


Unilag Student Uses Magnets To Scientifically 'Prove' Gay Marriage Is Wrong

A student of University of Lagos claims he has scientific proof that same-sex marriage is wrong. 

The discovery was made by Chibuihem Amalaha, a postgraduate student at the University of Lagos who told Nigeria's This Day Live that same-sex marriage is "eating deep into the fabric of our human nature all over the world." Amalaha said he conducted "experiments" in physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics to test his theory. Ultimately, he deduced that the repellence of two similar entities (magnets, for instance) proves that same-sex marriage is wrong.

In a series of explanations, Amalaha cited magnets, electrolysis, animal mating and simple addition as rationale for why gay relationships just aren't right. His entire thesis boils down to the fact that "like" does not attract "like."

His words below...

“I was the first to publish report about the 2006 total solar eclipse in the newspaper in Nigeria when I was writing for the defunct New Age newspaper. I also reported the true situation about the 2010 acid rain in Nigeria. I carried out analysis and found out that there was nothing like cancer of the skin attributed to the acid rain and by 2011, I emerged the best science reporter in Nigeria where I won Nigeria Media Merit Award in the energy category as a science editor with Compass newspapers.”

He continued: “Ever since then I have been doing a lot of researches in the country. There are many discoveries and inventions I have made in science and technology. I have also been able to prove that the mathematical symbol pi which people thought of as 22 over 7 is not actually 22 over , but  rather a transcendental number while 22 over 7 is a rational number. I also proved that watching television in the dark impacts negatively on one’s eyes and by God’s grace, I was the first person to use scientific instruments to prove it in the whole world. The Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) featured me on this in one of their programmes on January 12, 2013, where I demonstrated to millions of their viewers that watching television in the dark damages the eyes. Usually when it’s around 10pm, many families in Nigeria will switch off their surrounding lights to use the light from television or the light from computer alone thinking that they will see images brighter. But from experiments I found that it’s not true and experts both at the University of Lagos and elsewhere have found my work to be true. The reason for this is because there is a lot of difference in illuminants (brightness) between the television screen and the dark background in the room known as the periphery,” Amalaha said.

The Wrong Act of Gay Marriage

Then, he zeroed in on his research about gay marriage. He said: “In recent time I found that gay marriage,which is homosexuality and lesbianism, is eating deep into the fabric of our human nature all over the world and this was why nations of Sodom and Gomora were destroyed by God because they were into gay practice. That is, a man marrying another man and a woman marrying another woman.
“A recent publication on May 3, 2013 shows that France is the 14th country in the world that have legalised gay. I asked myself why should a man be marrying a man and a woman marrying a woman, does it mean that there is no more female for a man to marry or there is no more male for a woman to marry?  And recently, Britain told Nigeria to legalise gay marriage of forfeit international aid. I thank God for our lawmakers who refused to sign the bill legalising gay marriage. And so God gave me the wisdom to use science as a scientist to prove gay marriage wrong.
“In the area of physics, I used physics with experiments, I used chemistry with experiments, I used biology with experiments and I used mathematics to prove gay marriage wrong.

The Physics of Gay Marriage

“To start with, physics is one of the most fundamentals of all the sciences and  I used two bar magnets in my research. A bar magnet is a horizontal magnet that has the North Pole and the South Pole and when you bring two bar magnets and you bring the North Pole together you find that the two North Poles will not attract. They will repel, that is, they will push away themselves showing that a man should not attract a man. If you bring two South Poles together you find that the two South Poles will not attract indicating that same sex marriage should not hold.

A female should not attract a female as South Pole of a magnet does not attract the South Pole of a magnet. But, when you bring a North Pole of a magnet and a South Pole of a magnet they will attract because they are not the same, indicating that a man will attract a woman because of the way nature has made a female. Even in physics when you study what is called electrostatics, you found that when you rub particles together they don’t attract each other but when you rub particle in another medium they will attract each other. For example, if you use your biro and rub it on your hair, after rubbing, try to  bring small pieces of paper they will attract because one is charged while the other one is not charged. But if both of them are charged they don’t attract, which means that man cannot attract another man because they are the same, and a woman should not attract a woman because they are the same. That is how I used physics to prove gay marriage wrong.

The Chemistry of Gay Marriage
“In chemistry, I used chemical reactions and we have different types of chemical reactions. We have double decomposition reaction, decomposition reaction, neutralisation reaction and reduction oxidation reaction. But in chemistry I used a simple one known as neutralisation reaction which is a reaction where an acid reacts with a base to give you salt and water. For example, when you bring surphuric acid and you reacts it with sodium hydroxide which is a base you are going to have salt and water.  That tells you that the acid is a different body, the base is a different body and they will react. But if you bring an acid and you pour it on top of an acid chemistry there will be no reaction.  If you bring water and pour it on top it shows that there will be no reaction. If you bring a base either sodium hydroxide and you pour it on top of a sodium hydroxide you find out that there will be reaction showing that a man on top of a man will have no reaction.

A woman on top of a woman will have no reaction, that is what chemistry is showing. Even in chemistry when you also use a process called electrolysis, which is if you use electrolysis of acidilated water, that is water you drop some droplets of acid on it, you found that the negative ions will be attracted to the positive ones while the positive ions will be attracted to the negative ones. So the negative ones are not attracted to their peers, they are all attracted to the positive electrode and the positive ones are not attracted to the positive electrode. Instead, the negative ion is attracted to positive electrodes and why is it that the negative is attracted to the positive? It is because they are not the same. Likewise a man cannot be attracted to a man as negative ion is not attracted to the negative electrode instead negative ion is attracted to the positive electrode. That is what electrolysis is showing us that gay marriage is wrong in the area of chemistry.

The Biology of Gay Marriage
“In biology, I used simple experiments and I came down to a lay man. We have seen that the female of a fowl is called hen and the male of a fowl is called a cock. We have never seen where a cock is having sex with a cock and we have never seen where a hen is having sex with another. Even among lions when you go to the zoo you find out that lion does not mate with a lion instead a lion will mate with a lioness showing that a lion being a male will mate with lioness being a female. Now if animals that are of even lower creature understand so much, how come  human being made in the higher image of God that is even of higher creature will be thinking of  a man having sex with another and woman having sex with another woman? That shows that it’s a misnomer and when you come to real biological standard, when you see a lady you love there is what is called the follicle stimulating hormone.

The follicle stimulating hormone in a man triggers what is called spermatogenesis through your brain which is called hypothalamus. It will send message to your brain when you see a lady you love and through the hypothalamus you will go after the lady. And it will trigger your spermatogenesis and the lady’s host follicles stimulating hormone will be triggered by the hypothalamus and it will stimulate her ovarian follicle. So in the man is the spermatogenesis, in female it’s the ovarian follicle. You find out that the sperm alone does not produce a child and the ovary alone in the female does not produce a child. They need each other for reproduction to occur and the follicle stimulating hormone in the man and that of the female promote different things. The sperm in the man alone doesn’t produce a child and ovary in the female alone does not produce a child, they need each other for reproduction to occur. So that shows how biology proves that gay marriage is wrong.

The Mathematics of Gay Marriage

In mathematics which is another core area of science, I used what is called the principle of commutativity and idepotency. Commutativity in mathematics is simply the arrangement of numbers or arrangement of letters in which the way you arrange them don’t matter. For example, if you say A + B in mathematics you are going to have B + A. For example, if I say two plus three it will give five. If I start from three, I say three plus two it also give you five showing that two plus three and three plus two are commutative because they gave the same results. That shows that A + B will give you B + A, you see that there is a change. In A + B, A started the journey while in B + A, B started the journey. If we use A as a man and use B as a woman we are going to have B + A that is woman and man showing that there is a reaction. A + B reacted, they interchanged and gave us B + A showing that commutativity obeys that a man should not marry a man and a woman should not marry a woman. If you use idempotency, it’s a reaction in mathematics where A + A = A. Actually in abstract algebra, A + A =2A but we are less concerned with the numerical value two. We are more less concerned with the symbols A, you find out that A + A will give you A showing that the whole thing goes unchanged. It didn’t change unlike commutativity A + B give B + A there is a change.

A started the journey in commutativity and A + B gave us B + A and B started the journey after the equality sign. But in the case of idempotency A + A will give you A showing that it goes unreacted. You started with A and you meet A ,the final result is A. Showing that a man meeting a man A + A will produce a man there is no reaction, it goes unreacted and in chemical engineering you have to send the material back to the reactor for the action to be carried out again showing that it goes unreacted. That is how mathematics has shown that gay marriage is wrong because commutativity proves that gay marriage is wrong. Idempotency also proves that gay marriage is wrong. So these are the principles I have used to prove gay marriage wrong in physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics and by the grace of God I am the only one that has proved this in the whole world.
“If you go on the Internet to check whether there is anybody who has used physics to prove gay marriage wrong, you find out there is none. You go to Google or youtube check whether there is anybody that has used chemistry to find same sex marriage wrong, you find out there is none and the same applies to biology and mathematics.
“In general, same sex marriage is evil. It should be stopped by those practicing it. Now they are saying that they will go and adopt a child, the question is that if everybody shows interest in same sex marriage where would the child they are adopting come from?”

Amalaha hopes to win a Nobel Prize someday for his work.

Homosexuality is criminalized in Nigeria. Human Rights Watch notes the country's federal criminal code carries a 14-year punishment on consensual gay relationships. In states within the nation where Sharia law is enacted, gay relations are punishable by death.

Luiz DeBarros, of gay-centric blog Mamba Online, critiqued the coverage of Amalaha's "high-school standard experiments" by This Day Live as "uncritical and uninformed," saying it will likely add to homophobia in the region.

Last year, Nigeria passed an anti-gay marriage bill, despite international outcry against it. This legislation not only targets same-sex marriages, but also anyone who aids or abets gay couples as well as any couple displaying a "public show" of affection

 Chibuihem Amalaha's theory was widely criticized by the foreign media, including even greater criticisms coming from readers from popular American news website Huffington Post

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  1. Secondary skul pratical pls bro up-grade

  2. This guy needs to stop smoking that herb. Its not helping him

  3. This are alrdy esterblshd facts and has no relatioship wit same sex marriage. Maybe U̶̲̥̅̊ shld come up wit new facts. However, same sex marriage is evil and shld attract capital purnishment....... Asiwaju ahmed adeeyo

  4. capital foooool.....bros find ur level n bearing.

  5. Genius!!!!! You need to go to college

  6. Thank you. Beautifully done. It is true. If all of us decide to be gay, where will the babies come from?

  7. The gentleman is sick. All these are what we read in our elemtary physics. nothing is new in your anlysis, please keep quite and stop fooling yourself and the entire country.

  8. Rubbish... These facts have been there even before i was born. You did nothing man... Stop fooling yourself!.

  9. na this u people dey waite for government to to smth for you bf u eat, sleep and wake up you no go ever try to do smth on your own to make a living na govt hand always....if this guy use his brain and make money frm what he did now is part of his own development ......u will stay there and be gossip if you dont use your brain for this country your fellow men we leave you behind people like AY DOT; I GO DIE; BASKET MOUTH etc use there brain to make name they cant waite for any govt to give them job...sitdown at home and be calling urself graduate and waite for govt to provide job lazy people

  10. rubbish. dis is wot ur university education can lead u into. u can do a beta research bro. how can dis ur discovery put food on ur table. maybe u are a secondary school teacher actually. grow up bro!!!!!

  11. all he did was make an argument based on already existing theories. but did he "PROVE"? maybe not.

  12. His analysis is alright, though not new, but the fact is that gays won't listen because they have made the choice that is what they want to be! That's where humans differ from animals; animals can't choose to be gay, they're not made that way but humans can choose to be gay because God has given us opportunities to choose what we want to be, whether that choice is right or wrong is up to us but we will give account wen the time comes. There's a curse on the earth and God has given men unto their lust, hence the increase in gay acts and rape and I'm sorry to say that there's really not much anyone can do about it.

  13. Compliments on ur courage2do dis but derz abolutely nothing new here ...u need2study more brou. U can actually decieve reporters which aint science pple but not pple like me. 9c try doh!

  14. This guy is not serious I was waiting ti hear something scientific and he gives me something from a typical Nigerian movie. Is he still in the stone age? Anyway Gay marriage is reprehensible, but to prove it I think an indept research into the neurological composition of gay people be done, with focus on the part of the brain responsible for sexual orientation

  15. Is this the face of research in Nigeria? I am ashamed!!!

  16. Loooool. nd he is hopin 4 a noble prize?

  17. To hell wif those of u criticizing his write up. those are the real facts about gay marriage, it is evil and anyone found guilty will not only be punished by d law but also receives from God. from where do u want to adopt d child?, from same vagina reaction or same penis reaction?, this is totally abnormal and evil. if your one of them, ur doomed for life, ur just a walking dead. take it or leave it, d fact still remain d facts no matter how we cover it.

  18. Weather he did a primary or secondary research, a research is a research and a reasearch is carried out to show the true and simle facts. those simple reasearch as some have named it is to show u that even an unborn child knows and can testify dat Gay marriage is evil and abnormal. God will punish anyone who commits this evil severely. desist from it if ur one.

  19. By critizing this genius it means you people are totally ignorant of what science and discoveries are all about. This guy will go places, it is only in Nigeria where talents such as this is crucified instead of being celebrated just because he is not from ones tribe. Possibly all the condemnations and critisms were born out of hatred and sentiments. I believe before this piece was publish, his work has been reviewed, tested, and accepted by the Professors and academic community of University of Lagos and beyond. You cannot tell me that there is any among you who is more learned in the field of sciences than these lecturers and professors in UniLag and other Universities who supervised his work.

    For the Discoverer Chibuihem, God will take you to greater heights, one day you will be known like the Phil Emeagwalis, Bert Nnajis, Olisa's, Udogu's and others who have made Nigeria proud among the international community. You will one day win Nobel prize but not the politically arranged type. It is known the western world uses it as a political tool. Though this is a topic for another day.

    Nigeria should learn to encourage one another no matter where he or she comes from, by so doing Nigeria will be great. God bless Nigeria.

  20. Brother GOD will bless u"u have pass a massge to them dat has been dominated by d eveil spirit if thy refuse to turn away" d wages of sin is death,no one has be able to anwser d qustion bfor us d child u wonna adpt were will thy come from'since d gay marriage is d best he dat hard an ear let him hear devil have blind fold ppl.bro may GOD see thru

  21. Thanks i appreciates your comment. I am actually ashamed of the anonymous @8:35 who said he is ashamed of the researcher because he should be ashamed of himself. @9:11am good one. God will definitely help the guy and support him for making an effort.

  22. Totally ridiculous more so I didn't think anybody will respond positively to this profound stupidity in the guise of research but after reading the comment section... wow. naija will never cease to amaze me

  23. Many people here clearly lack ability to comprehend simple write-up and they are shamefully showing it. Black man will always be backward. Reason is simple, we simply can't apply basic formulae for our own use. This dude didn't say he invented a new formula, he didn't mention he discovered any new thing, he simply said he used mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology to prove his believe. The reason we can't develop more than we are is just because we don't know how to apply those exact theories and formulae that we were taught in school. Oyinbo have done this for ages and are succeeding uptil now. Believe me folks, nothing is new in the whole wide world, scientists just apply these routinely. I am sure many people on this blog will quickly hail this report were it to come from a white-man. I commend this guy for the reason that we at least are attempting to take the fight to these degenerates with reasons. Homoplugs like Luiz DeBairos should come up with his own "college level experiments" to debunk these 'high school level experiments'. This is what homoplugs do, try and mock, shame, threaten etc those against their nonsense.

    1. The most reasonable post I've read on this thread so far. I wonder why most pple can't fathom what the dude was trying to say!

  24. Nigerians will never cease to amaze me. Anonymous @2:24 gave the most credible comment out of the lot here. The problem in this part of the clime is our complex approach to things and issues. The automoble that will drive today came from the simple knowledge of converting chemical energy in the form of fuel to kinectic energy. I am very sure the daunces here would have crucified Karl Benz who was credited for creating the first true automobile in 1885/1886 as a high school bro immediately he begins to explain the simple theory behind his creation.
    I am very sure most of the commentators above never pass tbrough the four walls of a tertiary institution if not they will know that in the course of writing their final project in school they have to use the simple to explain the complex. I used the structures of simple sugars to solve the complex riddle of my project.
    The simple quadratic equation is used in many sectors to solve many complex problems. I am very sure they will be among the ones questioning their teachers on the reason why they were being taught quadratic equation in school.
    Another thing, maybe they are even members of the homosexual family.
    "An uninterrupted chain of simple things will give rise to a complex thing."
    Kudos my friend.

  25. Nigerians will never cease to amaze me. Anonymous @2:24 gave the most credible comment out of the lot here. The problem in this part of the clime is our complex approach to things and issues. The automoble that will drive today came from the simple knowledge of converting chemical energy in the form of fuel to kinectic energy. I am very sure the daunces here would have crucified Karl Benz who was credited for creating the first true automobile in 1885/1886 as a high school bro immediately he begins to explain the simple theory behind his creation.
    I am very sure most of the commentators above never pass tbrough the four walls of a tertiary institution if not they will know that in the course of writing their final project in school they have to use the simple to explain the complex. I used the structures of simple sugars to solve the complex riddle of my project.
    The simple quadratic equation is used in many sectors to solve many complex problems. I am very sure they will be among the ones questioning their teachers on the reason why they were being taught quadratic equation in school.
    Another thing, maybe they are even members of the homosexual family.
    "An uninterrupted chain of simple things will give rise to a complex thing."
    Kudos my friend.

  26. Nigerians will never cease to amaze me. Anonymous @2:24 gave the most credible comment out of the lot here. The problem in this part of the clime is our complex approach to things and issues. The automoble that will drive today came from the simple knowledge of converting chemical energy in the form of fuel to kinectic energy. I am very sure the daunces here would have crucified Karl Benz who was credited for creating the first true automobile in 1885/1886 as a high school bro immediately he begins to explain the simple theory behind his creation.
    I am very sure most of the commentators above never pass tbrough the four walls of a tertiary institution if not they will know that in the course of writing their final project in school they have to use the simple to explain the complex. I used the structures of simple sugars to solve the complex riddle of my project.
    The simple quadratic equation is used in many sectors to solve many complex problems. I am very sure they will be among the ones questioning their teachers on the reason why they were being taught quadratic equation in school.
    Another thing, maybe they are even members of the homosexual family.
    "An uninterrupted chain of simple things will give rise to a complex thing."
    Kudos my friend.


  28. I pray that those reading hearts are open to what he is trying to say regarding an issue that seems to be taking over the world. No matter what sin it is, sin separates us from God. We must repent and turn away from sin, and the ask Jesus into our hearts as our personal savior. No man come unto the father but through Jesus Christ. There is a heaven and hell and when we die we will either enter heaven or go to hell. I was in the gay life style for over 26 years going about my life and loving the same sex, but there is a greater purpose for me. I had to make a decision to turn away from my own selfish and arrogant desires and repent for my own sins. I asked Jesus into my heart and God has delivered me from my sins and that life style. You have to know that God wishes that non of us should parish and wants everyone to come into the fullness of Him. I love you all with the love of the Lord and although being gay was the subject of this particular article, any sin if not repented, will cause you to go to hell. Not excepting Jesus as Lord will cause you to go to hell.


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