




Teacher flogs 12-year-old pupil to death for failing to do her homework

A 12-year-old pupil of a secondary school in Awka, Anambra State, Miss Chidimma Ukachukwu, has died after she was allegedly flogged by her teacher for failing to do her homework.

A reliable source in the school told the News Agency of Nigeria in Awka on Tuesday that the girl died on Thursday last week after she was flogged.
The source explained that the girl fainted after being flogged severally by a female teacher and was subsequently rushed to an undisclosed hospital, where she died.
The source also told NAN that the Commissioner for Education, Mrs. Uju Okeke, then ordered the closure of the school as a result of the incident.
A NAN correspondent, who visited the girl’s family home, soon after she was buried on Tuesday in Awka, reports that the family was in grief.
The girl’s father, Mr. Simeon Ukachukwu, confirmed the incident, saying it was a sad development. He added that it was an act of God.
But when Okeke was contacted, she denied ordering the closure of the school and said that the school was on midterm break.
NAN investigation, however, revealed that schools in the state were not on midterm break.
This fact was corroborated by an official of the Nigerian Union of Teachers in Akwa South Local Government Area.
The Chairperson of the union in the local government, Miss Buife Ndigwe, told NAN that primary and secondary schools in the state would go on midterm break next week.
When contacted, the Public Relations Officer of the state police command, Mr. Ralph Uzoigwe, said that the matter had not been reported to the police, but promised that it would be investigated.
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  1. What a sad state of affairs. If this story is validated, I hope that teacher will be brought to justice. I remember being beaten mercilessly by teachers when I was in Primary school. God help us all and comfort that poor girl's family.

  2. so what would happen to the killer teacher

  3. This is really a sad news,this teacher should be properly investigated and be brought to book so as to serve as an example to other wicked teachers. Correcting a child is not all about beating,and I suggest teachers should be having frequent seminars concerning their profession.

  4. Thump up for the Father of the Kid if actually this story is true because the account does not even add up at all. One thing is that often we fail to see the will of God even in our difficult situations. One, I dont think a teacher punishing a pupil because the pupil misbehaved is doing so out of hatred rather is due to love. In some cases thing may go wrong and we have to understant just like the girls father. Look at what is happening today and it is clear that teacher are not just interested in building up a whole child rather they are just after their salaries and other business. Therefore, If we see a school and teachers that still devout time and energy in teaching and building the child we should try and appreciate it despite situation like this. Therefore, Let not crucify the teacher or the school.Let show understanding like the Dad did. It is schools like this that produced great men and women in years back when a Standard six pupils have quality and can even compete with present day secondary school students.This was the era that prroduced great people in all fields. Toaday, with the commercialisation of schools in the name of public schools we know what is currently going on despite the large sums and giagiantic structures of the private and public schools.Who cares whether your child did homework or not, Came to school or not, understand what is been taught or not. All they are loking out for is the population of the school and fees simple.How many schools today fail students or pupils and how many repeat class today for poor performance? So Lets show understanding in this situation.Nigeria is Nigeria not any other country and no mather what cannot run away from our background which is uniquely African when it comes to discipline.

  5. It may not have been deliberate, but it should be investigated with care

  6. Corporal punishment should be abolished in our schools. It is barbaric

  7. This sene is beyond ordinary.Am pretty sure that the girl had been killed spiritually while the teacher was just a means.

  8. The teacher was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. We were beaten for wrong doings both by our teachers and our parents. A taeacher beating a student for not doing homework is common place in our society so the body should undergo autopsy to really place what killed the girl.

  9. I think NP need should investigate this issue.The crime rate in Nigeria now is getting out of hands. Who knows may be d teacher has spiriual agender for betting the poor girl mercilessly to acheive her aim.But i hope the spirit of the poor girl will vindicated her if she knows nothing abt her death.

  10. @ d last comentor,ur point make sense. B'cos human beings ds days re unpredictable

  11. @ d last comentor,ur point make sense. B'cos human beings ds days re unpredictable

  12. @ d last comentor,ur point make sense. B'cos human beings ds days re unpredictable

  13. Thanks for the compliment @unpredictable!!!

  14. It's high time we ban corporal punishment in schools in Nigeria. In the developed world pupil beating in schools is a thing of the past, and the students are doing well overseas. Teachers need retraining in nonviolent and non corporal disciplinary methods.

    This teacher should be chared for manslaughter, possibly murder.

  15. To all of you that are defending the teacher,

    When they flog your own child to death, let's see if you would be this calm.
    I am an educator, and I do not believe a teacher should flog a child, many of the kids have illnesses that parents will not disclose because of what people will think.
    We once had a child that was epileptic and the parents didn't say anything, one of my teachers wanted to cane her, I did some investigation into her offense and I ruled it didn't warrant caning.
    The next day this girl had a seizure in class, of course the teacher came in on his knees and thanked me for preventing him adding complications to her case.

    The school is liable for their teachers actions.
    I pray they arrest and prosecute that "teacher"...sad excuse for an educator.

  16. Banning corporal punishment in schools in Nigeria will not yield good result. Without discipline, school children will exhibit indiscipline to the highest order and the wider community will suffer. This incident is an unfortunate situation and does not show that teachers have become barbaric. Nigeria schools are among the best in the whole world in maintaining a high standard of discipline. In the UK, indiscipline has forced many professional teachers away from the classroom. The indiscipline in UK schools has empowered children to become killers of other children on the streets of London. Some of the UK qualified teachers are now working in other countries like Nigeria, Egypt and Middle East where their quality is valued. Nigeria must respect the value of quality teaching and good school discipline. Nigeria must not copy bad policies from foreign countries. A word is enough for the wise.

  17. corporal punishment is one of the effective measure of curbing indiscipline; infact some children, mere sight of koboko or cane, will even make them poopoo. Although it is not all the time that one should apply this measure. Teachers should be given orientation on proper way of doing so- when, how, which part of the body should be flogged. And any erring teachers will be reprimanded by the school heads. For it is abused by so many teachers- some wicked teachers can go to the extent of caning on the tip of the back side of ones finger, some on the toes, some use heavy stick on ones back. Some apply the beating on the head. Sad experience I had when I was in secondary school was that our physics teacher, because of his excessiveness in the application of this punishment, we nicknamed him 'masquerade.' This man would compel you to kneel on your desk and lift your stool up while he lash you with heavy stick anywhere on your body usually 12-24 strokes. Infact if you venture bring down your hands, strokes given would be discounted.
    The teacher who flogged the child should be investigated to whether she administered the punishment properly or not.

  18. Teachers are not solely responsible for the temperment of a child. That's what they have parents for... Many of you that are sympathising with the teacher it is obvious you do not have children or have taken care of a sick child.

    There is NO excuse to flog a child to death...abi na Sharia law them dey practice for that school?

  19. corporal punishment is one of the effective measure of curbing indiscipline; infact some children, mere sight of koboko or cane, will even make them poopoo. Although it is not all the time that one should apply this measure. Teachers should be given orientation on proper way of doing so- when, how, which part of the body should be flogged. And any erring teachers will be reprimanded by the school heads. For it is abused by so many teachers- some wicked teachers can go to the extent of caning on the tip of the back side of ones finger, some on the toes, some use heavy stick on ones back. Some apply the beating on the head. Sad experience I had when I was in secondary school was that our physics teacher, because of his excessiveness in the application of this punishment, we nicknamed him 'masquerade.' This man would compel you to kneel on your desk and lift your stool up while he lash you with heavy stick anywhere on your body usually 12-24 strokes. Infact if you venture bring down your hands, strokes given would be discounted.
    The teacher who flogged the child should be investigated to whether she administered the punishment properly or not.



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