


Did UK prime minister just mock Buhari ahead of his visit to London?

As President Muhammadu Buhari arrives London, Prime Minister, David Cameron may have just mocked him and his country in front of the Queen of England.

Apparently his host, David Cameron has demonstrated no regard for his anti-corruption efforts, by dubbing it a ‘fantastically corrupt country’.

Cameron was caught on camera giving this description of Nigeria and Afghanistan when he met Queen Elizabeth on Tuesday.


He came to inform the Queen about heads of state coming to attend his anti-corruption summit, scheduled to hold in Lancaster House on Thursday.

The summit aimed at stepping up global action to combat corruption in all walks of life, without Britain itself shutting down British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, nests for corrupt and criminal gangs, where they stash stolen money, using shell companies to cover their trails.

In a pooled video feed made available to the ITN broadcaster, Cameron was shown talking with the queen about the summit.

“We had a very successful cabinet meeting this morning, talking about our anti-corruption summit,” Cameron said when the queen approached.

“We have got the Nigerians – actually we have got some leaders of some fantastically corrupt countries coming to Britain.”

Cameron went on: “Nigeria and Afghanistan – possibly two of the most corrupt countries in the world.”

The queen did not respond to Cameron’s comment.

But the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby defended Nigeria’s leader, Muhammadu Buhari: “But this particular president is actually not corrupt.”

Cameron appeared to be fixated with the old idea of a corrupt Nigeria in his brain as the two leaders he was ridiculing, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, and Buhari , acknowledge corruption in their countries and have pledged to clean it up.

Afghanistan is at number 166, second-from-bottom, in campaign group Transparency International’s latest Corruption Perceptions Index, an annual ranking of countries.

Only North Korea and Somalia, jointly ranked at number 167, are perceived to be more corrupt. Nigeria is at number 136 in the index.

It was not clear whether Cameron realised he was being filmed and recorded at the event at Buckingham Palace.

A bystander then joked to laughter: “They are coming at their own expense one assumes?”

“Everything has to be open,” Cameron said. “There are no sort of closed-door sessions. Everything has to be in front of the press. It’s going to be…It could be quite interesting.”

[Group laughs]

Cameron: I… Yes… Because it’s an anti-corruption summit, everything has to be open. So there are no sort of closed door sessions, it’s all in front of the press. It could be quite, umm, interesting. But there we go.
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  1. Cameron is a complete idiot! The country he runs is actually one of the most fantasically corrupt! It wasn't Nigeria and Afghanistan going round the world stealing land,resources and exterminating aboriginal people. There is good evidence too that the UK have been behind corrupt regimes and helped topple good governments around the world. Hypocrit!

    1. No u r the ignorant one here! I agree Buhari should not have gone there, they have nothing to offer. There is no big grammar in my comment, just simple English. Too bad if you dont understand it. Them calling Nigeria corrupt amounts to the kettle calling the pot black! Go educate yourself about how they really run the world and if English is your problem sorry I can't help u.

    2. Go and learn English if grammar is u our problem. Yes Buhari shdnt hv gone becos they hv nothing to offer and their corruption is large scale and responsible for all the problems of the world, not Nigeria's petty corruption based on fear of poverty. If you live in their countries and studied them well you will understand better

    3. I do not agree that Cameron is mocking Nigeria. He was accurate in his description of this country. To deny and pretend that we are not as badly (or is it fantastically) corrupt is hypocritical and infact another irrefutable evidence that we are corrup. The fact is that corruption appears to be in our blood and the few that try to resist it are regarded as nothing or even foolish. From the market woman/man, to the clerk to the permanent secretary, from the farmer to the police/soldier, from the farmer to the politician and fuel dealers, corruption is glaringly evident! We badly need a moral rebirth. May God help us Nigerians

    4. Nigeria is corrupt. Yes. But are the politicians who run the world any better? Capital NO! You need to read some books. Look for confessions of an economic hit man. Everything ties together. These western people like to make themselves appear as saints and there is so much dirt on them . That is in no way excusing Nigeria's corruption but they have contributed in no small way to the way we are.

  2. That says it all! Instead of sincerely fighting corruption, they are still committing more corrupt acts by their selective fight against perceived political enemies in the name of fighting corruption.

    1. Never said Nigeria is not corrupt. But they are not in any moral position to be judging. I wish you people would just read and educate yourselves more instead of making uninformed comments here. Who do you think choses your leaders?

    2. That says what all? You Africans always accept everything oyinbos say about you without challenging it! And they continue to steal your resources, with the aid of your own people who have sold you out. They are the initiators of corruption. Our people learnt it and took it to a whole new level! The same way we took the religion they gave us and took it to the extreme!

    3. Nigeria has moved up the ladder from being "ordinary " corrupt under GEJ to becoming "fantastically" corrupt under PMB

    4. At least let's excell in something! We have no rival in corruption! That's why Cameron succinctly captured our rating: #fantastically corrupt

  3. Ah beg jor. From the second you arrived at nigerians airport you see corruption. Stop being hurt by the truth. Is it not why we are in poverty? We are the ones trying to corrupt them with banking stolen public funds. Hunger never catch you yet that is why you are talking like a looter or an ignoramus

    1. You are the ignoramus here! You certainly don't know how this world is run and probably haven't travelled anywhere.i can give you examples of how they continue to loot you people tirelessly but you ate too ignorant and lazy to even investigate.

    2. They loot us because of our corrupt leaders. No be so?

    3. That is correct. But many times they are the ones that place those corrupt leaders in power! Eg. IBB. To destroy your economy so that you will depend on them forever.

    4. And if that happens will civilians that are not corrupt he would not last in office

  4. The heading of this news is wrong! Cameron, in his statement is not 'mocking' Buhari, rather Nigerians including you all the morons commenting nonsense here. Nigerians are corrupt, no doubt and this corruption is just being fought, but not won yet, so Nigerians, rightly described is still corrupt. We all should be ashamed of ourselves and accept the fact. So far, the world has seen our PMB as being honest and an anti corruption President.

    1. Your PMB is more corrupt than you think or he makes people believe. He surrounds himself with Tinubu- the grand father of corruption, Amaechi, corruption- personified, etc. Your PMB appointed only his kinsmen in key positions in Aso Rock. Nepotism is also corruption in another form, no be so?

    2. When he can't become President with his meagre resources and your country hasn't developed past money politics. What should he do? And at least Tinubu did not run for any office.

    3. Buhari isn't corrupt yet he's spending about 350k DAILY on haircuts? Let's start the war on corruption by telling ourselves the truth!

  5. The dividend of the president's de- marketing of Nigeria where ever he goes. Now they have started to mock and insult him. If aan calls his basket trash can people will use it to pack refuse or garbage. Nigeria. Sorry ooo !

    1. I don't see anything 'demarketing' here, at least smone stood for Buhari to condemn d statement unlike past President dat wud say stealing is not corruption in there present

  6. Oyinbo has been using black man's head since 1000 AD. They created these countries, put corrupt puppet regimes in power that will help siphon the riches of these countries leading to poverty and desparate on, the true causes of corruption. They will now turn around and say "look at those corrupt people"! And the black man in his stupid ignorance will accept the label without challenging it! What a crazy world!!!

  7. Buhari is a fool that goes around telling the world that his country is corrupt

    1. Buhari is no fool. But he made a mistake of looking up to the UK and US.they are bad examples themselves. I challenge you to research what really happened on September 11, 2001. All their official stories are lies and fairy tales! The corruption they accuse us of is nothing compared to their high level corruption which they do a good job of covering up. They hv been stealing from us and continue to do so. Sadly out people too collaborate with them. Also research the American Federal Reverse, the greatest scam in the history of the world. The Blackman needs to wake up and stop being his own worst enemy!

  8. If d president had sat down e clear d mess no body would have mentioned dat d leader of fantastically corrupt ppl was on his was there. Dis president is really embarrassing nigeria and Africa on a daily base. Tell me a president dat will tell d whole world how bad his ppl are how can some 1 not make dis appalling remarks 2. Abeg presido u don fall our hand big tym noting is working here in nigeria and u are just making sure our image is totally grounded like d economy u av grounded,fron d fastest 2 d slowest in d history of d world.

  9. Shame on David Cameron whose country stole many countries wealth through colonization. The only problem are those useless politicians that are not patriotic enough to develop their own countries that their forefathers sacrificed their lives to flush out enemies of humanity like UK, USA and others.

    1. You are on point. Nigeria has better allies in Russia and China than the western countries who only want you to be their slave. They will enslave you then say you are lazy. I like the way a African American put it, "the white man will give you drugs, then accuse you of being a drug addict", he will give you alcohol, then accuse you of being a drunkard". Let's add he gives you corruption and then calls you fantastically corrupt. While this is no excuse for the state Nigeria finds itself and the country needs to clean up its act, the British have no moral higher ground to stand on and call countries corrupt because their powerful Empire was built on and still exists on corruption

  10. The truth actually your Eyes the corruption is GLARING...corruption has stunted Nigeria's economic growth and potential...and u guys are here getting angry at the leader of a country which is better managed for pointing out the obvious...I feel sorry for u

    1. How did his country become better managed? Have you asked yourself? It was by stealing resources from countries like yours.

  11. What is the difference between being corrupt and being "FANTASTICALLY" corrupt?

    1. Being corrupt- like Cameron and his western leaders. Being fantastically corrupt- like Buhari and other 3rd world countries

    2. Nigeria has moved up the ladder from being "ordinary " corrupt under GEJ to becoming "fantastically" corrupt under PMB

  12. It is an indirect way of telling Baba that he I'd not welcome. Tomorrow make he Aldo carry himself go there.Yes that is what one gets when he instead of seating back home to find solution to the nations problems he is always on the move and painting his country black where ever he goes.The British PM has his team of tink tank and researchers who may have come up with their verdict jinspite of the whole noise about fighting corruption. Budget padding, ghost workers and they may as well have calculated the cost of presidents frequent touring around the world with large entourage yet complaining that the country is broke. When they totalled the cist of the travel alone they came up with this fantastically corrupt language. Yes.when one gives his dignity and self respect away on the alter of playi g to the galary and eye service that is what he gets- Insults and disrespect.

    1. What most Nigerians don't understand is that other countries know about your country more than we actually do. It is well known that Nigeria is an Extra Fantastically Corrupt country. We need a President who will agree it is and fight it, not one who will say small stealing is not corruption. Other nations just laughed at us.

  13. We are corrupt simple! Britain is corrupt. Yes but they are nationalistic because that steal other people's resources to develop their own country only when the people themselves are willing tools. Nigeria is fantastically corrupt because we steal our own resources to develop our selfish interest at the detriment of the national interest. Impoverishing the masses. So between Nigeria and Britain, which one is better?

  14. The truth is always bitter but Cameron has said it. God bless Cameron.

  15. Sovereignty and National interest presupposes that nations employ any means to survive for the benefit of its population. Instruments deployed in the quest for national greatness include Diplomacy (political), Informational, Military, and Economic (DIME- Grand Strategy). If the British and other western nations (states) have employed that to steal you blind, Nigeria should also employ the same strategy in the service of her people, not whining about how we have been ripped off. We are an actor in the international system like them. The anarchical character of international relations is dog-chop-dog for survival, or else you perish. Read Machiavelli's "Prince."Fall in or fall out.

  16. If PMB himself once said the country is corrupt what then is wrong if DC also made same affirmation. Pls let's wake up. The corruption in this country presently is subtle and more dangerous. Eagles don't flock with chickens surrounding yourself with corrupt minds will not make you progress. Weather anyone agrees or not, PMB is fighting a one man war and a onesided war.

  17. NE! Your headline is atrocious! Also the Queen did make a comment after the Archbishop of Canterbury said "But this current President is not corrupt'. The Queen said "He's trying isn't he". Please watch Sky News, BBC News for the full clip. Olori Tolu.

  18. A lot of vacuous minds on this forum saw Cameron's comments as an indictment of PMB instead of the other way round. PMB has acknowledged the state of corruption in Nigeria hence his frontal attack which the beneficiaries are calling selective as if those caught have denied that their hands were found inside the cookie jar. Happily the Archbishop of Canterbury has acknowledged PMB's efforts but this does not make news to these negative minds. Cameron's comments actually vindicate PMB's war on corruption but I am still looking forward to the day when people will resist paying at the police tolls, resisting gratification at the airports and seaports and making civil servants account for their humongous wealth

  19. May God save Nigeria. There is no doubt that the country corrupt.

  20. The President himself said Nigerians are corrupt, he also said his regime will fight corruption even if that's the only thing he achieves. Now tell me, why is the PM affirming the obvious an attack or a mockery?

  21. Please you Nigerians should accept what you are and stop blaming Cameron.let the world help us in this our fantastically corrupt leaders and country .

  22. Where is SS the troll? This is the perfect opportunity to scream "Sai Buhari" at everyone that criticizes your Nomad. #FantasticallyCorrupt

  23. Hello house, I understand u guys grudges over the issue of Cameron calling nigeria a corrupt nation. Though it's very wrong using such a statement in a diplomatic setting. Nevertheless, we hv to put our country together and in good shape by accepting the fact that our country is corrupt as its said "it's in character" so let us build n fix our country. GOD BLESS NIGERIA

  24. Why are you people annoyed that Cameron said Nigeria is fantastically corrupt? If you are not corrupt show it by paying salaries as at when due. If you are not corrupt let law breakers in the position of governors not catapult themselves to lawmakers. If you are not corrupt give employment to the teeming population of graduates while we have oil in Nigeria more than Britain If you are not corrupt why do you stash away billions of Naira to foreign countries including Britain? If you are not corrupt tell me how many of the those politicians from those foreign countries that have stashed away their money into Nigeria. They are telling you this so that you search your conscience and maybe change. Clear conscience fears no accusation. If you are not corrupt tell me how many of their lawmakers that collect huge amount of car loans and yet allocate themselves staggering billions of Naira to purchase more.Name them. There are so many things to talk about. You don't have to absolve Nigeria because corruption is smelling everywhere especially by politicians.


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