poor and stop taking from them.

  10. Hmmmmmmmmm....God is watching

  11. privat jet privat jet,whil som ar dying of hunger.its gud t be rich bc a hungry man s an angry man,bt dey shal liv by an exampl ,not takn tithe money t buy exotic nd worldly things whil de poor among dem gives out d little he has as tithe. He who eats wt spoon shld rmemba he who eats wt hand

  12. God Bless Ayobami Oyalowo.

    This is the truth of what is happening although I must say that it is the sign of the end time.

    Gifts and tithes from stealing and looting to pastors, it doesn't matter if it comes from boko haram that killed/bombed members of the church.

    How I wish the days of quick judgment come again where people are striked while planning or taking the first step in executing their plans.

  13. I dare you to start a church and see how easy it is to make money. Anybody who tries to dictate to someone else what he or she must do with his or her money is a thief. We all pretend not to like wealth and pursue after it everyday. More anoying is the fact that we want everyone to prosper except those who serve God. That is absurd and is not sprirituality. Good day - AJ

  14. Well, I enjoyed the article thoroughly. However, I believe no man of God can force you to part with what you dont have in the name of whatever. God says I will have mercy upon whom I will have mercy, same goes for blessing! Anyone that would be blessed would be blessed. Dont get me wrong, it is not everyone that can be blesed such as not everyone can build a house. Let people use their heads and give only what they have the capacity to give.

  15. I totally agree wit u ur article is really wat is happening only God knows his true servants nd followers.

  16. I don't normally post comments ( but your write-up demands a comment)...


    What you've written is informative & thought-provoking.

  17. Oh! Boy see mathematical analysis. Mehn! Its true oº°˚ ˚°º . E be lyk say †ђξ way forward na to open one business centre make perrson dey manage. Ehen nw! Bcos churches now are BUSINESS CENTRES! #Gbam

  18. You had worked Another Miracle for Many of us can see think and feel very well now !

  19. Thanks, but you really don't know these people you are fighting for, yes! They are not christian. You have spoken well "like the people like the priest" Sir look at the one of thier sheeps closely you will see that they are not of the great shepherd. Sir hold you peace, I have done more than this b4 dicovered this truth. God bless.

  20. Stealing! Stealing! Stealing!.Stealing in the name of the Lord. My Father's house of worship has become the den of sin. The pastors drives fancy cars and enjoy everything that is good.Yet, the congregation live in poverty and give him charity!Stealing in the name of the Lord.Let break this armour of ignorance and set my people free.Stealing in the name of the Lord. Stealing... Stealing... Stealing...

    Courtesy of Max Romeo/Mighty Diamond-Jamician Raggae Legends.
    Why are we surprised that these men and women of god are doing what they are doing.Money is now the God they Worship.Some women even throw their teenage daughter on the pastors only to turn round and cry rape... Rape.... It is a shame.

  21. Something makes me feel good afterall. Before now I was saying Deeperlife people don't preach prosperity messages nor collect all these offerings as some, my thought was that their members are not all fashionable and open millionaire noise makers. These write up is great and alarming, infact am now blessed ok, heaven is not a simple place to enter. God is a consuming fire. In the world of Noah, only his family was saved from flood all other perished. Out of all the Isrealites that came out of Egypt only Joshua and Caleb entered the promised land even Moses saw it but could not enter because of disobedient. In Sodom and Gommorah, only Lot and his family where saved, infact his wife though earlier saved was turned to pillar of salt for looking back. God hv not changed, all these that bring reproach and dishonor to his HOLY NAME, may not escape his judgement unless they REPENT. God is angry with the wicked everyday. Pls my Heavenly Father have mercy on my humble soul in Jesus name ........ Amen. God bless All faithfuls.

  22. May God bless u Ayobami! U spoke my mind cos I wrote something like dis on facebook and some people told me Touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm and Judge not for ye not be judged! Pple allow d so called Men of God to delude and rob dem of their sweats instead of serving God with their hearts rada its now by wealth! Lord have mercies on dem cos of d souls they are leading astray all in d name of Prosperity!

  23. He that thinketh he stand, should take heed less he fall. Because iniquity shall abound, the Love of many shall wax cold. If your meat will make your brother to stumble, it's better you eat no flesh, for why must your brother perish because of your meat, for whom Christ Jesus died. Let us not be ignorant of the devises of the devil. For though hands be joined to hands a Sinner will never go unpunished pastors and ministers notwithstanding. Trust not in a man who's breath is in his nostril neither put thou confidence in a guard. Watch and pray for you know not when the master Jesus cometh, less you fall into temptation. Let the wicked forsake his ways and the unrighteousness man his thought and let him return to our God and he have mercy upon him and to our Lord, for he will abundantly pardon.

  24. MOSES.... There is problem in Nigeria Church. We know very well the plan of the enemy. But that has nothing to do with the fact that Private jet is one of the most little thing that God could do for His children as part of His blessing showing the world that He has the best for His children. Go and study the life of Abraham and Solomon very well.

  25. Which part of d bible says men of God shouldn't receive gifts? I just feel we should take our eyes off these pple and concern ourselves with better issues...even d bible tells us not to judge a man of God,even wen it is obvious he's goin against d scirptures,in other words,judgement Is for God alone....pls let's learn to mind our business.

  26. Ayobami u are so on point! May God bless u for dis article

  27. In the abundance of water, the fool is thirsty. In the abundance of evidence that church leaders are worse than yahooligans, Nigerians are still being led as though being pulled by a ring in their noses.

    In case you all do not know: it is the activities of churches and mosques, which, by giving you hope of a better tomorrow, that insulate our corrupt leaders from the people's wrath against oppression.

  28. Hmmmm. @Ayobami. This is quite a nice write-up. You must have taken quite some time to put this together. Kudos.

    I agree with you that many pastors worldwide have abused the office of a pastor. Amassing ill-wealth and looting the treasury dry. Though am not a Pastor but I'm a Christian and I don't intend to be a Pastor at all but if you look at 2Tim 5:17-18.(17 Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine. 18 For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward).

    You will see that a pastor deserves to be fed and well taken care of. If church members decide to buy their Pastor a jet then that's okay as long as they are not stealing or killing themselves to do so.

    The great Apostle Paul stopped working after receiving his call on the way to Damascus and he was taken care of by church members across many locations and he acknowledged it.

    Please don't put all Pastors on the same page.

    Even these Pastors you made references to all have fledging businesses that make a lot of money.

    Poverty or middle level life is not the sign of good Pastoral ministry?

  29. hum, true talk,(Mathew 25:35-end) i think men of God should learn to give back to the society just like what the missionaries were doing in the olden days like building homes for the aged and the less privileged, giving of scholaships to the indigents, construction of roads, providing health services etc. We dont have to depend on the government for everything. May God help us

  30. The church is at crossroads,
    where is the lyrics,,Lord prepare me a sanctuary ,pure and holy tried and true,
    With thanksgiving I will be a living sanctuary for you.
    When the poor comes to the church and go out poorer ,then so many things are wrong.
    But not to despair ,the judgement will start in the House of God
    The day of judgement ,a day of fear ,a day of weeping.
    Let me remind us of Jude vs 11.Woe unto them for they have gone in the way of Cain,and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward ,and perished in the gainsaying of core
    These are spots in your feasts of charity,when they feast with you,feeding themselves without fruit,twice dead,plucked up by the roots,
    Raging waves of the sea,foaming out their own shame ,wandering stars,to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness fro ever.
    However let each person mind the charge from the Lord ,that we should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.

  31. Bros, that was a well thought write up. When i see all these things happening, i do not lose hope because God always has a remenant that “WILL NOT“ bow to mammon or the things of the world. God is preparing another set of workers that will go after doing His will and nothing else. Thanks

  32. God Bless you for this message. I also have been trying in my own little community to enlighten many on the need to be watchful odds who they follow as their pastors. Many of us have abandoned God and the bible for our G.Os and whatever they say. We literally worship them. My own blood brother is an example of one of those that contributed for church to build Universities and schools yet can not afford to send his kids to them. It is now private jets everywhere when the Europeans that brought the religion to us still live in moderation. God is watching and will judge all. I once wrote when I headed of a Phd holder that died in Lagos living of refuse ground. Why can't the churches come together and set up a mental care home for these helpless individuals as the state has failed them? This is the beginning and we news more voices like yours in our country. In U.K where I live, African Pastors, Nigerians in particular have converted every available spaces to churches. To our own embarrassment; the white people keep laughing at us. I remember of a particular building with three African churches in it. May God help us.

  33. Broda on point.matt 7.21-23.many will say lord did I not perform many miracles in your name and expel demons in your name.the lord will say to them I never knew you workers of people these pastors of today are fake read the Bible and find the truth.

  34. You have all spoken well.The fact remains if G.Os,Pastors,Bishops, not go to hell fire then,it means God doesn't mean His Word.Remember for He says many will say that day Lord is it not in your name we preached but,He said I will reply them go from me ye workers of iniquity.IT IS THE SIGNS OF END TIME.

  35. You have all spoken well.The fact remains if G.Os,Pastors,Bishops, not go to hell fire then,it means God doesn't mean His Word.Remember for He says many will say that day Lord is it not in your name we preached but,He said I will reply them go from me ye workers of iniquity.IT IS THE SIGNS OF END TIME.

  36. You have all spoken well.The fact remains if G.Os,Pastors,Bishops, not go to hell fire then,it means God doesn't mean His Word.Remember for He says many will say that day Lord is it not in your name we preached but,He said I will reply them go from me ye workers of iniquity.IT IS THE SIGNS OF END TIME.

  37. Good write up my brother. most of our Men of God are just making money out of their members. when they're asking for TITHE and OFFERING, they will preach about SEED TIME and HARVEST, but when is time to help their members, they will remind you of the policy of the church. that you most belong to one of the HOUSE FELLOWSHIP or HOMECELL, before you can be giving WELLFARE and that your Homecell leader most sign, your zone leader must sign. so many sign sign before you can be granted any money. We really need God's help ooooooooooooooooooooo!

  38. i believe that whoever wrote this article will read this, your article sounds very convincing, well composed, coordinated, organised and even has the ability make people derail. it does not matter the bible verses you can quote to back up your points, but do not judge men of God even if they are caught doing the wrong thing red handed. i believe we are all accountable to God without the exception of a single soul, your article sounds judgemental which i do not think its right. Let the judge be God and try not to mislead others in doing. we all have a conciense, if you God tells you what you are doing its right , go on, if says no then the rest is left to you. the phrase of " Touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm" its not just a phrase to joke with, it simply means that even if you are 100 percent sure your pastor is doing the negative, do not judge, why? because it is still possible that he has God's power to decree. am you this to prove your wrong or scare anyone.

  39. just focus on God and all will be well. Do not judge

  40. A word is enough for the wise, that is all.holy Michael

  41. O God have mercy on ur children include me

  42. Stop judging my of God u are not one that called then ok? Live then to God thats see more than I and u

  43. I really felt that this piece sheds a lot of light on the issue without any bias or sentiments and I would really love to see every Christian in Nigeria and the world read this piece and pass it along. So I hope once you read, you can pass along the link to your friends. And I hope the site administrators can repost the issue after this one.
    Tolu K.

  44. ayobami oyalowo infact i will preach your message good work keep it up may God open our eyes also anotger thing is that the minister has become a proffesional lier on the pulpit mixing the world of God with their own very tale telling a lot of story instead scripture you will need a highly qualified infact proffessor of forensic lie detector to detect their lies that are so gullible infact that is their name penterrascality and pastorpreneurs good work

  45. ayobami oyalowo infact i will preach your message good work keep it up may God open our eyes also anotger thing is that the minister has become a proffesional lier on the pulpit mixing the world of God with their own very tale telling a lot of story instead scripture you will need a highly qualified infact proffessor of forensic lie detector to detect their lies that are so gullible infact that is their name penterrascality and pastorpreneurs good work

  46. Please, can someone help me answer this question. Who is the founder of Catholic church?
    Thanks and God Bless.

  47. Thanks a lot for this sermon, The Church in Nigeria and of course the world is alarmingly being overtaken by people installed by Devil to pull the church down. People dont even read the scripture none the less understand it, The Bishops have become their God what ever they say they pander for. Mummy and daddy churches is what i call most of them u see them advertising shamelessly on Telli and Billboards posing with their wife. Please brethren where in the Gospel of Christ are Women given official leadership of church ? This is the order of the day now in mummy and daddy churches. They dont even make any impact on peoples lives people around them patronize bear parlor and prostitutes confidently and steal in their work places and do charms but their Bishops watch all this and still claim they are big men of God leading God's people. May Almighty God Deliver his children Amen.

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  53. I'm glad I stumbled on this write-up. It in deed lifted me up. Thank you.

  54. May God bless you. America would say: God bless America. Nigeria should be praying: "May God save Nigeria". Fela may not have been a religious man, but he sent a message of the rot in Nigeria while the situation was a child's play. If he were alive today and still had the verve to campaign against the social and religious wickedness we see, he probably would be speechless at the audacity of our hopelessness.
    Cast your mind back to the days of the first protest in Church which gave birth to the protestants and later further break aways that give rise to pentecostalism. The bone of contention was "indulgence" which the church then was accused of (receiving money for the forgiveness of sins). This protest brought out the likes of the Lutherians. Today, modern day church leaders have deviced means worse than the indulgence.
    In clear terms, these hungry demonic men who have hijacked pulpits are the root of the corruption and evil that debased Nigeria. They are the root of Nigeria's problem.


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