


Former Head of State, Gen. Yakubu Gowon

Achebe’s civil war book, a propaganda – Gowon

Former Head of State, Gen. Yakubu Gowon, has described Prof. Chinua Achebe’s Nigerian Civil War memoir in his latest book, There was a Country, as “a propaganda”.
Achebe in the book, accused the Federal Government under Gowon and the late Chief Obafemi Awolowo, who was then the Minister of Finance, of using hunger as a weapon of war against the Republic of Biafra.

But Gowon, who spoke to punch on the telephone on Tuesday, said though many books had been written about the civil war, none had been as controversial as that of Achebe.
He said the book was “written to whip up unnecessary sentiments”.
He said when he releases his biography many will know what happened during the war.
Gowon said, “Many books have been written about the civil war and unfortunately none had been as controversial as that of Achebe, which accused me and Chief Awolowo of genocide against the Igbo. Nothing can be further from the truth, because every decision we took was for the interest of a united Nigeria.
“It (Achebe’s book) is nothing more than a propaganda and many people have failed to see it that way, and that is why most of the reactions have been varied and vitriolic.
“I am not aware of any Igboman that had an account with the then Barclays Bank that was seized, because at the end of the war many of them got their money back. And it was because of our resolve to ensure that there was no victor no vanquished. We wanted to put the experience of the civil war behind us. We put in place a lot of measure to ensure that everybody was reintegrated into a united Nigeria.
“So it is very unfortunate for Achebe to accuse me and Awolowo of starving the Igbo to death.”
The Chairman of Nigeria Prays added the majority of of the principal actors at the end of the war did not appear as if they were starved.
He said he stood by every decision he took during the civil war and ready to defend his actions anywhere.
The former Chief of Army Staff denied that he prevented foreign aid from reaching the Igbo during the war.
Gowon added, “Most of those who accused us of genocide were looking well fed at the end of the war. During the war we opened road and air corridors to allow food, medicine and other aids to the people. Nobody can do such a thing to his people because I was optimistic that the war would end one day and we shall come together under a united country.
“So that was why we were very careful about every decision we took during the civil war
The 78-year-old said by the time he publishes his own account of the war, most of those insinuations would be laid to rest.
“I have been sufficiently challenged and the whole truth will be revealed one day,” he said
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  1. Gowon seems to be at war with his soul. Will he be willing to face a crime against humanity carge at the Hague or not? To keep the country united is not justification for commiting or ignoring atrocities and so justice will catch up with you. Is he also denying that the progrom in the north did not happen and how does he feel in the knowledge that the same region that has been mass killing (genocide) the Igbos have now turned on his Birom people. They say what goes around, comes around. History is about to throw out the truth and he and many others are afraid in this life and the after life. Abusing the messenger will not clease your soul. Achebe has international credibility and his book is being read, big time.

    1. Yes . Achebe has credibility indeed - as a bitter old igbo tribalist who sees nothing good in any other tribe other than his own. He is so blinded by hatred that he blames any other tribe for the consequences of actions originated by igbos. To Achebe, nzeogwu, ironsi, and ojukwu are yorubas or hausas!.

  2. Y is Gowon lyin nw?...sayin"no body was starved"...when we hav seen pictures of biafran children .....i guess he will also deny d gift of Bakassi to Cameroun was done by wa oh

  3. Am so glad the eminent pple at The Haque are very learned,responsible and follow the letter of the International Laws not the laws made by some FAKEspare parts sellers,drug peddlers@smugglers,armed robbers,kidnappers and hired assassin.If the international community has no reservations about how the war was fought and won,i dont see why anyone should give substance to your barking.well it's a free world and d phone gives u d wright to express ur opinion but d truth remains

  4. Gowon cannot call the whole eastern region liers, when they saw that defeating the eastern region was not easy they decided to use starvation strategy. The souls of innocent women and Children who died as a result of such evil decision are still crying for justice.

  5. war came nd has gone.Gowon wil not deny al these acusations. Its in the process of blocking the route that bakassi was ceded to cameroun. Nd again,there is no satelite to see al the pogrom meted on civilians that afta all,wat hapened nxt? Igbos are stil d most succesful and envied tribe in nigeria tday nd they ar almost independent in government for their daily food. Gowon fought 4 unity so lets b united

  6. That's the thing sbout nigeria. Why couldn't we document the thing then. Now we hsve lost a vital part of our history. Se r left we sentiments of a few and mere accusations.

  7. Whoever insults Achebe and denies the attrocities committed in the name of civil war can never see good thing in Hiis/Her life. People should learn to say the truth and face facts.

  8. One thing baffles me in all of these. Were the Igbos expecting the FG to allow them annex oil-bearing Niger Delta as part of Biafra? Even in modern times, Iraq was stopped in her tracks concerning Kuwait. A coalition force pulverized Iraq. That is how a united world sees annexation. To Anonymous 3:45, eschew vitriolic comments on a public platform. It is people who lack the right language to express themselves that resort to such verbal assaults.

  9. It appears that most people do not understand that Gowon is evil to the Igbo man.


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