


NIGERIANEYE OPINION POLL: Who Will Win The February 14 Presidential Elections?

From all indications, the February 2015 election would be the most watched and most hotly contested in the history of Nigeria.The future of Nigeria will be determined by the millions of Nigerians who troop out to cast their votes on February 14th, 2015.

Out of all the 26 registered political parties in Nigeria, only 11 submitted names of candidates to run for the presidency.

The ruling Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, submitted the names of President Goodluck Jonathan and his vice, Namadi Sambo, while the main opposition All Progressives Congress, APC, submitted the names of Muhammadu Buhari and Yemi Osinbajo as presidential and vice presidential candidates.

While many consider the 2015 presidential elections as a straight head-to-head battle between President Jonathan and General Mohammed Buhari, we however have 9 more presidential aspirants who equally have been given the legitimate right to contest by INEC and they are Oluremi Sonaiya for Kowa Party, Ambrose Albert for Hope Democratic Party, Ganiyu Galadima of Allied Congress Party of Nigeria, ACPN, Rafiu Salau for Alliance for Democracy, AD, Godson Okoye for United Democratic Party, UDP.

Others are Nani Ibrahim Ahmad of African Democratic Congress, Martin Onovo of National Conscience Party, NCP, Tunde Anifowoshe-Kelani of Action Alliance and Chekwas Okorie of United Progressive Party.

Of all the 11 candidates, only Jonathan and Buhari were candidates in the last election in 2011.

As we edge closer to the  February 14 presidential poll. NigerianEye is using this medium to sample the opinion of millions of Nigerians home and abroad. 

And the big question is. . .

Who do you think will win the 2015 presidential elections?

How to participate

1) You can vote using the poll below, you can only vote once, and one aspirant at a time.

(A) General Muhammadu Buhari (APC)

(B) President Goodluck Jonathan (PDP)

(C) Prof. Comfort Oluremi Sonaiya (KOWA Party)

(D) Ambrose Albert (HDP)

(E) Ganiyu Galadima (ACPN)

(F) Rafiu Salau (AD)

(G) Godson Okoye (UDC)

(H) Dr. Nani Ibrahim Ahmad (ADC)

(I) Martin Onovo (NCP)

(J) Tunde Anifowoshe-Kelani (AA)

(K) Chekwas Okorie (UPP)

Who will you vote for at The February 14 Presidential Elections

Furthermore, you can also vote using the comments section by dropping the name and alphabet represented by your preferred presidential aspirant.

Comments/reasons why you are voting for a particular aspirant are also welcome in the comments section below.

Political Advertorials in the comments section are not allowed.

No swearing, No form of racism or tribal abuse allowed.

2) You can also participate via our Facebook page

3) Or on our Twitter page and Tweet to @NigerianEy with the hastag #NigeriaDecides2015

Results of the poll will be announced soon.

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  1. As far this poll is conducted by Nigeria eye, the result is already known. It is APC. so it is no poll. 14th February will tell.

  2. A . General Muhammadu Buhari.
    Reason: just to give room for opposition to show their stuff while the ruling goes for watch, criticize and research for next time the way Americans does. That will enhance competition in governance while beautifying democracy then much needed progress. One type of food always can cause kwashiorkor.

    1. As simple and basic as your reason is, it is by far the most reasonable from the average voters' point of view.
      In 2008, most Americans (including many Republicans) didn't vote for Barack Obama because of what he 'promised' but rather because they saw him as the alternative to Mr Bush. Americans were simply 'tired' of Mr Bush and his Republican party at the White House. By 2012, they ONLY voted for him in reaction to his policies, which he really had to sell very well.
      One thing is for certain: if the APC wins (most likely) the upcoming election and Nigeria does not record any significant change in 4 years, the same Nigerian electorate that voted them in will be the ones to vote them out.
      Let us let Democracy work as it should and shun violence in all its forms. God bless our Republic.

    2. Buhari getting almost 4x more votes than GEJ? You must be living on mars.Try this your scam with a little dignity naaa. APC,Nigerian electorate is not on the internet. Most Nigerian voters don't go online because they know it's corrupted. Go to the streets in every nook and cranny of the country majority wants GEJ even in the north,Buhari's supposed stronghold. This NIGERIAN EYE is blind indeed!

    3. Hmmmm. I see.. Buhari 4 life..

  3. Very funny pool! All this APC Nigerian Eye! Won't do this! You guys are already bias right from day one from your news presentations a, headings, picture displays and reportage. Go away!. You can edit the final outcome as you like.

  4. We need change for a better goverment to fight insurgency, reduce the level of corruption and improve the standard of living.

    1. A good luck we know is better than a "change" we don't know.Nigeria cannot turn to Somalia, Sudan and Egypt!

    2. A good luck we know is better than a "change" we don't know.Nigeria cannot turn to Somalia, Sudan and Egypt!

    3. What is good in the name goodluck? Do you know how many people whose name is goodluck that is in prison or police cell due to criminal offences?

  5. whether you do opinion polls or not, no vacancy in Aso rock

    1. Doesnt matter what your likes say..come Feb 14 2015...we are voting for will see it with you eyes..

    2. That is your opinion. Jonathan must go on February 14 2015

    3. Its not my opinion oh..It is the reality on ground...I wonder how GEJ will beat Buhari at the polls..
      Except rigging in which case...he cant rig this election.

      Thats why PDP is panicking.

      Soon GEJ will be heading to Otuoke..lols

  6. I will vote for Buhari.. lets see what stuff Apc are made up of at the centre..if they will be able to translate what they did in Lagos to the larger Nigeria..besides Jonathans PDP led Government is corrupt..that has always been our bane..we are now the laughing stock of the comitee of nations..time for us to look at the alternative to the PDP.

  7. Voting for GEJ because Benin - Ore road has been fixed

    1. Hahahahaha. Worst comment so far... na Benin - Ore - Lagos road u wan chop? Please, let's not be too selfish. There are good roads in Borno state. Do you think they are happy despite that?

    2. They say make your own comment not analyse that of another, and that's always APC problems. Violence runs in their veins, always quick to attack.

    3. Nothing wrong with analyzing. Your problem is that you are scared to know the truth that's why you think it is an attack. Face the fact!

  8. Go to the masses at the grassroots. Your online polls is for the so called elites, the looters and bane of this great country. YEYE PEOPLES. Shalom. HE

  9. D opinion pull hia stil wunt change d fact dat Buhari is going no where

  10. No vacancy except they form their parallel govt and get convicted for treason

  11. A) General Muhammadu Buhari

  12. A) General Muhammadu Buhari (APC)

  13. When there are two evils u choose a better one. Nigerian politicians are liars, deceivers and very corrupt. Let's try Buhari and see if there will be difference. PDP has become a dump of corrupt politicians and criminals although those of them that ran to APC will still carry their corruption to that party. It pains me when somebody will do everything to become governor yet he will be owing workers salaries for three months, five months and six months depending on which area of government department one belongs. Yet he will be shouting to the whole world about Legacy projects that do not in any way benefit the masses. Legacy projects when people cannot pay their children school fees. Legacy projects when one cannot feed, or pay house rents, or save or invest. That is height of wickedness. No wonder they say there is no morality in politics. Which means all politicians in Nigeria will go to hell.

  14. Even in America winner of polls dnt necessarily win d election.buhari can win all d opinion polls for what I care. Pdp will win the election poll. Hahaha

    1. This is not a poll. This is APC child's play thinking they can hoodwink Nigerians. Laughable.

  15. I will vote for BUHARI. Already Ph.D Ph has disappointed us for 16 years and Goodluck has betrayed us for 6 years. So we need the change of faces and parties. JAY 2, Abuja.

  16. I will gladly vote for APC.PDP has been promising us heaven on earth for more than 14 years,when they came in and promised me good education and agood living condition,i was just finishing secondary education:man,i gone through university,no job,no good life,all na wash wash and they have come back for my vote again,na wa oo,even if na juju them carry e no go work oooo.

    1. U are right no job only big men kids they get all the good jobs good bye to PDP

  17. I can't give my vote to man that have ignited the brutal killings of innocent Nigerians using Boko haram, reason because he said it and it's happening. I can't be fooled

    1. I know you're a lady but I think you have a little thinking ability. If your Oga knows Buhari is behind the killing why can't he arrest him since all these days? Even Buhari has been attacked himself. My suspicion is that GEJ is the one funding Boko haram cos he knows the north won't vote him again.

    2. APC Bandits. Always quick to insult ppl for voicing their opinions. So sad.

    3. Mr PDP Bandit, i dont see where he has insulted the commenter even though the commenter, without any shred of evidence accuses Buhari of killing innocent people. If the C in C knows who is behind the killings, that person should be arrested and procecuted

    4. U see GEJ is not a man he is a woman and his woman is the man.she he can not role nigeria he should just step down

  18. Change doesnt occur because of one man......change will occur when a good man has good company aka cabinet.I WILL NOT vote buhari because he has ruled before and did absolutely nothing good. If buhari wins and insurgency stops then it will be proven true that IT IS BOTH A POLITICAL and RELIGIOUS issue.
    GEJ FOR PRESIDENT but sack his cabinet and advisers !!!!!!

    1. guy please, when niger-deltan militants did theirs n it stopped at Jona's reign did anyone say he funded it? so please lets not be myopic in our thinking or bias

  19. No vacancy in Aso Rock. Try again by 2015

  20. No vacancy in Aso Rock, try again by 2019

    1. When Goodluck and. Dearis God killed yaradua Shebi there was vacancy for Goodluck and his mother aka (my fellow widow) whether PDP likes it or not buhari will win 2015 election. Welda. PDP turned buhari to tiger, lion, elephant, snake,..... PDP no reging dis year, dat advert on AIT is making us to fall in love with buhari d more. We don't need certificate, buhari o, give us nepa bill, we go vote for u. APC positive change. Badluck Boko haram pack ur load.mmm

  21. BUHARI !!! although he will burn our butts... but that's all that can save Nigeria now

  22. APC campaign strategy, I dey go open my own poll and give GEJ 100% and GMD 0%

  23. As far this poll is conducted by Nigeriaeye, the result is already out. It's APC! . The medium is the Internet wing of APC. Part of the stategies deployed by the party to decieve and hoodwink some segment of the country on her supposed popularity. Feb 14th, Ordinary Nigerians would massively vote for GEJ

  24. I vote Buhari. Not because i believe he is the savior but because if we Nigerians makes the mistake of voting GEJ back again, he and all our politicians will believe we all agree he/they have done so well and in fact nothing will happen in the next four years. And also we would have lost the opportunity to send the right message to our politicians that 2 tenures is not a guarantee. It has to be earned through visible and measurable political/economical/social development achieved during their first tenure. By voting Buhari Nigerians will prove to themselves and to the rest world that power have indeed gone back to the people of this country. If Buhari wins, he will realize he can as well be voted out after one tenure if he doesn't perform.

    1. Fantastic point Chidi. I believe wise Nigerians see it the way you do

  25. I will vote for Buhari cos, I hate deceit, I watched Jonathan on several occasions promised to serve only one term, y de u-turn? Moreso, he said anybody that can't fix power in 4yrs is not sincere, we are worse off after he sold NEPA, we were promised refineries, but he surrendered the industries to Cabals. He told Nigerians he don't give a dam when they requested he shud fulfil his obligation by declaring his assets, they very constitution he swore to uphold. Are we better off Security-wise? What is the primary essence off government? Apart from the abstract theory of debasing being propounded by Iweala, has our Naira gained any Kobo against even Ghana Cedi? What is the current purchasing power of a Nigerian. All he is promising us now is continuity, let him itemize the promises he made to Nigerians in the last election n he will discover OBJ was too lenient while grading his government. It'll be unfair of me to promote mediocrity by voting PDP just bcos the President also goes to church.

  26. no vacancy for A , B WILL retain the chair

  27. A) Buhari for President

    Reason: GEJ cannot tackle corruption.

  28. A. Gen.Muhammadu Buhari we need change bcos too much killing of innocent people lives,corruption, unemployment & looting of nigerian money abroad.

  29. I will definitely vote for Buhari.

  30. B. Goodluck Jonathan
    Everyone is shouting APC. complaining that PDP has ruled for 16 years! Almost all the corrupt PDP members are now in APC. If you say PDP has failed then APC will definitely fail because the former PDP members are now APC members. Atiku, Amechi, speaker, decamped PDP senators and reps. Where is the change coming from. Who is more corrupt than Tinubu? You are shouting Buhari will fight corruption, go back to history and read the trend of the so called corrupt politicians he arrest, they were mainly those he deem partial opposition to military rule. He silenced anyone who dare talked about the return of civilian rule. Have you people forgotten Tai Solarin? What did he do and what happened to him? So the man who enforced military rule and tortured anyone who dare spoke of democracy should now be made president under civilian rule? If it were developed nation, Buhari will never be allowed to contest any democratic position, not even landlord associations talkless the highest position in Nigeria.

    If insurgency stops, if Buhari becomes president, that is if he ever win, it will definitely not be because he will fight or fought Boko Haram. It will be a clear case of the north wanting a Muslim on seat. All Islamic associations, foreign and local will intervain, telling BH, that their own is on seat, that north/islam has finally gotten power. Imagine the Arewa forum while declaring their support for Buhari said that "they are meant to and mandated to support only northern candidacy. So even if the northern aspirant is the BH itself, they must support him/her? Rubish! And Abia is giving Buhari a chieftency title. Goto north as a southerner and expect same.

    Buhari is definitely highly over praised! This was what happened to GEJ when he was coming in. Now the few he (GEJ) did did not match expectations so he is seen as a failure. To be frank, GEJ is the most democratic president Nigeria has ever had. Go to other countries and insult the president the way GEJ has been treated.

    A tiger will never change its strips. Buhari will definitely fail expectations.
    Buhari is too old and can not, can not, can not, is not fit to handle the position. We will spend our democracy handling a sick president. The idea of OBJ and Tinubu is, if buhari wins, he won't finish the 4 or 8 years. He will either die on seat or resign for health challenges. Then power will return to the west. Why do you think VP was certainly drawn from the west even when they had many credible candidates?

    Vote wisely! GEJ had many affiliations to please for him to have had the publicity and endorsement in 2011 election. So he had to please them all. But this 2015! When he wins, all hell will let loose. This time he wil not please anyone because he is not coming back. So he will rule like the commander-in-chief that he is.

    Should Buhari win, he will not jump into solving all problems, not even corruption. People ensure that he gets there. So he MUST look away at somethings we term corruption. 

    What economic reform can be more than what GEJ is adopting; encouraging local production and discouraging importation. China became an economic world power because of the closed economy they practised, which GEJ is encouraging. Look around, Nigeria is change and Jonathan government has sensitised everyone to participate in politics. Governments before him killed and silenced every grassroot interest in politics. But now, we can write, campaign and advertise politics as we wish. THIS IS DEMOCRACY! So embrace and retain it.

    If you fail a class in school, they will tell you to repeat! So if GEJ has failed, let him repeat. Plus if GEJ was a northerner they would have insisted he complete the 8 years due for every president! 

    For these and for more, I will vote Jonathan and you should.

    1. Take the black door. Don't believe the devil u know is better. Live some more. lol ur reason for us to vote failed with ur last statement, so u agree jona failed? wow clap for urself

    2. Say buhari!!!!. I can't shout joor. Badluck I have not shoes, now I have shoes, whom did u give shoes mr luck. U are a wicked man. Wher are d chibok girls, did u use dem for rituals? Bring back d girls den u get my vote. If na ur pinkin dem adopt will u keep quite. Kai.. so for years for Boko again no way o. Say buhari

  31. Replies
    1. Heyah! Only u walka come. U better support APC make he no be u

    2. Buhari iz 2 old that is wat i always hear is GMB older than obj,indian pm,or mugabe?

  32. I can beat my chest bro and tell you that Jonathan has performed far beyond any president this nation has had in the past. He has fought corruption more effectively not on the pages of news papers but in Ernest. Fertilizer corruption saved Nigeria over N60b, 60,000 ghost saving the nation over N169b, import waiver corruption saved us N550b, Contract corruption saved us N1.4tr. Before now the past leader make spectacle of corruption without effective stopping it. Today it is been fought.

    Infrastructure development. GEJ towers far above all former presidents. He has rehabilitated more roads, I travelled and I saw for myself. Even Shagari confessed that his 27 year old grand child used the rail for the first time.

    He built 12 new Universities and countless number of Almajiri Schools.

    Before Jonathan did you ever hear of cargo airport. Jonathan has built several and rehabilitated our airports. Today every zone in the country can boast of an international airport because Jonathan did it.

    Our first class graduates are given automatic scholarship to study in the best institutions in the world. JONA FOR SURE

    1. And where did the money go to? oga how many corrupt news did we witness during his reign and how many where prosecuted? How many unemployed graduates do we have and did it rise or fall during Jona's time? Think of other people not just urself and ur immediate family.

  33. GMB - General Muhammadu Buhari

  34. NE publish my comment on what GEJ has done, you are showing people that you are pro-APC and partisan

  35. Polls or not GMB is our next president period we are all going to vote him in, if PDP still think is business as usual they better have a rethink.

  36. GMB is the next President of Nigeria effective May 29, 2015. It takes an incorruptible to fight corruption. We need a MAN that can make us proud to be Nigerians once again.

  37. GMB all the way! I once heard GEJ saying on an international news media,that corruption is not the problem of Nigeria.If corruption is not our problem,what then is? Pls GEJ should spare us his voodoo thiories that has led us nowhere for six years.

  38. GEJ. No vacancy for vampires. Goodluck we need.

  39. GEJ. GEJ. GEJ. GEJ.......

  40. GMB because he has done well before.

  41. What change are we talking about? Democracy is it. GEJ is my man. Let's not be deceived. GMB is enjoying Idiagbon's past glory. GMB can do nothing without Idiagbon. He is not clean.. He is a tribalist too.


  43. A. BUHARI


  45. Let's wait and see,Nigerians have prayed .....allow God to behave as God.
    But as far as I am concerned,Jonathan Administration has tried but he didn't listen to masses.He allow the thief to dictate to him at the expense of the masses.
    Jonathan knew the thief and decided to take risk by making them to be His friends,he kept on sleeping and waking with them. Petroleum minister,former aviation minister despite people's voice it did not shake Jonathan .
    Now the issue of killings everywhere is there,no motivation for solders amongst others.
    How can Obanikoro be appointed as a defence minister in the face of challenges of insurgency.
    We want a Change
    Buhari is our own

  46. Opinion poll ko! Buhari Ni! It is clear that this yeye op poll is biased and not credible. Feb 14 will determine everything.I hope some people will not take to violence as usual when the result is announced. CI kena!

  47. Gmb is a deceiver, last election he said it was the last he was going to contest, here he is again. They are looking for oic. It will not happen. Hail the kingdom president.

  48. Na Goodluck we no ohhhhhhhh

  49. Winning man from Otueke GEJ

  50. Weather by crook or crony GEJ must win

  51. PDP, power to the people, good luck GEJ na our man

  52. Definitely GEJ,I can still vividly remember GMB comment when GEJ won him 4 year ago "that he will make the country ungovernable for GEJ...and u can see with ur eyes boko killers are doing with innocent civilians in the north now...if he have the capacity to quench the killings as he said that he will do when elected into power...with his claims that he have Nigerian masses at heart why didn't him share his ideas to help salvage situation on ground first and save innocent peoples lifes and use other things for his campaign than waiting till he is elected and more people will be dying b4 acting...brodas nd sis let's wisen up pls

  53. In my own opinion we need to face reality of life , we should shun ethnic issues. We need to answer the following questions:
    1. What is the state of unemployment since 1999?

    2. What is the state of refinery in Nigeria?

    3. What is the state of electricity in Nigeria?

    4. What happen to Ajaokuta?

    5. Why all the industrial failed to function.

    6. What is the level of corruption in Nigeria?

    7. What is the state of insecurity in the country.?
    We need good leader that can give the country right focus.


    1. Correct! the 1st good question to ask. this will jolt us to think and vote wisely

  54. This is the only pole that I know where the incumbent's name does not come first. The pollsters could not even hide their bias for Buhari.

    1. Tell ur story to punch newspaper dear friend

  55. as far as next election is concerned,incumbency would not work this time around,pdp and GEJ are on their way out and God willing,they will never return again.

  56. I Will vote GEJ, We cant allow a Moslem phanatic to rule this country, A man that hates Christian to the core no way GEJ till 2019 no vacancy at Aso Rock.

    1. No body can Islamize nigeria. Take note. All what we need is change as we can't continue suffering like this. Enough is Enough.

    2. And where do you expect that change from? Definitely not from a renowned truncator of our first real attempt at democratic civilization. When Democracy is mentioned, Buhari should, for crying out loud, cover his face in the mud. He was the mastermind of the military juntaship that set the Nigerian progress in anti-clockwise path. The harm his abrupt intrusion into Nigeria democratic sphere costed and is still costing Nigeria can never be quantified. The correction can never be accomplished in a decade. Have we forgotten that he set the thrill that ushered in Babangida and Abacha's dictatorships with the attendant neglect and destruction of the Nigerian system, including the Army and all other pivotal systems of the polity for for over 25 years. If Buhari is sincere to himself, he should leave Nigeria alone. There is definitely no place for Buhari in modern Nigerian civilization, particularly in this democracy we unsnarled from the dictatorship he established. Once a dictator, always a dictator!

  57. I am from the Niger Delta. I do not belong to any political party. In 2011, I mobilized friends and co-workers to vote for GEJ. Millions of other Nigerians did the same. Four years after, Nigeria has witnessed grave social and economic crisis: no jobs, no power, high level of insecurity, among others. The scale of problems confronting the nation today transcend ethnicity, religion and party affiliation. There is the urgent need to reverse the trend else Nigeria will find itself at the bottom of a precipice. In the 2015 presidential elections, I will vote for a candidate other than Jonathan. The reason is that he has failed as a leader. To borrow a tag from a blogger, the current president of Nigeria is a "Spending-In-Chief", not a "Commander-In-Chief"; he is a Dealer, not a Leader.

    1. Wise words. if only people could reason like u. I keep telling people, we are not voting for Buhari, we are voting for a better Nigeria. One which GEJ cant give. So someone different should man the horse cause he has failed.


  59. GMB is the answer. The fool's followers and are oil thieves are just deceiving themselves. Bastards all

  60. googluck is the man,not an old
    grandfather with only waec

  61. i cast my vote for General Muhammadu Buhari (APC) not because he's 100% perfect but because of his integrity, antecedent and principle. GMB will tackle corruption which is the bed root of Nigerian problem.

  62. APC Bokohari party, even as you are rigging this poll, you will still lose the Presidential election, and you will cry once again.Asiwaju Corrupt Party. Mtcheeeew!

  63. You are blind and biased.. I pray you follow the truth

  64. CHANGE is inevitable we must do it come 2015 BY GOD GRACE. BUHARI

  65. My reasons for voting Goodluck : APC has been consistent in saying that PDP has ruled Nigeria for 16 disastrous years in which corruption, impunity, insurgency, armed robbery and several ills of society held sway. But at a very close look at the APC, I am seeing:-( 1.) Rotimi Amaechi – 8 years speaker; 7 year, Governor under PDP. (2.) Atiku Abubakar – 8 years Vice president under PDP. (3). George Akume – 8 years Governor under PDP. (4.) Bukola Saraki – 8 years Governor; 2 years, Senator under PDP. (5.) Timipre Sylver – 4 years Governor under PDP. (6.) Audu Ogbe – 2 years Chairmanship of the PDP. (7.) Aminu Masari – 4 years as the Speaker, House of Representatives under PDP. (8.) Chris Ngige – 3 years Governor under PDP. (9.) Rabiu Kwankwaso – 7 years Governor; 3 years Defense minister under PDP. (10.) El Rufai – 4 years FCT Minister; 2 years BPE chairman under PDP. (11.) And to cap it all, Obasanjo is the navigator of the APC, a man who spent 8 of the disastrous 16 years as the maximum ruler of Nigeria.It is now clearer that APC is a waste basket of the PDP, where the people who created and perpetuated the 16 disastrous years are now dumped. So where is the change coming from? Are they now saints because they joined APC?Pls be WISE & VOTE not for those seeking power by force.....

    1. Lets forget party and discuss individuals. You made a long list, I am glad there is no Buhari in your list. GEJ's destination is certain, he has not hidden the fact that he is taking us into a ditch. Now, because he wants another four years he is deceiving us again, we are wiser than he thinks. The 16 disastrous years you mentioned is due to corruption, GEJ's tenure being worst for it as Stealing ceased to be Corruption. GEJ confirmed this on air severally. If there is one person that is tested and trusted not to be corrupt, GMB is the man. Let's not only dream of a better Nigeria, there is work to do to make it real. Let's take our future into our hands. We need to eradicate corruption and things will fall in place like magic. Am not a politician, I am not a party freak but I am a concerned Nigerian.


  67. Gentle men we need continuity not rescling. Buhari hv done his own n record only wikedness without any achievement. He can never be president again.

  68. GMB. Change is all we need!!!

  69. una go suffer ooooo if una vote for buhari, make una see am self buhari na 72 na watin he wun do for dat seat ehhh!

  70. A. General Mohamadu Buhari

  71. why people in Nigeria hot with Buhari, let us go back to 1983 to 84, Buhari change this country to Nigeria the name is war against in dispelling, all nigeria enjoy the line of Buhari things were cool life goes best but now Jona and his wife big fool has kill this country

  72. He had his time but failed. Got F9 in economy mgt. Poor accountability and encourage impunity. Sometimes we don't know who was the president GEJ or Patience. The opinions poll is simple mobilise GEJ to neutralise GMB. As u can see CHANGE is imminent.

  73. Buaria Nigerian Govt Jooo. We Have Sufered Alot in the Hands Of Gej Led Addmin


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