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President Jonathan replies Obasanjo finally
President Jonathan replies Obasanjo finally
Monday, December 23, 2013
December 20th 2013
His Excellency,
Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, GCFR
Agbe L’Oba House, Quarry Road,
Ibara, Abeokuta.
I wish to formally acknowledge your letter dated December 2, 2013 and other previous correspondence similar to it.
You will recall that all the letters were brought to me by hand. Although both of us discussed some of the issues in those letters, I had not, before now, seen the need for any formal reply since, to me, they contained advice from a former President to a serving President. Obviously, you felt differently because in your last letter, you complained about my not acknowledging or replying your previous letters.
It is with the greatest possible reluctance that I now write this reply. I am most uneasy about embarking on this unprecedented and unconventional form of open communication between me and a former leader of our country because I know that there are more acceptable and dignified means of doing so.
But I feel obliged to reply your letter for a number of reasons: one, you formally requested for a reply and not sending you one will be interpreted as ignoring a former President.
Secondly, Nigerians know the role you have played in my political life and given the unfortunate tone of your letter, clearly, the grapes have gone sour. Therefore, my side of the story also needs to be told.
The third reason why I must reply you in writing is that your letter is clearly a threat to national security as it may deliberately or inadvertently set the stage for subversion.
The fourth reason for this reply is that you raised very weighty issues, and since the letter has been made public, Nigerians are expressing legitimate concerns. A response from me therefore, becomes very necessary.
The fifth reason is that this letter may appear in biographies and other books which political commentators on Nigeria’s contemporary politics may write. It is only proper for such publications to include my comments on the issues raised in your letter.
Sixthly, you are very unique in terms of the governance of this country. You were a military Head of State for three years and eight months, and an elected President for eight years. That means you have been the Head of Government of Nigeria for about twelve years. This must have, presumably, exposed you to a lot of information. Thus when you make a statement, there is the tendency for people to take it seriously.
The seventh reason is that the timing of your letter coincided with other vicious releases. The Speaker of the House of Representatives spoke of my “body language” encouraging corruption. A letter written to me by the CBN Governor alleging that NNPC, within a period of 19 months did not remit the sum of USD49.8 billion to the federation account, was also deliberately leaked to the public.
The eighth reason is that it appears that your letter was designed to incite Nigerians from other geopolitical zones against me and also calculated to promote ethnic disharmony. Worse still, your letter was designed to instigate members of our Party, the PDP, against me.
The ninth reason is that your letter conveys to me the feeling that landmines have been laid for me. Therefore, Nigerians need to have my response to the issues raised before the mines explode.
The tenth and final reason why my reply is inevitable is that you have written similar letters and made public comments in reference to all former Presidents and Heads of Government starting from Alhaji Shehu Shagari and these have instigated different actions and reactions. The purpose and direction of your letter is distinctly ominous, and before it is too late, my clarifications on the issues need to be placed on record.
Let me now comment on the issues you raised. In commenting I wish to crave your indulgence to compare what is happening now to what took place before. This, I believe, will enable Nigerians see things in better perspective because we must know where we are coming from so as to appreciate where we now are, and to allow us clearly map out where we are going.
You raised concerns about the security situation in the country. I assure you that I am fully aware of the responsibility of government for ensuring the security of the lives and property of citizens. My Administration is working assiduously to overcome current national security challenges, the seeds of which were sown under previous administrations. There have been some setbacks; but certainly there have also been great successes in our efforts to overcome terrorism and insurgency.
Those who continue to down-play our successes in this regard, amongst whom you must now be numbered, appear to have conveniently forgotten the depths to which security in our country had plunged before now.
At a stage, almost the entire North-East of Nigeria was under siege by insurgents. Bombings of churches and public buildings in the North and the federal capital became an almost weekly occurrence. Our entire national security apparatus seemed nonplussed and unable to come to grips with the new threat posed by the berthing of terrorism on our shores.
But my administration has since brought that very unacceptable situation under significant control. We have overhauled our entire national security architecture, improved intelligence gathering, training, funding, logistical support to our armed forces and security agencies, and security collaboration with friendly countries with very visible and positive results.
The scope and impact of terrorist operations have been significantly reduced and efforts are underway to restore full normalcy to the most affected North Eastern region and initiate a post-crisis development agenda, including a special intervention programme to boost the region’s socio-economic progress.
In doing all this, we have kept our doors open for dialogue with the insurgents and their supporters through efforts such as the work of the Presidential Committee on Dialogue and the Peaceful Resolution of the Security Challenges in the North-East. You also know that the Governor of Borno State provided the items you mentioned to me as carrots. Having done all this and more, it is interesting that you still accuse me of not acting on your hardly original recommendation that the carrot and stick option be deployed to solve the Boko Haram problem.
Your suggestion that we are pursuing a “war against violence without understanding the root causes of the violence and applying solutions to deal with all the underlying factors” is definitely misplaced because from the onset of this administration, we have been implementing a multifaceted strategy against militancy, insurgency and terrorism that includes poverty alleviation, economic development, education and social reforms.
Even though basic education is the constitutional responsibility of States, my administration has, as part of its efforts to address ignorance and poor education which have been identified as two of the factors responsible for making some of our youth easily available for use as cannon fodder by insurgents and terrorists, committed huge funds to the provision of modern basic education schools for the Almajiri in several Northern States. The Federal Government under my leadership has also set up nine additional universities in the Northern States and three in the Southern States in keeping with my belief that proper education is the surest way of emancipating and empowering our people.
More uncharitable persons may even see a touch of sanctimoniousness in your new belief in the carrot and stick approach to overcoming militancy and insurgency. You have always referred to how you hit Odi in Bayelsa State to curb militancy in the Niger Delta. If the invasion of Odi by the Army was the stick, I did not see the corresponding carrot. I was the Deputy Governor of Bayelsa State then, and as I have always told you, the invasion of Odi did not solve any militancy problem but, to some extent, escalated it. If it had solved it, late President Yar’Adua would not have had to come up with the amnesty program. And while some elements of the problem may still be there, in general, the situation is reasonably better.
In terms of general insecurity in the country and particularly the crisis in the Niger Delta, 2007 was one of the worst periods in our history. You will recall three incidents that happened in 2007 which seemed to have been orchestrated to achieve sinister objectives. Here in Abuja, a petrol tanker loaded with explosives was to be rammed into the INEC building. But luckily for the country, an electric pole stopped the tanker from hitting the INEC building. It is clear that this incident was meant to exploit the general sense of insecurity in the nation at the time to achieve the aim of stopping the 2007 elections. It is instructive that you, on a number of occasions, alluded to this fact.
When that incident failed, an armed group invaded Yenagoa one evening with the intent to assassinate me. Luckily for me, they could not. They again attacked and bombed my country home on a night when I was expected in the village. Fortunately, as God would have it, I did not make the trip.
I recall that immediately after both incidents, I got calls expressing the concern of Abuja. But Baba, you know that despite the apparent concern of Abuja, no single arrest was ever made. I was then the Governor of Bayelsa State and the PDP Vice-Presidential candidate. The security people ordinarily should have unraveled the assassination attempt on me.
You also raised the issues of kidnapping, piracy and armed robbery. These are issues all Nigerians, including me are very concerned about. While we will continue to do our utmost best to reduce all forms of criminality to the barest minimum in our country, it is just as well to remind you that the first major case of kidnapping for ransom took place around 2006. And the Boko Haram crisis dates back to 2002. Goodluck Jonathan was not the President of the country then. Also, armed robbery started in this country immediately after the civil war and since then, it has been a problem to all succeeding governments. For a former Head of Government, who should know better, to present these problems as if they were creations of the Jonathan Administration is most uncharitable.
Having said that, let me remind you of some of the things we have done to curb violent crime in the country. We have reorganized the Nigerian Police Force and appointed a more dynamic leadership to oversee its affairs. We have also improved its manpower levels as well as funding, training and logistical support.
We have also increased the surveillance capabilities of the Police and provided its air-wing with thrice the number of helicopters it had before the inception of the present administration. The National Civil Defence and Security Corps has been armed to make it a much more effective ally of the police and other security agencies in the war against violent crime. At both domestic and international levels, we are doing everything possible to curb the proliferation of the small arms and light weapons with which armed robberies, kidnappings and piracy are perpetrated. We have also enhanced security at our borders to curb cross-border crimes.
We are aggressively addressing the challenge of crude oil theft in collaboration with the state Governors. In addition, the Federal Government has engaged the British and US governments for their support in the tracking of the proceeds from the purchase of stolen crude. Similarly, a regional Gulf of Guinea security strategy has been initiated to curb crude oil theft and piracy.
Perhaps the most invidious accusation in your letter is the allegation that I have placed over one thousand Nigerians on a political watch list, and that I am training snipers and other militia to assassinate people. Baba, I don’t know where you got that from but you do me grave injustice in not only lending credence to such baseless rumours, but also publicizing it. You mentioned God seventeen times in your letter. Can you as a Christian hold the Bible and say that you truly believe this allegation?
The allegation of training snipers to assassinate political opponents is particularly incomprehensible to me. Since I started my political career as a Deputy Governor, I have never been associated with any form of political violence. I have been a President for over three years now, with a lot of challenges and opposition mainly from the high and mighty. There have certainly been cases of political assassination since the advent of our Fourth Republic, but as you well know, none of them occurred under my leadership.
Regarding the over one thousand people you say are on a political watch list, I urge you to kindly tell Nigerians who they are and what agencies of government are “watching” them. Your allegation that I am using security operatives to harass people is also baseless. Nigerians are waiting for your evidence of proof. That was an accusation made against previous administrations, including yours, but it is certainly not my style and will never be. Again, if you insist on the spurious claim that some of your relatives and friends are being harassed, I urge you to name them and tell Nigerians what agencies of my administration are harassing them.
I also find it difficult to believe that you will accuse me of assisting murderers, or assigning a presidential delegation to welcome a murderer. This is a most unconscionable and untrue allegation. It is incumbent on me to remind you that I am fully conscious of the dictates of my responsibilities to God and our dear nation. It is my hope that devious elements will not take advantage of your baseless allegation to engage in brazen and wanton assassination of high profile politicians as before, hiding under the alibi your “open letter” has provided for them.
Nevertheless, I have directed the security agencies and requested the National Human Rights Commission to carry out a thorough investigation of these criminal allegations and make their findings public.
That corruption is an issue in Nigeria is indisputable. It has been with us for many years. You will recall that your kinsman, the renowned afro-beat maestro, Fela Anikulapo-Kuti famously sang about it during your first stint as Head of State. Sonny Okosun also sang about corruption. And as you may recall, a number of Army Generals were to be retired because of corruption before the Dimka coup. Also, the late General Murtala Mohammed himself wanted to retire some top people in his cabinet on corruption-related issues before he was assassinated. Even in this Fourth Republic, the Siemens and Halliburton scandals are well known.
The seed of corruption in this country was planted a long time ago, but we are doing all that we can to drastically reduce its debilitating effects on national development and progress. I have been strengthening the institutions established to fight corruption. I will not shield any government official or private individual involved in corruption, but I must follow due process in all that I do. And whenever clear cases of corruption or fraud have been established, my administration has always taken prompt action in keeping with the dictates of extant laws and procedures. You cannot claim to be unaware of the fact that several highly placed persons in our country, including sons of some of our party leaders are currently facing trial for their involvement in the celebrated subsidy scam affair. I can hardly be blamed if the wheels of justice still grind very slowly in our country, but we are doing our best to support and encourage the judiciary to quicken the pace of adjudication in cases of corruption.
Baba, I am amazed that with all the knowledge garnered from your many years at the highest level of governance in our country, you could still believe the spurious allegation contained in a letter written to me by the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), and surreptitiously obtained by you, alleging that USD49.8 billion, a sum equal to our entire national budget for two years, is “unaccounted for” by the NNPC. Since, as President, you also served for many years as Minister of Petroleum Resources, you very well know the workings of the corporation. It is therefore intriguing that you have made such an assertion. You made a lot of insinuations about oil theft, shady dealings at the NNPC and the NNPC not remitting the full proceeds of oil sales to the of CBN. Now that the main source of the allegations which you rehashed has publicly stated that he was “misconstrued”, perhaps you will find it in your heart to apologize for misleading unwary Nigerians and impugning the integrity of my administration on that score.
Your claim of “Atlantic Oil loading about 130, 000 barrels sold by Shell and managed on behalf of NPDC with no sale proceeds paid into the NPDC account” is also disjointed and baseless because no such arrangement as you described exists between Atlantic Oil and the Nigeria Petroleum Development Company. NPDC currently produces about 138, 000 barrels of oil per day from over 7 producing assets. The Crude Oil Marketing Division (COMD) of the NNPC markets all of this production on behalf of NPDC with proceeds paid into NPDC account.
I am really shocked that with all avenues open to you as a former Head of State for the verification of any information you have received about state affairs, you chose to go public with allegations of “high corruption” without offering a shred of supporting evidence. One of your political “sons” similarly alleged recently that he told me of a minister who received a bribe of $250 Million from an oil company and I did nothing about it. He may have been playing from a shared script, but we have not heard from him again since he was challenged to name the minister involved and provide the evidence to back his claim. I urge you, in the same vein, to furnish me with the names, facts and figures of a single verifiable case of the “high corruption” which you say stinks all around my administration and see whether the corrective action you advocate does not follow promptly. And while you are at it, you may also wish to tell Nigerians the true story of questionable waivers of signature bonuses between 2000 and 2007.
While, by the Grace of God Almighty, I am the first President from a minority group, I am never unmindful of the fact that I was elected leader of the whole of Nigeria and I have always acted in the best interest of all Nigerians. You referred to the divisive actions and inflammatory utterances of some individuals from the South-South and asserted that I have done nothing to call them to order or distance myself from their ethnic chauvinism. Again that is very untrue. I am as committed to the unity of this country as any patriot can be and I have publicly declared on many occasions that no person who threatens other Nigerians or parts of the country is acting on my behalf.
It is very regrettable that in your letter, you seem to place sole responsibility for the ongoing intrigues and tensions in the PDP at my doorstep, and going on from that position, you direct all your appeals for a resolution at me. Baba, let us all be truthful to ourselves, God and posterity. At the heart of all the current troubles in our party and the larger polity is the unbridled jostling and positioning for personal or group advantage ahead of the 2015 general elections. The “bitterness, anger, mistrust, fear and deep suspicion” you wrote about all flow from this singular factor.
It is indeed very unfortunate that the seeming crisis in the party was instigated by a few senior members of the party, including you. But, as leader of the party, I will continue to do my best to unite it so that we can move forward with strength and unity of purpose. The PDP has always recovered from previous crises with renewed vigour and vitality. I am very optimistic that that will be the case again this time. The PDP will overcome any temporary setback, remain a strong party and even grow stronger.
Instigating people to cause problems and disaffection within the party is something that you are certainly familiar with. You will recall that founding fathers of the Party were frustrated out of the Party at a time. Late Chief Sunday Awoniyi was pushed out, Late Chief Solomon Lar left and later came back, Chief Audu Ogbeh and Chief Tom Ikimi also left. Chief Okwesilieze Nwodo left and later came back. In 2005/2006, link-men were sent to take over party structures from PDP Governors in an unveiled attempt to undermine the state governors. In spite of that, the Governors did not leave the Party because nobody instigated and encouraged them to do so.
The charge that I was involved in anti-party activities in governorship elections in Edo, Ondo, Lagos, and Anambra States is also very unfortunate. I relate with all Governors irrespective of political party affiliation but I have not worked against the interest of the PDP. What I have not done is to influence the electoral process to favour our Party. You were definitely never so inclined, since you openly boasted in your letter of how you supported Alhaji Shehu Shagari against Chief Obafemi Awolowo, Chief Nnamdi Azikiwe and others in the 1979 presidential elections while serving as a military Head of State. You and I clearly differ in this regard, because as the President of Nigeria, I believe it is my duty and responsibility to create a level playing field for all parties and all candidates.
Recalling how the PDP lost in states where we were very strong in 2003 and 2007 such as Edo, Ondo, Imo, Bauchi, Anambra, and Borno, longstanding members of our great party with good memory will also consider the charge of anti-party activities you made against me as misdirected and hugely hypocritical. It certainly was not Goodluck Jonathan’s “personal ambition or selfish interest” that caused the PDP to lose the governorship of Ogun State and all its senatorial seats in the last general elections.
You quoted me as saying that I have not told anybody that I will seek another term in office in 2015. You and your ambitious acolytes within the party have clearly decided to act on your conclusion that “only a fool will believe that statement” and embark on a virulent campaign to harass me out of an undeclared candidature for the 2015 presidential elections so as to pave the way for a successor anointed by you.
You will recall that you serially advised me that we should refrain from discussing the 2015 general elections for now so as not to distract elected public officials from urgent task of governance. While you have apparently moved away from that position, I am still of the considered opinion that it would have been best for us to do all that is necessary to refrain from heating up the polity at this time. Accordingly, I have already informed Nigerians that I will only speak on whether or not I will seek a second term when it is time for such declarations. Your claims about discussions I had with you, Governor Gabriel Suswam and others are wrong, but in keeping with my declared stance, I will reserve further comments until the appropriate time.
Your allegation that I asked half a dozen African Presidents to speak to you about my alleged ambition for 2015, is also untrue. I have never requested any African President to discuss with you on my behalf. In our discussion, I mentioned to you that four Presidents told me that they were concerned about the political situation in Nigeria and intended to talk to you about it. So far, only three of them have confirmed to me that they have had any discussion with you. If I made such a request, why would I deny it?
The issue of Buruji Kashamu is one of those lies that should not be associated with a former President. The allegation that I am imposing Kashamu on the South-West is most unfortunate and regrettable. I do not even impose Party officials in my home state of Bayelsa and there is no zone in this country where I have imposed officials. So why would I do so in the South West? Baba, in the light of Buruji’s detailed public response to your “open letter”, it will be charitable for you to render an apology to Nigerians and I.
On the issue of investors being scared to come to Nigeria, economic dormancy, and stagnation, I will just refer you to FDI statistics from 2000 to 2013. Within the last three years, Nigeria has emerged as the preferred destination for investments in Africa, driven by successful government policies to attract foreign investors. For the second year running, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Investments (UNCTAD) has ranked Nigeria as the number one destination for investments in Africa, and as having the fourth highest returns in the world.
Today, Nigeria is holding 18 percent of all foreign investments in Africa and 60 percent of all foreign investments in the ECOWAS Sub-Region. Kindly note also that in the seven years between 2000 and 2007 when you were President, Nigeria attracted a total of $24.9 Billion in FDI. As a result of our efforts which you disparage, the country has seen an FDI inflow of $25.7 Billion in just three years which is more than double the FDI that has gone to the second highest African destination. We have also maintained an annual national economic growth rate of close to seven per cent since the inception of this administration. What then, is the justification for your allegation of scared investors and economic dormancy?
Although it was not emphasized in your letter of December 2, 2013, you also conveyed, in previous correspondence, the impression that you were ignorant of the very notable achievements of my administration in the area of foreign relations. It is on record that under my leadership, Nigeria has played a key role in resolving the conflicts in Niger, Cote d’Ivoire, Mali, Guinea Bissau and others.
The unproductive rivalry that existed between Nigeria and some ECOWAS countries has also been ended under my watch and Nigeria now has better relations with all the ECOWAS countries. At the African Union, we now have a Commissioner at the AU Commission after being without one for so long. We were in the United Nations Security Council for the 2010/2011 Session and we have been voted in again for the 2014/2015 Session. From independence to 2010, we were in the U.N. Security Council only three times but from 2010 to 2015, we will be there two times.
This did not happen by chance. My Administration worked hard for it and we continue to maintain the best possible relations with all centres of global political and economic power. I find it hard therefore, to believe your assertions of untoward concern in the international community over the state of governance in Nigeria
With respect to the Brass and Olokola LNG projects, you may have forgotten that though you started these projects, Final Investment Decisions were never reached. For your information, NNPC has not withdrawn from either the Olokola or the Brass LNG projects.
On the Rivers State Water Project, you were misled by your informant. The Federal Government under my watch has never directed or instructed the Africa Development Bank to put on hold any project to be executed in Rivers state or any other State within the Federation. The Rivers Water Project was not originally in the borrowing plan but it was included in April 2013 and appraised in May. Negotiations are ongoing with the AfDB. I have no doubt that you are familiar with the entire process that prefaces the signing of a Subsidiary Loan Agreement as in this instance.
Let me assure you and all Nigerians that I do not engage in negative political actions and will never, as President, oppress the people of a State or deprive them of much needed public services as a result of political disagreement
I have noted your comments on the proposed National Conference. Contrary to the insinuation in your letter, the proposed conference is aimed at bringing Nigerians together to resolve contentious national issues in a formal setting. This is a sure way of promoting greater national consensus and unity, and not a recipe for “disunity, confusion and chaos” as you alleged in your letter.
Having twice held the high office of President, Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, I trust that you will understand that I cannot possibly find the time to offer a line-by-line response to all the accusations and allegations made in your letter while dealing with other pressing demands of office and more urgent affairs of state.
I have tried, however, to respond to only the most serious of the charges which question my sincerity, personal honour, and commitment to the oath which I have sworn, to always uphold and protect the interests of all Nigerians, and promote their well-being.
In closing, let me state that you have done me grave injustice with your public letter in which you wrongfully accused me of deceit, deception, dishonesty, incompetence, clannishness, divisiveness and insincerity, amongst other ills.
I have not, myself, ever claimed to be all-knowing or infallible, but I have never taken Nigeria or Nigerians for granted as you implied, and I will continue to do my utmost to steer our ship of state towards the brighter future to which we all aspire.
Please accept the assurances of my highest consideration and warm regards.
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Post Comments
Mr.President sir,U have spoken well and I believe u have answered all that was demanded and let the wounded lion who feels he is the almighty remain silent... I must greet U sir
ReplyDeleteBaba also said that Edwin Clark and Asari Dokubo are your mouth piece ethnically. Is that true?
ReplyDeleteHe gave answer to that in the write-up. Go back and read the letter
DeleteThe President needs to communicate better with the populace. The communication strategy is presently driven by responses to opposition. The capacity of some of the people in the President's communication team is also suspect.
ReplyDeleteThere is a lot more that the President needs to do in terms of Infrastructure, Education, Social Securiy and Security but then the little he has done needs to be communicated to the populace. On-going privatisation of PHCN, Improvements in National Road Infrastructure, On-going works with the Nigerian Railways, Improved securith situation in the North-East. Having said that, there are several quick wins; He needs to deal with outstanding high profile corruption cases. It will give the populace the belief that he intends to tackle corruption. He needs to fund the Police better; provide cars, communication equipment and welfae. Let people feel safe. The situation in Rivers does a lot more damage to the President, he should put an end to the divisive and destructive politics in that state. That will be a major public relations success. The Hospitals are too badly funded and he needs to intervene, if we reduce excesses at the Presidency and tthe Legislature, we can provide better health care at all levels. In order to reduce this, the President must lead by example, reduce expenditure at the Presidency, make symbolic moves that wuill appeal the populace, let's start by reducing the size of the Presidential Fleet and use the proceeds to fund Tertiary Health Care. The FG can float a 10 year, N300bn bond to deal with Health Care issues at the Tertiary level and provide counterpart funding 1:1 for states that show commitment. Same for Education. We can resolve the challenges with health care in 12/18months.
If the President deals with National Road Infrastructure (bear in mind that 10 trunk a roads account for over 50% of all road transport in Nigeria), provides additional infrastructure for the police to fight crime (cars, bullet proof vests. communication infrastructure, intelligence infrastructure), we can reduce crime by 50% in 6 months. It costs N5m to purchase a Hilux Van fully fitted with communications infrastructure, 2,000 of such vehicles will only N10bn and he can devote an additonal N30bn to other equipment. All of this will generate employment for an additional 25,000 policemen.And then he deals with health by floating a bond and he gets NEPA righ in 12/18months. Of course he needs to do the same for Tertiary Education. I disagree with setting up new Universities, It is a lot more impactful on the populace to improve the quality of existing ones. There are several other quick wins. The country is in such a challenged state that very little that is done can be celebrated. I dont know him but he has such a unique opportunity to impact on the lives of Nigerians. He has been chosen to lead 160m people for 4 years, thats over 2.5% of the worlds population, its such a unique opportunity, he should forget all the distractions about 2015, if he does well, Nigerians will reward him and thats what he needs to focus on.
God be with him and give him the Grace and Wisdom to lead us all. Amen
I love your objectivity. GEJ should focus on what is biting the people and improve on communication. Speaking through some of his staff who lie shamelessly is not helping his administration
DeleteGBAAAAAM! Straight on Point.
ReplyDeleteWhat else can one say? Truth is Always Constant.
Deceits, Lies & Schemes are all the stock-in-trade of Self-serving Individuals both in their private and public lives.
Charity begins @ Home. If PDP lose gallantly in Ogun, Osun, & Oyo in d West in 2011, then No More Comments.
Next Letters Pleeeeeeaaaasssse?
bros JONA, U have indeed replied well. Pls continue to do Ur BEST for this CORRUPT country. Those accusing U are a 1000 times WORST than U are. In fact, CORRUPTION, NEPOTISM, TRIBALISM, GREED and WICKEDNESS flows in their blood. Even their daughter knows this. Whether U are re-relected in 2015 or not, the fact remain that U have done well and we Ur countrymen are proud of U.
ReplyDeleteHis excellence president goodluck Jonathan, am here to assure u that we all know the truth and for me u are the best president I ever seen in my life so be strong and always pray God will help u.
ReplyDeleteYou really have time for a response.OBJ we all know. Until God exits him, Nigeria may never move an inch towards progress and prosperity. Our greatest undoing as a nation was allowing a self confessed Ogboni man to preside over our collective destiny for three times. Now outside the corridors of power, he is still plotting Nigeria"s permanent down fall through various evil machinations( be it via letters, comments and of recent, hosting of the opposition) I wept for this nation when I saw picture of OBJ posing alongside Tinubu and Buhari, or the report of Amechi riding in the same car with Nuhu Ribadu, or even Bukola Saraki now pontificating as democrat! Oh my God, when shall this delusion end and my people set free? Open your minds my people. these people are worse than the biblical satan.
ReplyDeleteGEJ My comments:
ReplyDelete1. Your unwillingness to aknowledge previous letters brought about the Open letter by Baba..
2. Obasanjo is correct in accusing you of harrassing your political opponent. What of Ameachi and Rivers people? why has the Aiport project NOT completed?
3.How many corrupt officials have you brought ti book? Under GEJ administration, Bode George organised a thanksgin=ving, with Presidential endorsement and now a Supreme court Judgement in his favour, Stella Oduah is still there, Haba! GEJ
4. Oil theft will never end under GEJ when he did not only give Contracts to his kinsmen (Asari and Co) to guide the pipelines on an annual contract sum of over $12 million annually and keeping some of them in EKO HOTEL with tax payers money preparatory for 2015 elections!
5.Buruju Kashumu's imposition? You are already doing that even in Rivers where you are working with your fat wife to Impose Wike on Rivers people. Remember, the upland people in Rivers have ruled now for 16 years and i dont see how Wike (an Ikwerre man) can succed Amaehi.
6. GEJ, you were imposed on Nigerians by OBJ and you are imposing your will on every body...we shall wait and see the accusation as raised by OBJ,but know that WE Nigerians are wiser now....we will not vote in a man that is not even respected among other Presidents in Africa!.
I'm sorry for you. Your calling the President wife (your fat wife)name does not show you have manners or respect. I'm sure you dont even have respect for your own wife or sisters if you have any. May God open your blind eyes & also forgive you for your comment. Pls grow up.
DeleteHello, I beseech you to kindly be objective in your thinking and talking. Real men engage their heads before their mouths. Learn and follow suite. Desist from chides and unauthentic allegations! What evidence have you? Don't be foolishly patriotic. Please learn, and upgrade your psychological maturity. Cheers.
DeleteNigerians are not interested in words, we are hungry, hope your kids are in public schools in nigeria, you and your family get mediccal treatment in general hospitals in nigeria, you eat 0 1 0 like most nigerians do, most or all of your family members are out of jobs, you and your wife are not using public funds to buy up privatized companies in nigeria in disguise, your fleet of cars is filled with made in nigeria cars, i can go on and on. stop wasting our time and money trying to make yourself look good before obasanjo, give nigerians something to smile about afterall it's christmas.
ReplyDeleteMay God bless uuuuuuuuuuuuu my beloved president Jonathan. Ride on! Anyone who curses u wl be forever cursed. As 4 ds ottar farm man, the chimpanzee of our time, there is no peace 4 him. As 4 Nigerian being better & going to the best, ...., hmmmmmm, it is granted bt then, Baba mst have died of heart attack. A stinking old grumpy headed old rogue u are obasanjo
ReplyDeleteBaba Agbaya! Well written reply. The president is weak in expressing himself, and cannot afford to have an incoherent and weak Communications team. He should sack the Minister of Communications and his entire Press team and replace them with Sharper professionals.
ReplyDeleteOBJ has inadvertently turned President Jonathan into a hero. Mr President in his reply has shown an uncanny type of wisdom that i did know he had.
ReplyDeleteI have not see anything in Mr presidence responce apart from a long assey that doesnot result into fact and figures of how many currupt cases have been handled, how many jobs have been created, and how the economic growth claimed has affected nigerian in terms of employment, infrastructure etc. OBJ's claim that the country is bleeding for me is still very valid.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Mohammed I live in Kano,dear president U hv spoken well.who did nt kw OBJ,he is a Monster,POWER monger,Tyrant leader, killer of BOla ige,Odi nd zakibim were cleard under his instruction.Pls GEJ if only U will concentrate on d above advice of a Nigerian.Tanks 4 Ur reply to ds blood soaking OBJ
ReplyDeleteOur Humble president , May the Almighty God grant you more wisdom, longlife and prosperity. Truely God is with you. the plan of evil men in this country will never work and i pray that God will expose them more more and more , even those instigating militant & boko haram........kupapa
ReplyDeleteBaba Don fade like old tyre. Jonathan is the New Breed. The old cannot stop the New. Jonah knew what he's doing. With these reply case closed. Baba dey mess up full time. Jonah will remain in power till 2019, mark my word none of these old expired and expended fools can stop Jonathan.
ReplyDeleteBetween the two elephants who is the matured one? Why one elephant still has the pen to insult a sitting one is that the people of Odi and Zakibiam have not deemed it fit to take their cases to the Court in Hague for gross human right abuses under the older elephant's regime. And I wonder why Gen. Malu has kept quiet all this while after the way he was rewarded by the older elephant for his gallantry outing with ECOMOG by routing out his home-town.
ReplyDeleteThis is one best thing that come from Mr president. Even though the answers are crafted theories, i still give him kudos with those that assisted him in replying Babas letter@ anonymous 7:49am stood by you. Mr GEJ and his accomplices knows best whether they have answered Babas letter correctly or not, and if convinced that they are right. I SORRY FOR NAIJA. BABA PLEASE CARRY-ON WITH YOUR OBJECTIVE CRITICISM IF THEY REFUSE TO ACKNOWLEDGE IT,AT LEAST YOU HAVE HAVE PLAYED YOUR ROLE AS AN ELDER STATESMAN AND POSTERITY WILL VINDICATES YOU.
ReplyDeleteI see an ingrate in GEJ. No matter what happen, he who bite the finger that fed him/her will not go scottfree. Mark my words! A more reasonable president, recalling what roles his benefactor played for his success, would have taken all efforts to take the matter off public and just leave the public with the comment "It is betwwen me and my boss, it will be resolved". we are watching!
ReplyDeleteJonathan still thinks he is President of the Minority...which I feel is unfortunate. Most of his comments are personal, tribal and don't address the current situations on ground.
ReplyDeleteMy dear did you really read Mr President's reply? How do you understand written words? Please kindly review the letter and think objectively.
DeleteWarm regards.
de more APC write the more they rubish there carear. can u imagine kayode, Obasanjo nw many more to come
ReplyDeleteJonathan, God will help you lead niaja
ReplyDeleteThank you Mr President for your wise and polite response. Now every wise Nigerian can see the truth on the table.
ReplyDeleteFellow compatriots, I implore you not to allow the propagandas of our selfish power-hunger politician to deceive you. Do not be too quick at making conclusions. Seek for the right information and facts. Then you'll be able to objectively discern between black and white.
Warmest regards.
ReplyDeleteThe two heads of State (former & present) belong to thesame feather is just a mis-uderstanding & clash of interest b/w themselves.Obj was vehemently opposed & denied third term in office & he will not like seeing Jona on the throne again,most importantly,thousands of innocent citizens were killed during the tenure of Baba likewise,thousands of innocent ones are being killed on daily basis.Where,when & how do they differ pls?
ReplyDeleteI want to ask those of you tribalists that see nothing good in Jonathan's administration, In which area can Obasanjo claim that he was better than Jonathan? I want to know. The problem is that tribalists never see anything good in others and yet they are the worst. They always play double standard. God help us in this country. Did Obasanjo leave a clean table as he was leaving the seat? Were there no corruption and killings in this country when he was on seat? All these things that the tribalists are enumerating that Jonathan should have done, why didnt Obasanjo do them? We wouldn't have been in this condition if Obasanjo had cleaned his table before leaving. The country had been bad before Jonathan came on board. So the tribalists should stop blaming Jonathan as if all these things were coming afresh.
ReplyDeleteRide on Mr president, your enemies are only piling up rocks for you to climb to ur destined hight... i will give you my vote in 2015
ReplyDeleteRide on Mr president, your enemies are only piling up rocks for you to climb to your destined hight.. You are God's chosen, so therefore you will get my vote in 2015